The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of Mainland China (March 20) welcomes former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou to go to the mainland to worship ancestors.

According to a press release issued on the official website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China Office on the morning, the spokesman Ma Xiaoguang said: "The mainland welcomes Mr. Ma Ying -jeou to come to the mainland to worship, visit, and lead Taiwanese young students to communicate."

Ma Xiaoguang also said: "Being careful and chasing far away is the tradition of the Chinese. Worshiping ancestors in the Qingming Festival is the common custom of compatriots on both sides of the strait."The strengthening of exchanges and exchanges on both sides of the strait can add new forces and inject youthful vitality to the peaceful development of cross -strait relations."We are willing to provide necessary assistance for Mr. Ma Ying -jeou's visit, and wish him all the best."

Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou will go to mainland China from March 27th to April 7th, and will lead Taiwanese young students to exchange with mainland students.This will be the first time Ma Ying -jeou went to mainland China after his deployment on May 20, 2016.He was also the first President of Taiwan, which was settled in the mainland since the cross -strait division in 1949.