Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

The United States is trying to block the high -tech development of mainland China. Taiwan is a global semiconductor manufacturing leader. Therefore, the United States has a period of demand and restrictions on Taiwanese industry. The government must become a strong backing in the industry.Anti -China policy and slaughtered by the industry.

U.S. push chip bill, TSMC Chairman Liu Deyin recently publicly stated that "some conditions are unacceptable", and Economic Minister Wang Meihua said that the U.S. chip law is still within the evaluation period of the bill, TSMC is actively communicating with the United States, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs is alsoWill close attention, and hope not to affect the cooperation between the two parties because of the details of the bill.This shows that the government's attitude is low -key and has a weak position, causing some legislators to criticize the government's incompetence.They believe that our questioning of the US chip law should be the communication between the "country to the country", and the role of TSMC and the Ministry of Economic Affairs should be exchanged. It should be "the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the United States actively communicate and the progress of TSMC's attention."Taking South Korea as an example, Samsung is facing the same problem, but the Korean government has devoted efforts to negotiate with the United States to protect enterprises. The DPP government should not let TSMC solve it.

At present, governments are involved in international economic and trade and investment involvement in the daily depth. Manufacturers' rights are often damaged due to geopolitical political or economic factors. The government must extend a strong arm to reduce the impact of manufacturers.In particular, the United States was originally the most powerful pusher in globalization, leading the spare -spare power of global trade and investment liberalization. In recent years, it has changed its status and gradually withdrew from the leader of global trade and investment liberalization.In order to curb China to continue to rise rapidly, the United States has settled in many parties and uses long -arm jurisdiction to drive the allies to follow up; the past has been demolished by the wall, and now it is building the wall.The related industries in Taiwan are the first to face a severe test. In particular, when political interests conflict with corporate interests, how to solidify the wall for enterprises is even more thoughtful.

The semiconductor industry is an important indicator of the overturning of the US global policy.In the past, based on the principle of comparative interests, the global layout of American operators was released, but in order to suppress China and the revival manufacturing industry in recent years, the policy reversed, and the chip and scientific law came into being.The company is located in the United States to revive the manufacturing industry and strengthen the national security and key supply chain in the United States.

The U.S. government Xiangzhuang dances, the main goal is to China.According to its bills, companies that accept funds shall not transfer funds to relevant foreign entities, and prohibit the expansion of semiconductor manufacturing capabilities within ten years (means in mainland China).Anthology, joint research or technical permission for any form.It is obvious that the intention of building a wall for China is obvious.Taiwan is the leader of semiconductor manufacturing and an important supplier of the mainland. Of course, the United States has many circles. TSMC has been circled into the American wall, and it is blocked by the walls and related operators as mainland China.Under the geopolitical changes such as strategic competition in the United States and China, the industry is reluctant to cooperate based on the consideration of the security layout of the supply chain.If you can get a subsidy, you may also deepen the relationship between the Taiwan plant and the US semiconductor industry and get the opportunity to participate in the development and sharing results of the US semiconductor.

Recently, the subsidy conditions announced by the United States have been deeply difficult to get in Taiwan.The U.S. government is also greedy for the dividend brought by this policy, requiring the industry to share the profit score of a specific ratio, and also use the machine to collect the secrets of business. The industry must provide detailed chip production capacity, expected yield, customer information and other sensitive information requirements.These rigorous requirements show that in addition to building high walls to China, the US chip policy must also be convenient to dig deep holes and accumulate grain, and consolidate the semiconductor industry.

Taiwanese industry players have no reason to cooperate with this point.Regarding the difficulties of the industry, the government looks like soft -footed shrimp from beginning to end. Unlike the EU actively negotiating with South Korea, it strongly requires the United States to consider the reasonable rights and interests of the industry.In fact, some of the negotiating chips in Taiwan cannot be excessively weak due to political considerations. Instead, they should use the negotiating chips in their hands to vigorously defend the interests of corporate interests.On the one hand, the essentials of fixing walls are setting topics to facilitate the development of our industry, effectively reduce the impact of American wall building on enterprises. On the other hand, it is necessary to increase the level and density of Taiwan's high -tech industries., With a view to taking the opportunity to promote further upgrading of the industry.