Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou will land on the visit next week to visit the ancestors and youth exchange for eleven days.Because it was the first step in the President's visit to Lu for more than 70 years, the news attracted great attention and believed that it had historic significance.As for what impact on cross -strait relations, or even whether it will affect the election of Taiwan's election next year, the blue and green camps have different emotions and interpretations.In any case, Ma Ying -jeou has a soothing and tension effect on the occasion of the opponent of the two sides of the strait; he must also respond carefully to avoid being blurred by the opponent's masterpiece by some micro -negligence.

Looking at Ma Ying -jeou's arrangement of this time, we can see his intentions and cautiousness.First, in the name of returning home, he returned to his family back to his hometown to worship his ancestors in Baishi Town, Xiangtan, Hunan, highlighting the blood and emotional umbilical cords on both sides of the strait, and have a good ice melting effect.Second, this trip avoids political sensitivity in Beijing and does not arrange to meet Xi Jinping. It only visits Shanghai, Nanjing, Hunan, Chongqing and other places, deliberately reducing this political color, and can effectively resolve the unnecessary redness of the green camp.Third, many cross -strait youth talks are arranged in the schedule, including middle school students and college students. In addition to helping each other in the next generation, they also have a symbol of cross -strait look at the future.

Ma Ying -jeou's biggest feature is, of course, his step -down as president.Due to the limitations of the National Secret Protection Law, Ma Ying -jeou could have been relieved by the territorial management restrictions in May 2019; however, due to the extension of the Tsai Government Amendment Law for two years, it also expired on May 19, 2021.Therefore, the Cai government has no reason to make any reasons or block, and can only hope that he will adhere to the "peer dignity" position.At this point, the Cai government has no idea that Ma Ying -jeou should be prepared.

Looking at Ma Ying -jeou's visit to Lu from Taiwan, it may focus on the impact of this trip on Taiwan's public opinion and the election of next year.For the people of the mainland, when you see the presidential visits generated by the elected election in Taiwan alone, you should be curious about the system gap between the two sides of the strait.What's more, if he sees Ma Ying -jeou's words and deeds, if he talks about the history and culture of common concern with the familiar language on both sides of the strait, he should help melter the people's bad sense of Taiwan in the confrontation between cross -strait confrontation in recent years.This is definitely a focus of observation when evaluating the loss of Ma Ying -jeou continent.

Interestingly, Ma Ying -jeou's journey to land in land just happened to overlap with Tsai Ing -wen's visit to the United States in China, which caused speculation from the "different signs of each other."However, the Malaysian team publicly clarified that this schedule was finalized before the Spring Festival, especially the "ancestor sacrifice" in the Qingming season, which is inevitable.Such an explanation may be a bit of doubt about the green camp.In fact, the phenomenon of this current president's visit to the United States and the former president landed on the ancestors, instead of being regarded as a "contradiction" of politics, it is better to be regarded as a "complementarity".To put it simply, Tsai Ing -wen visits the United States for the need for Guoan and defense, and Ma Ying -jeou landed in order to seek more fundamental peace. Both of them are necessary. Blue and green do not have to rush to mutual degradation.

In fact, at the end of last year, the Democratic Progressive Party was defeated in the nine -in -one election. One of the main reasons was that the "main battle" line of the Cai government was not allowed to people's hearts, so it was rejected by the people of peace on both sides of the strait.Judging from the latest online polls, up to 770 % of people said "optimistic" to Lu Jixu to the ancestors of Lu, and some people asked, "Why can't you worship ancestors?" "Is peace of peace?"The "selling platforms" and "united front" used by the DPP have been out of date.Moreover, when Tsai Ing -wen went to the United States, he met McCarthon in California in California, isn't it just to avoid the other party from visiting Taiwan directly?

Most of the visits are very formal, but they can also be long.Although Ma Ying -jeou went to land this time, although he deliberately reduced his political color, because cross -strait relations were in a low tide, if he had proper management, the peripheral effects brought by this trip may be more pleasant than the "Horse Study Club" more than seven years ago.road.The key is that when the Triangle Relations of the United States became too inclined and too much, he had the opportunity to pull Taiwan back a safer position.