Source: Ming Pao

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida, Kishida, arrived in New Delhi, India on Monday (20th) to launch a two -day visit to India to seek bilateral relations such as defense and security, trade and investment.Kishida held talks with Indian Prime Minister Modi yesterday and published the Japanese version of the "Free and Open India -Pacific Region Peace Plan".Kishida pointed out that its plan includes ensuring the "four pillars" such as sea and air safety, and it is promised to invest $ 75 billion before 2030 to assist in various aspects such as industrial to disaster prevention in the Indo -Pacific region.The "Indo -Pacific Strategy" is to compete and suppress China's rise in the region.China reiterated that "the Asia -Pacific region is not a geopolitical field" and accuses relevant countries to "build a camp to fight against small circles."

This is the second time Kishida visited India as Nikko.Before the departure, he said that this year Japan was the rotation country of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7), and India was the Chairman of the G20 (G20).National relations.The focus of Kanada was the "Indian Council of World AFFAIRS" event at the Indian Think Tank's "Indian Council of World" yesterday afternoon.

Promote the freedom of navigation to strengthen the cooperation of the country and the country

Kishida announced yesterday that its new freedom and open Indo -Pacific region plan to have "four pillars", including maintaining peace, cooperation with national national cooperation with the Indo -Pacific region to solve new global issues, achieve global links through different platforms, and ensure opening upThe safety of the sea and the air.In order to achieve relevant goals, Kishida promised to provide 75 billion US dollars of funds to the Indo -Pacific region by cooperating with private investment and yen loans and increased government assistance by 2030.Kishida also pointed out that plans to expand their freedom to cooperate with the open Indo -Pacific region framework, and emphasized the increasingly close connection between countries and promoting freedom of navigation, and focused on strengthening the maritime defense and security between the same -Dowedo countries.Kishida said that Japan will work with India and the United States to work with a friendly exercise with the Asianan countries and the Pacific Island country.

In recent years, China has strengthened its military deployment in the Indo -Pacific region, while promoting the "Belt and Road" initiative while rapid realization of naval modernization.The United States, Japan, and South Korea have announced its Indo -Pacific Strategy, and the focus is on how to increase the influence of China's increasing increase in China in the Indo -Pacific region.Kishida said yesterday: "Only relying on the connection with a country will bring political fragility. Our goal is to increase the options of each country, to overcome these vulnerabilities by connecting and achieve further economic growth."

Asked why the plan was announced during the visit, Kishida refers to India an important partner of the vision of free and open Indo -Pacific region.Modi said at a press conference after the two people's meeting earlier that strengthening the partnership between the two countries is not only important to India, but also promoting peace, prosperity and stability in the Indo -Pacific region.But on the other hand, the Japanese India has a very different position on the Russian army's invasion of Ukraine. Kishida said that it would prevent the Russian army from invading Ukraine as soon as possible, and it was important to show unity, including the so -called "Global South" international community.On the other side, India did not sanction Russia, and refused to blame Russia, while increasing the purchase of Russia's oil.

Wang Wenbin ridiculed the "free emissions" of nuclear sewage on the day

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin has responded to the "free and open Indo -Pacific region peace plan" on Friday (17th), which said that the Asia -Pacific region is not a geopolitical field.Cooperation should be beneficial to maintain regional peace and stability, and should not target third -party or harm third parties.He also pointed out that some countries sang the so -called "Indo -Pacific Freedom and Openness". In fact, it was to build a small circle to the camp. China is not interested in such action plans. "We are concerned about that a country wants to be in the Pacific Ocean.Plan for nuclear pollution water 'free emissions'. "