When diplomacy is abducted by internal affairs, when anti -China becomes the only "political correctness" that can unite the country and unlimited outline, a gentle and rational voice will be shouted by shouting and killing.The way out, and war will be the "terrible consequences".


Before February this year, no one expected that a Chinese "wandering" balloon could cause such a strong response in the United States, causing such a huge diplomatic storm.

The "Civil Meteorological Balloon" in this Chinese mouth is a "military spy balloon" in the eyes of the United States.China claims that it flys into the United States. It is "an accidental occasional incident caused by pustle", which means regret; the United States states that it deliberately flys to investigate US military facilities, and severely discussed.

This balloon is easy to choose or not, but it has chosen the most tense relations between China and the United States, and the "fear of Chinese disease" in the United States drifted into the United States when the cream is ill.It's a pot.The U.S. government responded extremely strong under the pressure of internal pressure. The mainstream and social media were overwhelmingly hyped up day by day. They followed the tracks, painted voices, created panic, and the absurdity was staggering.

Even some US and international media can't stand it anymore, using the "hysterical" words to describe this out of control.Not to mention the media in mainland China.

Monthly Review published on February 21 on February 21 entitled "Why Do We Have a Balloon Hysteria in the U.S.?"Those bombarded news reports were "completely crazy."The South China Morning Post in Hong Kong on February 15 commented "Balloon Brouhaha is American Polictical Hysteria at its Worst" (the balloon coaxing is the worst political hysteria in the United States) that this hysterical emotion has destroyed any restraint and rational efforts, so asThe stance of tough and confrontation has been strengthened. Republican and Democrats have been chasing me in this balloon or even any Chinese topic. They are tougher than to see who. The political signal they issued will promote people."The state of sexuality", and the mainstream media also played together.

But you may say that monthly comments are left -wing media in the United States, and the South China Morning Post is also regarded as "Chinese media" after all. It is not surprising that they take such a position, so the importance of comments should be discounted.

Well, should the Washington Post should be an internationally renowned American mainstream newspaper?The newspaper's famous columnist Max Boot published on February 6 entitled "The Frenzy Over China's Spy Balloon is Dangerous and Unwarranted" (the fierce response to the Chinese spy balloon is dangerous and unnecessary).The "hysteria" describes American reactions.He said: "This whole incident makes me feel disturbed and panic. No, I am not worried about this spy balloon. Yes, it is unacceptable to violate the US airspace, but it does not constitute any practical threat, and I also suspect that I also suspect thatIt can collect information that Chinese spy satellites cannot collect. What is worried about me is that so many Americans have an excessive reaction to the hysteria of this balloon. "

Even the small country, who is far away in Southeast Asia, is shaking his head and sighing.Professor Xu Tongmei, a well -known Singaporean diplomat and tour ambassador, who has always been rigorous and gentle, and gentle, can't help criticizing the United States this time, which is surprising.Han Yonghong, deputy editor -in -chief of Lianhe Zaobao, directly quoted a frank speech at a seminar at the Southeast Asian Research Institute on February 9th in the comments entitled by the United States Anti -China on February 10th.I feel worried about reaction. I think the United States' response to China is hysterical. This makes it very difficult for the policy formulation of rational thinking and rational policy. "She wrote:" Xu Tongmei is a senior diplomat and is gentle and elegant.The United States directly criticized the United States, some unexpected, but also highlighted the deep concerns of the diplomatic community and the scholars in the region's diplomatic community and scholars in the deterioration and out of control of Sino -US relations. "

Yes, the out of control of balloons panic is indeed very worrying.This Chinese balloon was finally destroyed by the US Air Force aircraft on February 4th, but the United States discovered other three unknown balloons. Under the rendering of the media, the wind was scarred and the grass and trees were all soldiers.After that, the Air Force also sent fighters to destroy them one by one, but found that they were "harmless" balloons of civilian!

"Foreign objects" caused panic

This can't help but remind people of the collective hysterical incident that the United States also occurred in 1938 due to "foreign objects".

In the 1930s, the United States experienced a serious depression. Under the economic slump and decline and the shadow of the war, the people's hearts were frightened, like a bird of shock, which was a bit similar to today.

At that time, commercial TVs were not popular, and radio stations were one of the main sources of information.On October 30, 1938, the Columbia Broadcasting Station (CBS) aired a set of Broadcasting Drama Worlds. It was directed by the famous radio actor Orson Welles.This set of radio dramas described by the Martian invaded the earth was treated with Wales, interspersed with scientists' interviews, the "live actual report" of the Mars from landing, the military and police rushed to the scene at the scene, and the government that continued to be interrupted.The announcement of "Announced Emergency", etc., is wonderful and lifelike.

Wells has a majestic vowel, through his vivid and compactness, painting and painting, plus the explosion sounds from the scene, the strange screams from the Mars, the scream of human beingsSound, groaning of police officers, etc., the plot became more and more tense.Because it is too realistic, many listeners believe it.In the end, Wales simply plugged in a large number of news from the "battlefield", pushing the plot to the climax: the Mars has begun to start a poisonous gas attack, and New York City is evacuating the masses. This may be the last broadcast ... Soon after, news, newsInserting was interrupted by the broadcaster's "coughing of the inhalation of poisonous gas", the broadcast stopped abruptly, and it was silent.At this time, many listeners have been scared to half dead, sitting uneasily, and even escape from home!

October 30 is Halloween, the New York Times said that there are as many as 6 million people who listened to this radio drama, and many listeners even believe that the Mars invasion is true.The newspaper reported on the cover version on October 31st, the title was "Radio Listeners in Panic, Taking War Drama as FACT"To Escape'Gas Raid from Mars' -PHONE Calls Swamp Police at Broadcast of Wells Fantasy "(" Many people escape from home to escape the 'Mars' poisonous gas attack' -the broadcast of Wells fantasy drama enables the police to pay poor calls ",Wells refers to the author of the play, Herbert Wells).

This radio drama of Orson Wales has become a classic case of communication science, which has been enduring, and now you can hear it in YouTube.It is considered to be one of the earliest examples of electronic media that leads to collective hysteria. It lively shows the hugeness of people's fear of psychology and affecting people's emotions.power.

But the same hysteria, the panic caused by the classic radio drama in 1938, quickly calmed down after the official emergency clarification; the "balloon shock" in 2023 was endless in politicians and the media.Continue fermentation under hype.The panic in 1938 is purely an accident, and in 2023, it is completely artificial.

The balloon storm has led to the cancellation of US Secretary of State Brills to cancel the visit to China. The Chinese Defense Minister is unwilling to accept the proposal to call the US defense chief. Just because the US President Biden and the Chinese President Xi Jinping last November, in the face of face -to -face talks in Bali IslandSino -US relations with signs of recovery have deteriorated again.

In particular, the Republican Party also hit the iron and used the balloon panic to promote the strong attitude of the House of Representatives to China that it controlled.On February 28, the House of Representatives' Financial Services Committee adopted a series of sanctions proposals related to China. The Foreign Affairs Commission also passed the proposal to sharing TIKTOK in the short video sharing application of China on March 1.Initiated.The Foreign Affairs Commission also plans to vote a proposal to ask China to "take responsibility" to the balloon floating over the United States. It also requires a report on balloons and suggested that Biden made a visa limit.In addition, Republicans of the House of Representatives also continuously put pressure on the Biden government, asking for further restrictions on the sensitive technology exporting to the United States in China ...

That's it.Former Singapore Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen lamented in an English version of China Global Times on March 1: "If a balloon can cause such a domestic storm in the United States, imagine that if a more serious thing happens, the decision makers in Washington will have to be.How difficult it is to make the right decision. They will do something that may not meet the long -term interests of the United States under the huge political pressure in China. "

American spy "gadgets" include Vientiane

Well, it is just a balloon that "does not constitute any actual threat" (the aforementioned Patt). Is there really such a great sin?Even if the spy balloon is really good, even if it deliberately deliberately explores the army over the United States, what about it?Isn't this the "common business of soldiers" internationally?Isn't the United States play this kind of game often, and is it more popular than anyone else?

Don't say anything else, just say that the balloon is good.Didn't the U.S. Department of Defense just just formulate a new plan to use military reconnaissance air balloon to explore the military conditions of China and Russia?Politico (Politico) published an article entitled "US Mility's Newst Weapon Against China and Russia: HOT Air" on July 5, 2022 (the US military against China and Russia's latest weapons: hot air).It revealed the content of this new plan: "These flying balloons at 60,000 to 90,000 feet will be added to the wide surveillance network of the Pentagon, which may eventually be used to track hypersonic weapons."

In fact, the balloon is just a small gadget in the American spy toolbox. Various high -tech network technology, including artificial intelligence network technology, has been used to set up a monitoring and listening Tian Luo Diwang in the world.fact.

If the reader is unforgettable, you should remember the person Edward Snowden?—— Of course he also remembers the big news that he was shocking 10 years ago.

Snowden is a contractor of the National Security Agency (NSA). In 2013, he stole the entire 10 million copies of the NSA's large -scale monitoring operation codenamed "Prism Plan" (Prism).The secret documents are all publicly public. Through the British Guardian and the Washington Post in the United States, it has been systematically released in major media in Europe and the United States to shock the world.Under the "Prism Plan", NSA's large -scale monitoring and monitoring of millions of home and foreigners is not just hostile countries, but even the leaders of friendly countries and allies will not let go, including then German Chancellor MerkelEssence

The exposure of the "Prism program" has set off a huge international storm, and countries have condemned and protested, making the American intelligence department extremely embarrassing, and more damaged the image of the United States.But what about it?Time has moved, the boat has no trace, and the days have been shown. The United States continues to monitor the reconnaissance of the enemy's country in all directions and the whole time and space. Whoever has it!

The "Prism Plan" should just be one of the secrets of the exposure. I believe there are various other "haha mirrors" plans. You may wish to use your imagination.In contrast, the stray cannons in China are good, and the United States plans to operate high -altitude balloon reconnaissance in China and Russia, which is just a piece of cake.

This kind of thing, ordinary people may not know, but the popular members of the United States, the majority of politicians, the media supervisor, and even the entire ruling class should be known, so why is it "co -worked together" or at least ""Collective inaction" allows the magic of Chinese sports to push the fuel to the extreme, and detonate a suspected spy balls into a collective hysteria that will be out of control at any time, and ignore the terrible consequences that may cause?Isn't it a thief shouting a thief?Into the heart!

When diplomacy is abducted by the internal affairs and the anti -China becomes the only "political correctness" that can unite the country and unlimited outline, a gentle and rational voice will be shouted by shouting and killing. The confrontation upgrade is the only way out.And war will be the "terrible consequences".

Thinking about it.

The author is the former editor -in -chief of Lianhe Morning Post