Source: Taiwan Newspaper

Author: Wu Kunyu

Taiwan's voluntary service period has been extended to one year of disputes. Although the government has been determined to do it, the subsequent political storm causes a headache.As a result, the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party called Ke Jianming a few days ago to release the news that it was necessary to extend the service period from the original "investigation case" to the "review case", so that the Kuomintang group in the wild to "shake the pot" in the wild.It was to throw hot potato to the Legislative Yuan, and to drag the Kuomintang into this beach mud.

Political considerations are all political considerations

According to the laws and regulations, it is indeed not required that the legislative court will not need to be extended. The administrative organs can be determined only by the administrative organs.The DPP has changed it to a review case, and it is indeed playing the drama of "scattered responsibility".It is intended that through the three -month review process, the Kuomintang party expresses its consent or disagree, dragging it into the controversial vortex, so that it is in a dilemma.If opposition is opposed, the Kuomintang will be approved to sell the Taiwan to the Taiwan to weaken the defense; if they agree, the Kuomintang will no longer have a strong position to criticize the Democratic Progressive Party to let the "youth on the battlefield" and take the one -year service as a political withdrawal machine to pick up the votes.

On the contrary, the original calculation of the Kuomintang is to limit the hot potato frames to the Presidential Palace and the Ministry of National Defense. Regardless of the extension or extension, the old K has something to say.Extending, the Green Camp is required to treat young people as victims; without extension, it is a good business that "anti -China -China -protecting Taiwan" is playing fake.But for Lao Ke (Ke Jianming), the Kuomintang could not put it out of the matter. The knife cut tofu on both sides and became a mirror of pig Bajie overnight.Opposition, the willingness to be willing to be questioned will be questioned; agreeing or abstaining, then scolding such a fierce scolding in the previous election, is it playing fake?

This matter looks very large, the key competition is actually very simple.The main tangles for the two major parties that have influenced such a wide range of things are neither the needs of national security nor the effective and reasonable period of the current service period?It is not a matter of appropriate procedures for the decree system.Instead of agreeing or disagree, who will bear the power of the post -politics?The contest has long been considered from Guoan to the belonging of political responsibility, and a solid election consideration.

Back to the changes in military service in recent years. In the period of Chen Shui -bian's government, the service period has been reduced from 10 months a year to one year, which has made the military community feel too short.However, during the period of Ma Ying -jeou's government, he worsened, not only abolishing the recruitment of recruitment, adopting a full -time fund -raising system, but also changing the voluntary service period to a four -month "military training".Even the veterans who wrote the recruitment policy and speaking for the Malaysian government sighed in private: "Can such a national army fight?" But standing at the obedience of obeying orders, he could only open his eyes to talk nonsense and take care of the policy.The point is that the service period is shortened, but the training content has not changed at all. It is still the infantry tactics of the previous industrial era, plus the concept of armored and artillery after World War II.After the Hong Zhongqiu case in 2015, the army was almost equal to abolition.

The key in the head of the military general

It was not until Tsai Ing -wen came to power that the opposite side of the martial arts strengthened that it began to adjust the installation and slowly carry out military reform.However, the resistance of several military generals and Yang Fengyin violated, and many plans could not be pushed at all, especially the Army.The Land Defense Force (TDF) was rejected outside the door by deep evil pain, and the reserve reform was forced to take a step.After being scolded, the shooting training of six rounds a year was adjusted to 20 rounds, increasing to more than 200 rounds, but it was almost 10 times compared to the US military specifications.Stabbing was scolded by public opinion. Taiwanese soldiers who participated in the war in Ukraine laughed at the abolition, but the respect of the general commander of the Army was still vigorously promoted, and they also gave people a wooden gun everywhere.

The core of the

The problem is never the length of service or the law system, but the head of the military general.Many people only know the combat concept trained by Huangpu in their lives. They are completely designed to customize the concept of modern warfare based on the imagination of modern science and technology war.The system design ideas in the army have always followed the order of "fighting, pretending, compiling, and training". If you do not imagine the shore defense army, you can find the enemy's boat waves at 30 kilometers offshore and mobilize artillery to annihilate;Five to 10 kilometers offshore attacks ammunition; the offshore is destroyed with anti -armored missiles one to five kilometers; the landing is trapped in the urban war, making it unable to start, and the airport and port ...If you cannot use this series of tactical planning to determine the method of "playing", and then buy equipment and adjust the army marshal, how can it be possible to draw out the "training" method that needs to be in actual combat?Finally, then decide the length of the service period, adjust the training content?

In other words, the tactical concept of the commander of the Army and others still stay in the trenches of the World War II era, and even the previous industrial era.The bayonet is a substitute for the spear.Before the 17th century, the speed of the fire rogue and the shot gun was too slow, and the accuracy was too low. In the running distance of 200 meters, at most one to two guns, there was a need for the protection of spearrs to prevent the enemy cavalry and infantry of infantry and infantry infantry.charge.By the 18th century, the French peasant riots inserted their spears on the muzzle as a spear substitute. After that, the general of Louis XIV found that the trick was easy to use before invented the modern bayonet.During the World War I and World War II, the Germans, the Japanese, and the Taiwan Army all filled with the embolism rifle filled with the rear. The accuracy was good, but the rate of fire was still not enough.Standards for judgment of combat power.But since the Vietnam War, the M-16, AK-47 and other automated assault rifles appeared, and the bayonet charge was gradually eliminated, because within 10 seconds of 100 meters sprint, the enemy forces were enough to light 30 rounds on you.Recently, in Ukraine, most of the Russia and Ukraine armed forces used grenades to sweep the trenches and houses. No one has been using bayonet. The bayonet is mostly used to open cans.However, our chiefs still intentionally preserve this rare "intangible cultural heritage", and their intentions for the preservation of cultural assets should be rewarded.

Most of these great officers belong to the dark blue system, and the same temperature layer is extremely thick, so Zhao Shaokang will say a joke like "four months of service".Therefore, in order to fight for slander, there is no reason to say that the investigation case will be changed to the review case to make the review case, so that the opposition party also participates in the defense reform of the entire Taiwan.Military matters are complicated, but the experiments are very simple. It is effective and effective.

The national defense military service system should not become pork barrels and withdrawal machines

In other words, "soldiers, great national affairs, the place of death, and the way of survival, must not be inspected." The national defense priority is related to the lives and deaths of the people across the country, so in the opposition and the wild, they should be inspected and participated.Even if the decree does not require review, it should be involved.The bizarre system of four months in Taiwan ’s service period was because the party’ s opposition party did not argue with political sensitivity and voting considerations that year, and did not dare to oppose it and evade the review.Nowadays, it is possible to borrow the period and establish constitutional practice. Major decisions on cross -strait, national defense, and diplomacy can be changed from investigation to review so that all political parties can participate in it.The more arguing, the more clear, and finally form a consensus, but at least it can make the positive and negative opinions, and let people see the arguments and persistence of various positions. It is not necessarily a bad thing.

The French "Tiger Prime Minister" in the World War I have said: "The matter of war is too important, so he cannot be fully committed to the general." He may think of Bismarck.In victory, the German generals wanted to rush into Vienna, but let Bismarck stopped, and finally talked with beautiful diplomatic methods.But this sentence seems to be more reasonable: "The matter of war is too important, so it cannot be fully committed to politicians." Because politicians always only calculate the reality responsibility and the votes, and never think about strategic and tactical needs, as well asConstruction time for military systems and equipment.

Who should the war be given to?Personally, since the investigation case is changed to a review case, the Legislative Yuan may wish to convene scholars and experts from all parties to open a few more public listenings and let the professional voices come in.Or arrange members to visit the training venue on the spot and discuss with the men to understand the actual situation.In this way, it may be more than a few people in the secret room to engage in "interior design (others)", which is more likely to gain public trust and achieve society.Consensus, the consensus of the country, so that the case that should have been set up early, no longer hesitation, the ends of the first and tails, the father and son ride a donkey, allowing Taiwan's national defense and military service system to stabilize since then, and will no longer become the pork barrels of any political party.And withdrawal machine.