The US Vice President Candidate TV Debate was held on Wednesday (7th). The vice president Pence and the Democratic candidate Harris were tattooed by the new coronary virus epidemic.The worst governance in history failed, and Pence insisted that the government's epidemic prevention performed well and asked the other party to stop playing politics with epidemics.The outside world believes that compared with the first presidential debate, the two performed more civilized this time. The CNN polls showed that about 60 % of the people believed that Harris performed better.

The failure of Trownch's anti -epidemic treatment

This time is the only vice presidential debate in the election campaign. It was held at the Utah University of Salt Lake City.The organizer adopted a number of epidemic prevention measures, including arranging 12 feet (about 3.7 meters) of the two people, and separated by transparent rubber. After the two came to power, they had no handshake.The admission person must receive the virus test first. Except for two candidates and hosts, everyone must wear a mask.

Harris's attack on the epidemic issue directly pointed out that the Trump administration knew about the livelihood at the beginning of the year, but it has been concealing and diluting its seriousness, causing Americans to see the worst presidential governance in the history of the United States.She said that when the presidential candidate Biden's future organizing the government will take the focus of resistance, and implement plans such as tracking, testing, and free vaccination.She also doubts about the statement of the new crown vaccine who has repeatedly said that the new crown vaccine will be suspicious. It is said that the vaccine launched by Trump has not won the endorsement of the American National Institute of Allergies and the Infectious Disease Research Institute.Essence

Burns avoids the transfer of power

Burns, who was in the trend, emphasized that Trump has always put national health first. For example, Washington had a tourist ban on China on January 31 on January 31, a month after the epidemic in Wuhan, also known as that health experts had warned the United StatesEven if the best epidemic prevention measures are adopted, 200,000 people may die.He criticized Harris to continuously destroy the public's confidence in the new crown vaccine, urged the other party to stop playing with the people with the lives of the people, and accused the post -recovery plan of the worship team from the government's epidemic prevention plan, which was a bit like plagiarism.

Although there is no lack of thermal smell in the debate, they are relatively peaceful and rational and have no abuse.Pence tried several times to interrupt Harris' criticism of the Trump administration. Harris smiled, polite but firmly warned Burns not to intervene, and the approach was well received.Pence tried his best to show his humanity, saying that the United States was heartbroken for 100,000 people in infection.However, the two avoided their questions on some sensitive issues. For example, Harris did not express the statement of increasing the number of judges of the Supreme Court, and Pence did not respond to whether Trump's defeat would be transferred to the regime peacefully.He only believes that Trump will be re -elected.

Many media described this debate as the tongue of civilization, which made people look at the policy of the two -party camp.According to CNN polls, 59%of the respondents believe that Harris performed well and believes that she is more able to defend her campaign partner than Pence, which can focus on uniting the country, and the needs and difficulties that can touch the general public.However, 55%of the audience believes that debate has no effect on its voting intention.