Zhongshi Society

After the Taiwan -Minister of Foreign Affairs Wu Zhaozheng cools down the relationship between Taiwan and the United States, the frequency and scale of the main military aircraft disturbing Taiwan decreased, creating a space for imagination for traffic and green.On September 30th, a spokesman for the National Taiwan Affairs Office of the National Taiwan Office, Ma Xiaoguang, stated at the press conference, clearly showed that the mainland hopes to create a signal of a wider breakthrough opportunity for cross -strait relations.

Just as the Klingmlin school studying the Soviet politics in the past was subject to the long -term bureaucratic culture, coupled with the gap between the cross -strait discourse system, the release of new signals to the mainland to Taiwan is often hidden in the rules and language. It needs to be interpreted to interpretIt can be received, but Taiwan does not understand the political culture of the mainland, and it is easy to miss the opportunity. It is a pity.The latest statement of the Taiwan Affairs Office is worthy of in -depth interpretation.

There are three key points of this reporter: First, the 92 consensus answers to the 92 consensus answers to the 92nd consensus on the Internet of 1992 consensus in the near future, reiterating the unshakable position of the 1992 consensus as a cross -strait political foundation.Second, responding to the concerns of the mainland's frequent military activities around Taiwan's frequent military activities, it was concerned about martial arts and war, and reiterated that the military intends to warn Taiwan independence and the United States, not the Taiwanese people.Third, we responded to sensitive political topics, including very rare to respond to the issues of the Republic of China at the official press conference, and mentioned that the cross -strait China is also seen from your regulations (referring to the Constitution of the Republic of China).

The possibility of restarting dialogue on both sides of the strait

In the above key points, a main line can be sorted out, which clearly wrote the word avoidance.By reiterating the consensus of 1992, Lu Fang expressed three layers of meaning to Taiwan: First of all, the mainland still had the willingness to restart interaction with Taiwan's officials, and did not regard the DPP government as a military group or the object of conquer.Secondly, the mainland still accepts and recognizes the existing political differences on both sides of the strait. It is willing to seek the same difference in depository differences, but does not want to rise to sovereignty contradictions to avoid war clauses that detonate anti -split national law.Furthermore, the mainland expects that the DPP government can make more positive statements on the issue of Constitution 1, and does not exclude new consensus that communicates with the 1992 consensus.

A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has a few expressions that the signal released is quite unusual.According to official media Xinhua News Agency, the DPP legislators proposed constitutional amendments to Taiwan independence.In this regard, Ma Xiaoguang described it with a handful of Taiwan ’s independence forces that it was neither directly tied with the DPP government, nor using the past to criticize the Tsai government to condon the Taiwan independence split activities.In other words, Lu Fang cautiously discussed the green committee involving the constitutional amendment and distinguished from the Tsai government.

What is even more intriguing is that the voice reporter of the Land Media Strait proposes that as long as the chairman of the sea -based club that can be accepted on both sides of the strait, after the US election, there will be contact issues on both sides of the strait.Although Ma Xiaoguang has never been misleading and reiterating the basic a response of the 1992 consensus, it is the so -called windless waves. From the signs of the invitation of Wang Jinping and the Cai government not stopped, the interaction between the two sides of the strait is frozen on the surface.Below, who said that there was no undercurrent surging?

The Mainland Taiwan Affairs Office and the military showed that pressure on Taiwan was targeted, limited, and room for time. The purpose was not to provoke war, but to warn the US -Taiwan relations not to go to the start of the war. The mainland still supports civil exchanges.2. Maintain cross -strait economic cooperation and not give up peaceful unity.Similarly, the DPP also clarified the constitutional amendment of the specific faction background in a timely manner. After Wu Zhaozheng's interactive step on the brakes of the United States, Wu Zhaozheng did not have repeated words, and he was also a war of avoidance.The State and Taiwan Affairs Office of the National Taiwan Affairs Office and the Marine Council are currently continuing the saliva war on the 1992 consensus, but this kind of over -the -world trick has allowed the outside world to see the possibility of restarting communication dialogue on both sides of the strait.

It is necessary to review history under the tight interaction of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits under the tightness of politics.In 1998, Gu Zhenfu met with Wang Daohan in Shanghai. It was not authorized by the two sessions, but the meeting.In the atmosphere at that time, after the cross -strait experienced Lee Teng -hui's visit to the United States, the mainland's anti -division military exercise, the Taiwan Strait crisis, and Lee Teng -hui high vote, the political mutual trust of the two sides had been severely weakened.The appearance is out of God.But even so, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait resume communication with political wisdom, bypassing the differences between cross -strait differences with negotiations, and even making the Republic of China and freedom of democracy a topic that can be discussed on both sides of the strait.

October surprise is still icing in October

After Chen Shui -bian was elected president twice in 2000 and 2004, the mainland official media published a number of articles reviewing the ins and outs of the 1992 talks, proving that the cross -strait was intersecting on the issue of China.Recently, the ninety -two consensus answers launched by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council are exactly the same as that of the text of the year.Coincidentally, Tsai Ing -wen was the staff and members of Gu Wang's meeting in 1998. It was also Chen Shuibian's first chairman of the MAC. Among the two historical fragments above, she was the core participant.

In the two inauguration speeches, President Tsai promised to handle cross -strait affairs with the regulations of the people's relationship between the Constitution and the Cross -Strait.Zhang Xiaoyue, chairman of the MAC, stated that the two sides of the strait were not diplomatic relations, and the deadlock failed to open after all.

The Double Ten speech is about to appear. In the face of the aggressive constitutional amendments, what attitude will President Tsai use it?Persist in the Constitution and Cross -Strait Regulations One Middle Red Line?The issue of new directors and APEC summits of the Sea Foundation will follow, will President Tsai take the opportunity to pull the distance from both sides of the strait?Whether it was amazing in October or merging in October, it was between the ruling people on both sides of the strait.