Wang Qingmin

On August 30, the Czech Senate Speaker Vestchr led 90 people to visit Taiwan and delivered a speech in the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, expressing his support for the Tsai Ing -wen regime.In his speech, he also used the former US President Kennedy's speech in Berlin. I am a Berlin. I read that I am a Taiwanese in Chinese, expressing its strong pro -platform.In addition, in a university's speech, he conducted a fierce criticism of China on the crown disease epidemic and the Belt and Road issue.

This has made the Tsai Ing -wen government and people from various countries excited and cheered.For the Taiwanese authorities, which have repeatedly trapped in recent years, the initiative of Vestyl's active visit is undoubtedly a heavy gift, which has a strong needle for Taiwan's diplomacy.At the same time, the incident also triggered the diplomatic storm of mainland China and the Czech Republic.Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned this to challenge lsquo; the principle of RSquo;The two sides once called on each other's ambassadors to express their protests, and the storm has not settled so far.

When people focus on the relationship between the diplomatic shock waves, the Czech Republic and Taiwan and the Chinese mainland, the Impact of the Czech internal political structure and political competition in the incident were largely ignored in the incident.The neglected factor contributed to the decisive factor that contributed to the incident in Taiwan, and the long -lasting differences and oppositions of the Czech politics in the field of China.This is located in the European belly -hearted area and the political pattern of small and strong countries connecting Central and Western Europe. It is worthy of careful exams and analysis.

The Czech Republic is implemented by the republican government of parliament. Although the president and parliament are selected by the general election, the power of the country's power is in the parliament.For more than 10 years when the Eastern European drama and velvet separation (Velvet Divorce), the Czech Republic of China was divided by the four major parties (and its differentiated variants), including the left -wing Social Democratic Party (CSSD)The Viadian Communist Party (KSCM), as well as the right-wing Citizen Democratic Party (ODS) and the Christian Democratic Alliance MDASH; the Czechoslovak People's Party (KDU-CSL).The Vistle visiting Taiwan belongs to the Citizen Democratic Party.

Entering the late 2000s, Czech's populism is increasingly prosperous, and people are becoming more dissatisfied with several traditional autocratic parties holding politics.Under the joint influence of the people's psychology and international populist trend, a populist party that is dissatisfied with the Action of DissatisFied Citizens has risen rapidly.In the 2013 parliamentary election, the party won 47 seats in one fell swoop and became a member of the governing alliance.In 2017, the party that has been renamed the 2011 (ANO 2011) won 78 of the 200 seats from the House of Representatives, becoming the largest party and leading governance.Andrej Babis, the party, is also elected Prime Minister and has been in power to this day.

Another Czech Pirate Party (CPS), which is a populist, has also performed well in parliamentary and local elections in recent years.In the past two years, the Prague Mayor ZDenek HFIB, who has visited Taiwan twice (including following Vestinchr) and publicly questioned the principles of the first Central China, was a member of the Czech Pirate Party.

The rapid rise of populous parties has made traditional parties face severe challenges.In the 2013 parliamentary elections, the citizen Democratic party seats fell from 53 to 16 seats, losing their ruling power, and the political crisis was deep.The election in 2017 has risen slightly, but it is still far from 2011.This forced it to be eager to create hot events and achieve major political achievements in order to inspire voters' enthusiasm and attract public support.

In this context, Jaroslav Kubera, one of the leaders of the party and former Senate Speaker, and Vestinchr, who also from the Citizen Democratic Party, actively promote values diplomacy and advocate that a free -democracy country with like -mindedness establishes closely.Relations to defend the basic values such as anti -communism and liberalism held as right wings.

The Chinese regime, which criticizes the Communist Communist Communist Party, is a priority choice for them to promote values diplomacy.

This year is the Czech Senate election year, and next year will be the House election year.At present, the crown disease is raging, criticizing China on the land of opponents in mainland China, and more applause from some people in the Czech Republic.For the Citizen Democratic Party, choosing to visit Taiwan at this time is the most favorable time to stimulate voters.Westchl's visit to Taiwan and criticized China fiercely, in order to win the election and restore the decline of its political parties in the Czech politics.As for the political principles of defending value diplomacy, it is relatively secondary.

Trying to open the situation in the field of diplomacy, including Chinese issues, and draw votes for elections. In the Czech Republic, there are more than Westchl and the Citizen Democratic Party (the aforementioned He Rupe is a typical example of another pro -Taiwan), nor is it all to criticize the treasure in mainland China.Or get close to the Taiwan regime.A pro -Chinese faction represented by the current President Milos Zeman chose to close the relationship with China to promote the economic and trade exchanges between China and China.Verseter support.Zeman is also the only head of state from the EU in the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese Anti -Japanese War in 2015.

Zeman not only interacts with China frequently, but also publicly criticized Vestchr and his former Curberra's anti -Chinese pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -Chinese actions this year.His Social Democratic Party is also very opposite to the Citizen Democratic Party's anti -Communist Party, anti -Russia, and anti -Chinese positions. It is closely interacting with the Chinese and Russian politics.

Similar to the situation of the Citizen Democratic Party, the Social Democratic Party's seats have also plummeted, and the election is tight. It requires strong internal and foreign policies to win voters.For the Social Democratic Party, which is dominated by the economy cards and fighting for the labor class, the development of trade in China is an important means to boost the economy and increase employment; and the Social Democratic Party has a strong anti -American position (on the contrary, the Citizen Democratic Party is just pro -beauty),It is also necessary to attract Sino -Russian countries and other countries to depend.

In 2011, other political parties, such as the issue of watching China, are more obvious on the issue of China, tending to maintain the status quo and follow the wind.They are neither as enthusiastic as Vestiqil and others, nor the pro -schools as Zeman and others, and are willing to maintain the principles of China and the status quo of diplomatic relations.Because of this, in the House of Representatives that do not dominate the Democratic Party, such as the Citizen Democratic Party, the Speaker of the Social Democratic Party and all the members of the Communist Party have not followed Vestchl to visit Taiwan (the Senate, which is the Speaker of the Speaker), and the Czech RepublicMost of the government officials have not joined the team in Taiwan.

Zeman and Vestinchr, the Social Democratic Party and the Citizen Democratic Party, are the opposite attitudes and movements in China, Russia, and Taiwan, and the watching and hesitation of other political parties.It is the overflow of ideology of various political parties and the continuation of domestic politics.Economic and trade, human rights, values, and geopolitics are all required questions in China. The issue of Taiwan involves multiple fields, which is also very sensitive and the focus of argument.As an important member of the EU, the Czech Republic also involves the EU's overall policy of China, and has a significant impact on Sino -European relations.

From the current point of view, the values of Vestinch and the Citizen Democratic Party are temporarily better.In terms of political correctness and consistent considerations, Zeman chose to silence after a diplomatic conflict in the Central Petjoi. The Foreign Minister of the Social Democratic Party also expressed his dissatisfaction with China's fierce attitude.However, this is likely to be a short -term situation.In the long run, both the anti -Chinese school and the pro -Chinese school will return to the team.When the German Foreign Minister Marce met with Wang Yi, he expressed his support for the Czech Republic. To a certain extent, he would encourage the Czech anti -Chinese school, which also reflected the connection effect of Jizhong relations on European -China relations.

With the approaching election, the fierceness of the competition of various political parties, and the population of political situation, the Czech Party factions and related politicians will also perform on the issue of China.Therefore, the political impact caused by Vestchr's visit to Taiwan will not subscribe for a while and a half. The changes in the Czech politics will continue to deeply affect the relationship between the Czech diplomacy and the China -Porsche.

The author is a Chinese strategic analysis magazine writer, international political researcher, writer

As the elections approach, party partiesThe popularity of competition and the population of political situations, the Czech Party factions and related politicians will also perform on the issue of China.Therefore, the political impact caused by the Czech Senate Speaker Westchier's visit to Taiwan will not calm down for a while and a half. The changing changes in the Czech politics will continue to deeply affect the relationship between Czech diplomacy and China -Pacific.