01 Viewpoint

The third wave of the new coronary pneumonia continued, and the Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue, the official of the Health Bureau, announced a number of epidemic prevention measures at a press conference on Sunday (19th), including expanding masks to make applicable scope, and some civil servants work at home.At the meeting, Lin Zhengyue did not rule out the re -enrollment, and also mentioned the possibility of the banning of many cities.Whether citizens need to ban their feet in the future, how can the government avoid panic, and all decision -making officials must be cautious.

Experts may be banned

As the epidemic has become more severe, recently government experts Yuan Guoyong and Xu Shichang have stated that the government has responded to the epidemic prevention measures such as home or order.Yuan Guoyong, a lecture professor at the Department of Micro Biology at the University of Hong Kong, said that if the current epidemic prevention measures are now promoted, the number of diagnosis will still rise geometrically. At that time, the government will consider the home order, at least restrict the daily life of citizens.Xu Shichang, a lecturer professor at the Central Respiratory Science Science Section, also pointed out that if a large number of citizens continue to go out, the government may need to implement a ban.

The government announced that the government departments that were not provided by emergency or must be served were working at home from Monday (20th), but many office workers in the society still had to go to work in the office.Among them, in order to prevent the epidemic, Singapore has used a ban on foot order. The government designated by the government to work at home or suspended business at home to ensure employee health.In the early stages of epidemic, the government can maintain the operation of the society as much as possible.However, once the epidemic broke out in the community, the number of diagnosis was not shown in the decline, and the citizens' feet were also a feasible method to avoid excessive crushing the medical system.

Avoid panic in the feet

After the outbreak of the third wave of epidemic, there was a sporadic buying wave in Hong Kong. Fortunately, it has not spread throughout Hong Kong. Citizens have not needed to worry about supplies.Among them, Ciyun Mountain, which had an epidemic, was snatched out of food shelves such as food surfaces in the district supermarket.Lefu, Xinpugang and other reappearances of paper towels are even reproduced.Some supermarkets start to restrict purchase due to the epidemic. Limited customers cannot purchase more than two pieces when buying white rice, paper towels and other designated goods.

If the government wants to implement the ban, it cannot start suddenly like other measures such as restrictions and closing places.The government should announce it to the citizens as soon as possible so that citizens and enterprises are prepared.The government should also coordinate with retailers such as supermarkets. For food, epidemic prevention items, and goods that have been snapped up, the supermarket is restricted by the head.The government can also announce the number of corporate inventory of Hong Kong Baimi, Mask and other items in a timely manner, so that citizens can feel at ease.The occurrence of snap -up waves may not necessarily originate from the shortage of supplies. More often, the citizens buy excessive materials and empty the shelves to make panic.How to keep citizens confident that you can stop and stop before buying materials, and it is also a major issue that the government must face.