150 scholar writers on Tuesday (July 7) in a public letter named Harper ’smagazine on Harper’ smagazine.There are many familiar names participating, such as British novelist Salmanrushdie, Harry Potter novel author J.K.Rowling, etc., and the phenomenon of "fighting" caused by the current left wing.

Public faith emphasizes that "the free communication of information and thought is the lifeblood of a free society, but it is becoming increasingly narrow."For example, the letter mentioned in the New York Times in June, a Republican Senator supported the sending articles to deal with the demonstration, causing public opinion bombardment, which eventually led to the resignation of the editor of the review version.The letter also mentioned that "the reporter was banned from publishing some theme articles" and "the professor was investigated by a professor because of quoting literary works in the classroom", so that the joint agencies would worry that such different opinions would be criticized, resisting, and even affecting the cause of the causeThe atmosphere of life will deepen the "limitations of debate" and make the society lose "the space for adventure or even make mistakes", which is not conducive to diversified discussions.This phenomenon is also known as "Cancelculture". Former US President Barack Obama opposed this phenomenon at the Youth Summit, arguing that the "blocking culture" will create network opposites and exacerbate the atmosphere of selection stations.

The phenomenon of "blocking culture" is different from simply opposing others.In the phenomenon of "blocking culture", people not only express disagreement, but also formed destructive attacks and resistance. It is no longer an disagreement, but a "punishment".It is not difficult to imagine that when a writer, artist, journalist, or network KOL published works that deviate from the public consensus, they will undoubtedly increase their possibility of self -examination before expressing their opinions.

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Freedom of speech, of course, there are boundary lines, but the "blocking culture" is regarded as political correctness by some people.In addition, GeorgeFlayd, a African -American man, died after the police enforcement, and called on the "political correctness" demonstration of ethnic equality.II, sculptures such as Gandhi, India have been graffiti or damaged, and also focused on whether politics was excessive.

Many people have proposed that as the right to advance the value and diverse tolerance of the left -wing discourse has continued to increase, the left wing has formed a suffocating space for speech.However, just like the ethnic minorities, the focus should not be the number of people, but whether their speech space is guaranteed.That is to say, the focus of being alert to politics is to refuse to label others rudely, and then deprive them of their right to speak.For example, simply support women's makeup and discriminate against women, and supporting troubled women is to support racism. It is also a rough label, which hinders meaningful discussions.

Some people are easy to put a negative label to the other party. The reason why it is difficult to accept multiple discussions is that they believe that the opposition's view will deepen the reality.For example, those who support women have legal abortion rights may think that conservatives who oppose this right deepen the female body.Another example is that some racial rights will think that the racial remarks are already part of the oppression of ethnic minorities.But when the society needs, if the remarks do not involve the red line such as hatred, violence, does the above oppression exist?Or do they have to be dismissed through the way of extinguishing sounds?

Whether the free discussion has the border and where the border is, maybe it is a difficult problem for the long -term discussion of society.But what is certain is that if it is labeled as the opponent in the name of liberalism and condoned the "blocking culture", it may in turn violate the spirit of the free society.After all, on the way to pursue a variety of and civilized, "I don't agree with your point of view, but I vowed to defend your right to speak."