Source: Hong Kong 01

Last Thursday (May 28), the National People's Congress decided to authorize the Standing Committee of the People's Congress to formulate the Hong Kong Edition National Security Law, reflecting that the legislation is imperative, and it will not be disturbed by some American politicians.In fact, the main reason why the central government is eager to fill in the national security vulnerabilities of Hong Kong is that it is derived from the comprehensive confrontation between China and the United States; the more the United States is involved in Hong Kong affairs, and the more I am able to prove that the central government's vigilance of Hong Kong affairs.However, it is undeniable that the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law did cause many Hong Kong people to worry. The central government actively split the four types of crimes of crimes in the four types of crimes of the country, subverting the state power, terrorist activities, and external forces.Weaken Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy, and the legislative decision proposed that the central government will set up an organization to maintain Guoan in the special zone according to needs, and is also questioned to move the mainland governance method to Hong Kong.

In the short term, the central legislation will indeed have a negative impact on Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy. Some politicians even describe the death of one country, two systems.We do not agree with this conclusion, let alone that the non -constructive populist abuse is helpful to the situation.Some Pan -civilian members have crossed the Hong Kong legislature for legislation and do not respect the Hong Kong Legislative Council.We hope that these members respect the IQs of Hong Kong citizens a little respectful MDash; the Central Government states that Article 23 of the Basic Law is facing the risk of being put on hold for a long time. I understand who knows who is obstructing 23 legislation, which will cause the central government to take the initiative to change Hong Kong and change Hong Kong in the national security field.How can you pass the central government and destroy the high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong?

Even if it is a political dispute, the truth still needs to be talked about.High -degree autonomy is not a high wall that is separated from Hong Kong and the Mainland. Under the principle of a country, the constitutional responsibility is an indispensable element of maintaining autonomy.Hong Kong 01 has always advocated that Hong Kong society seeks consensus as soon as possible, completes 23 legislation, and has regrets that Hong Kong has failed to abide by the current and evolved into the state security law in Hong Kong.Provide opinions for the legislative process, and hope that the legislation will be completed smoothly, as if the central government has formulated the Basic Law for the first time for Hong Kong.We also hope that all representatives of all political circles will actively face it and actively propose, rather than complaining.

Active legislation test the central government's understanding of the two systems

The central government's initiative to formulate the National Security Law for the Hong Kong law is a major test of whether the success of one country, two systems can be successfully tested by MDASH; if Hong Kong does not have the understanding of 23 legislations as Hong Kong people lacks their understanding of one country, one country, one country, then the Hong Kong version of the national security law is whether the central government understands the two accurate understanding of the two.The big test of the system.As long as it is properly handled and can achieve the same effect as the basic law, then the legislation of the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law is to improve and consolidate one country, two systems, and active demonstrations for future contradictions in central and Hong Kong.

Maintaining a country and two systems is the consensus between the central and Hong Kong society, but for a long time, each other is familiar and unfamiliar with each other.Everyone knows that it was the central government that the central government had their own lifestyle before the return of Hong Kong people, and understood the uncomfortable adaptation of the Hong Kong people to the Mainland system, and took special measures taken to resolve the concerns of Hong Kong people.We also know that through the amendment of the constitution and formulating the Basic Law, the central government authorizes Hong Kong to adopt a different system as the Mainland. This is two systems.However, people rarely comprehensively understand why it is a country, two systems, especially the meaning of one country.In fact, a country shows the nature of Hong Kong's return, and confirms that Hong Kong has transformed from the British colony to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

In the daily government operations and social operations, how to effectively implement one country, two systems is a political course that the central government and Hong Kong must explore together.Some people think that holding the heavenly book in their hands can point to how to practice one country and two systems, but the frog at the bottom of the well and the idiot dream.

Duanbenzhi ostrich mentality, eaten autonomy

Why does the Pan -civilian party in Hong Kong still adhere to the one country, two systems, but the central government has severely accused its challenges and contempt for one country, two systems?This is a topic that all Hong Kong people should think deeply.We sincerely believe that the vast majority of politicians and political parties in Pan -Democratic factions do agree with the two systems in the same country, but the facts are in front of them. They do not respect the fundamental principle of one country. Their political behavior ignores the factors of national security and national dignity.The central government has already realized this, but even so, there is no strong intervention, and even waiting for 23 years.During the period, various things that seriously challenged national dignity occurred in Hong Kong, and the central government still did not force the Hong Kong government to deal with it severely.As a sovereign government and a single system, it is a test that allows Hong Kong to use different political, economic and social systems.Participate in one country, two systems.

Similarly, the return of Hong Kong is not a choice question, but the inevitability of law, reason, and affection.Britain was evacuated in Hong Kong until 1997. It was not so much its active choice as it was that the Chinese government took this arrangement of the geopolitical situation and historical history.How did Mrs. Dewer go down the stairs of the People's Congress that year, and Hong Kong people are vivid.After returning, the implementation of a country, two systems is not for the British to fight back for Hong Kong. Hong Kong people should never think that they can rely on the colonial signs of the sovereign of the colonies and have the right to use them.With the British and American flags, the central government can make a low voice.

Hong Kong is no longer a colony. We should try to strive for the largest autonomy and development space for Hong Kong, but this does not mean that it is necessary to play with the central government in the power of governance of Hong Kong., Let this system gradually mature and stable.

Actively face the largest number of equivalent to reconstruction of Yanggang

Why should the central government formulate national security laws for Hong Kong this time?Since it has been waiting for 23 years, why can't we wait for it?The key is this equal word.If it is just waiting, it is estimated that it is not a problem. However, Hong Kong people know that it is actually an indefinite waiting. I believe that even the Pan -Democratic Legislative Council members cannot determine how long it will take.As for the members of the institutionalist, although they have enough votes to complete the legislation, they dare not make a commitment due to the lack of political energy.The Hong Kong government's responsible task has been a long -term dragging trick for many years.When there is an institutional framework in Hong Kong, it cannot be effectively operated. It is no wonder that the central government has determined that the Hong Kong government and legislature have not completed their constitutional responsibilities and have not assumed the fundamental obligation of one country, two systems.The legislation is to make up for the lack of work in Hong Kong.

Why does the central government formulate social security law for Hong Kong?This is also rooted in the reason why Hong Kong adopts one country, two systems MDASH; Hong Kong people lack confidence in the laws and political systems of the Mainland.If this mentality is completely unreasonable, the central government will not design a country, two systems, two systems and two systems for Hong Kong.In this case, the central government should continue to adhere to this understanding mentality and continue to use the principle of one country, two systems to formulate the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law for Hong Kong.As long as the central government adheres to the attitude, methods, and procedures of the basic law of that year, it can achieve the result of the acceptance of Hong Kong people, and once again proves to Hong Kong people, the central government can know what is one country, two systems.

If the formulation of the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law tests whether the central government still understands how to legislate in Hong Kong under the principle of one country and two systems, then in the past 23 years, Hong Kong has not been on its own national security legislation.It is not confident that even whether it can be the national security legislation based on the success of one country, two systems.

Although we are also anxious, we still have confidence in the legislation of the central government, because we firmly believe that maintaining one country and two systems is the largest number of equivalent of the central and Hong Kong society.Thirty years ago, the basic law formulated by the central government was supported by the vast majority of Hong Kong people, including the Pan -Democratic Party.In the process of formulation of the Basic Law, Hong Kong has a positive and supportive attitude towards its ultimate implementation.We don't think that the implementation of the Basic Law in the past 23 years has failed, otherwise, why no one has proposed amendment or even cancel the Basic Law today?This time, the central government formulated the National Security Law for the Hong Kong Law in the case of helplessness. We believe that everyone should be bold and actively facing.Take a step back, there is nothing to shrinkSignificance, anxiety cannot change reality at all.