After the crown disease broke out in Wuhan, some people and local officials in Indonesia began to spread the remarks of anti -Chinese guest workers.It is widely circulated in social media, a 58 -second video, showing that in mid -March this year, 49 Chinese guest workers with masks pushed their luggage and stepped out of Harrole (Kendari) Harrole (Haluoleo) Airport.Video producer commented: All machines are crown disease!

This video was spread at once, and the Indonesian newspaper compass also followed up in detail.Harroari Airport is located in Kowane, Southeast Province, Sulawesi. This video suddenly caused the residents of Guewine, and questioned why the government allowed Chinese guest workers to work with crown diseases.

Merdisyam, the local sheriff, responded that the 49 Chinese guest workers arrived from Jakarta and they were old employees of Indonesian Chinese companies Delong Nickel (VDNI).They went back to work after extending their work permits in Jakarta, and never returned to China during the period.

The sheriff also said that these guest workers not only had a work permit, but also had a health certificate.Obviously, the police wanted to settle the people's hearts through this statement.

Unexpectedly, Sofyan, the head of the local security and the head of the law, refuted, saying that the 49 Chinese guest workers were new, from Henan, flying from Beijing, China to Thailand on February 29.After the 14th, he obtained a health certificate issued by the Thai Harbor Bureau.They arrived in Jakarta on March 15 and were tested at the airport. They took the Gruida flight on the same day and went to Grine in the same day to prepare to work in local Chinese companies.

The local immigration director Alvin also confirmed that they were from China.Sheriff Murdimum knew that he was setting up oolong and hurriedly apologized to the media, claiming that he had been misleading before.Obviously, Indonesian local agencies have not communicated.

The residents of Guenen began to protest, asking Guevine County Mayor Gehdot; Kery Saiful to expel the 49 Chinese guest workers to protect the safety of the people.However, the local police launched an assault operation and arrested video producers.This person is called Hadino. At the age of 39, he publicly acknowledged that the whole machine had a crown disease and said that he said it for a while, and said that it was inadvertent.This sentence caused the residents to panic, he apologized to the public and promised that he would no longer be criminal.

Hadino was released after being warned.It is reported that Ali Middot, Governor of Southeast Southeast Province of Surawishi; Maxi ordered the sheriff.The governor also specifically thanked Hadyo's information, but it was suggested that he would directly notify the governor in the future, so as not to cause panic to the public.

The right to approval of foreign workers in the central government

The Chinese passenger workers' incidents did not end because of this.Residents continued to criticize the county chief, saying that he allowed the establishment of an industrial zone in the northern part of the province, and now brings trouble to this area.On March 19, Gei attended a joint meeting on preventing coronary viruses. The attendees include Southeast Southeast of Surawishi and the head of the local police.

At the meeting, Ge Lai said that there were already 1064 Chinese guest workers hired by Chinese companies in Guewine County, and there were too many people. The provincial government asked the provincial government to stop issuing a new standard to Chinese guest workers.He also pointed out that the current Chinese guest workers, whether they are legal or illegal, sneak into the local area through various channels of sea, land and air, and ask the police to prevent strict prevention.Finally, Gei requested that the above 49 Chinese guest workers were repatriated to China.

Governor Ali Middot; Mado said in response that the approval of the employment of foreign workers was in the hands of the central government, and he had no right to interfere.As for the above 49 Chinese guest workers, it is being isolated for 14 days and has not ended.On the other hand, whether to send these 49 guests back to China must be submitted to the central government, because Indonesia has foreign investment laws, and local measures cannot conflict with the country's decree.

Although the provincial government has been isolated by 49 providers, the emotions of the people are still very excited.Two local citizens organized to demonstrate the local immigration bureau and asked the Immigration Bureau to send them back home.In addition, demonstrators criticized the local immigration office to be opaque to the incident and asked the director to resign.The demonstrators began to incinerate the tires and were stopped by the police. As a result, they clashed with the police, but did not cause bleeding.

The Vice President of the Great Indonesian Movement Party Fedrich Middot; Song made a comment on the incident: this is a scandal.When the coronal virus was raging, some people quietly entered foreign workers to Indonesia through areas with severe epidemics.Information about these foreign workers is also contradictory.He criticized that Indonesia did not have real leaders.

Democratic Secretary of the Democratic Party also commented, saying that the local alarm posted wrong information, and said sorry.If it is the people, it will be accused of spreading fake news, which is very unfair.

Ruhut defended Chinese guest workers

However, the Indonesian marine affairs and investment coordinating Minister Luhut defended these Chinese guest workers.He said these people are legal foreign workers.On January 4 this year (one said on January 14), they obtained visas for immigration Indonesia and work.Although Indonesia issued the 7th order on February 28, it was not allowed to enter China or live in China 14 days ago, but they were not suitable for these 49 Chinese workers.He hopes that everyone will not have nothing to do with this very important period.

Chinese labor incidents also attracted the attention of Congress.On April 1st, the Indonesian Minister of Law and Human Rights Jacusona Middot; Lauri dialogue with members of the relevant committee of Congress through videos.Yatonna's explanation is similar to Lutur's explanation.One of the members asked, why did Rujut also participate in it?Jacusonn explained that this matter is related to investment, and Luhut is the Minister of Maritime and Investment.

Some observers believe that the situation of these 49 Chinese guest workers is a bit unusual because they enter Indonesia through the loopholes of law.They know that after February 28, Indonesia banned the people from the country and the people of China who had a serious epidemic, so they first went to Thailand to isolate for 14 days, and Thailand had not announced it as an epidemic area, so it complied with Indonesia's regulations.After obtaining a health certificate in Thailand, they flew to Jakarta.After passing through the Jakarta Airport, he transferred to Indonesia's domestic flight to Southeast Southeast Province.

According to the current regulations, they need to be isolated for 14 days to work.At first, it was an isolation in the enterprise. After the local Ministry of Human Ministry inspected, they were required to accept isolation.

Local Human Ministry official Tida Middot; Bingta revealed that these guest workers entered Indonesia with visa instead of work visas, so they could not work in Indonesia.If it is illegal, the employer will be fined for this.However, the central government claims that these guest workers are in line with regulations and have no illegal.

Obviously, there is a gap between the central government's decision and the local view.Many analysts believe that the government's departments should be rectified.

This incident is currently a paragraph.It illustrates that the Indonesian government's views on economic activities in Indonesia in Indonesia are not the same; the most sensitive is the problem of Chinese guest workers.During this epidemic period, this problem became more acute.

This incident shows that both the government and Chinese enterprises have problems in dealing with guest workers.This case also highlights the negative impression of ordinary Indonesian people and local officials on Chinese guest workers and reflects the internal struggle within the Indonesian government.

(The author is a senior visiting researcher at the Estaov Isaf Isa Easa East South Asian Institute in Singapore, a part -time professor of the Nanyang University of Technology Rajernan International Research Institute)