Author: Shen Yi

The epidemic caused by the new crown virus has caused more than 100,000 infections worldwide in the world.From the perspective of international relations and global governance, the anti -new crown virus epidemic is an unexpected global governance capacity limit test. In the international system, the country, and the country, all aspects are represented by public health coordination.Global governance mechanisms, crisis control and emergency response capabilities of sovereign countries, and the cognitive and implementation capabilities of governments at all levels in China have been conducted.

From a macro and overall perspective, the content involved in this test is roughly divided into three parts:

The first part is the detection of surface action capabilities;

The second part is the pursuit of conceptual cognition behind the ability of action, which is roughly involved in the relationship between individuals and collectives, procedures and substances, the relationship between cognition and action;

The third part is the excavation of value concepts. The core question involved in answering is how important it is.

According to data released by the World Health Organization, as of March 8, 2020, there have been more than 100,000 cases of new crown virus infections in the world, reaching 106,893 cases. On March 7, 3,735 were added worldwide, of which 102 new diagnosis was confirmed in China., 28 newly died. In addition to China and regions, 3,633 cases were diagnosed on the day, and 78 cases were added. A total of 93 countries and regions in the world found confirmed cases.

In order to guide countries to fight against the epidemic, the World Health Organization provided an open course (Open WHO), translated into 17 languages, and 161,000 learners have learned.As a subordinate of the United Nations, the World Health Organization is based on its ability and resources to play a corresponding role in the way people can perceive.

From the perspective of actual effects, including warnings to the world's emergency state of public health, as far as WHO's design function is concerned, it is basically full power.However, objectively speaking, the actual data of the global diffusion of the new crown virus reflects an objective fact: Faced with the public health crisis, the global coordination that the existing WHO can achieve may still have a considerable room for improvement.

In other words, at the system level, the preliminary test results after the outbreak of the new crown virus showed that the existing global governance mechanism arrangement does have the necessity, urgency, and feasibility of continuous improvement and improvement.

After the outbreak of the new crown virus epidemic, some media published an article discussion. Is the new crown virus epidemic that crushes the last straw of globalization?The proposal of this issue, and the interpretation of this type of article, is based on the methodology used in the subconscious, based on the three wrong assumptions:

The first wrong assumption is that history is in a state of cycle. It is constantly switching between state A and B, but this is just to understand the misunderstanding of the three -dimensional system with a two -dimensional angle. History is rising.It may be circulated, and it is even more impossible to retreat;

The second wrong assumption is to understand global governance as a state of artificial pursuit. I did not see that the globalization behind global governance is the market mdash; or more straightforward is capital, the structured needs of endogenous, rightThe pursuit of the global integration market is just a global replica of the domestic market integration. This is a historic process. There is no country that is capable of substantially blocking this process;

The third error assumption is that the method of returning the previous globalization era can be used to solve the problems that occur in the process of globalization.Seeing that there are problems in the process of globalization, of course, it is a kind of progress than not to see a problem. Trump and its team defeated Hillary in 2016.Europe, the core is also this.

However, the problems in the process of globalization can only be achieved by the benign changes of global governance, and cannot be achieved by destroying or substantially blocking globalization.The company's sanctions and restrictions are good, and the deeper reasons for the expected results are delayed.

The same is true of the emergence of the new crown virus epidemic. In fact, people have found that the new crown virus requires a higher -quality, excellent global governance, rather than the negative return to the state of the old death.

More importantly, human life, or the development of the market and the development of the economy?

In theory, this should not be a problem, especially in developed countries in Europe and the United States.From the perspective of non -Western perspectives, shouldn't this be a problem: Do you remember the American classic blockbusters that were moved by countless people to save the soldier Ryan?However, in reality, in this epidemic that fights the new crown virus, people seeing in a considerable number of European and American countries does not seem to be a realistic version of saving the soldier Ryan, it may not be other American dramas, but more like after mutationFamous poems: Love is valuable and the price of life is higher. If it is free, both can be thrown.

In order to be a typical personal freedom in the absolute sense, it is typical, and on the question of whether to bring a mask, it shows some kind of confusing and persistent resistance; even the so -called philosopher's epidemic to explore the severity of the government to expand to expand to expandOf course, some people will say that this view has been responded and refuted, reflecting the beauty of freedom of Western speech;The core element of the epidemic is speed. In other words, it is time.Any kind of freedom of speech that looks beautiful is calculated based on the spread of the virus and the threat of human life.

Another reasonable and unexpected operation appeared in the United States.The core of this operation is to emphasize that the new crown virus is a large flu. Most of them can heal itself.Misunderstanding of the symptoms.

On March 5, 2020, the New York Newspaper issued an interview with Dr. Elward, the leader of the WHO China Expert Expert Group.The reporter asked, what is mild, severe, and critical?We thought it was as mild as a slight cold.

Dr. Elward pointed out that mildness is to detect positive, fever, cough mdash; mdash; maybe even pneumonia, but does not need to absorb oxygen.Severe is the increase in respiratory frequencies and decreased blood oxygen saturation.Dangerous is respiratory failure or multi -organ failure.Therefore, the so -called 80%of the case is mild, not what we think.However, it is worth noting that when the United States responded to the new crown virus epidemic, it showed a subtle operation that did not match people in the world's only superpowers in the world:

● When the new crown virus epidemic broke out in China, and the Chinese government's organization struggled to fight, the US government played the role of bystanders, continuous moral preaching, and occasional gloating roles: the US embassy in China used Weibo official account, which did not hinder the release of the United States.Or assist the handling of Chinese overseas Chinese group donation of materials, describes the global benchmark, used for self -praise, attracting Chinese fans, and the image of the world's responsible power to the world in the cheapest way;

● The red wanted criminals and cults accepted by the United States, under the shelter of the United States, disseminate the false information of the new crown virus through global social media to slander the efforts of China's anti -epidemic situation;

● American media holding a liberalist position, providing a sound stage for individual characters in China to implement the color revolution in China, regarding the epidemic as a strategic opportunity to implement Su Dong -style reform in China, expressing the foundation of new crown viruses as the same passersby as a passerby.The joy and relief;

● Individual media, through the articles from some domestic think tank elites, tablesDa has a significant view of racial discrimination, reflects the editor of individual high -Asian mentality, and try to express some kind of unknown voice;

● Some US officials, the Minister of Commerce Ross, and the Secretary of State Pompeo, are more naked, one, regarding the epidemic as an opportunity for manufacturing to return to the United States;Prepare.

Of course, it is even more surprising that when the new crown epidemic began to show significant signs of popularity in the United States, the overall response strategy of the United States is not like a performance after more than a month of buffer: control remarks, do not express fine ones, do not express fine ones, do not express fine ones, do not express fine ones.The unified data, there is no sufficient nucleic acid test box, set strict test standards, exaggerate the scope of the test range, I do not know that the test ability is prepared in advance, and the effective home isolation cannot be implemented.At the time, the honey of Wuhan/Hubei worshiped the group meeting, and it was expressed in the United States as the inseparable of the large -scale groups related to the campaign.

It should be noted that from one side, it answers a long -distance proposition, which is the difference between procedural justice and physical justice.The practice of the United States, and even some practices in Wuhan, Hubei, reflect the respect of procedural justice, and even the respect of paranoia.In the case of procedural justice, the loss of life is just a regrettable but helpless price. This is the low mortality rate hidden in that sentence, 2%of the repeated percentage number, and the rotten familiar to the rotten from that is rotten from the rotten.The metaphor of the ear is the true meaning behind a large flu.

This meaning reflects the concept of the survival of Dal's cultural relics to choose the best, and reflects the idea of regulating the population through various ways, echoing the concept of restoring the ecological balance of the universe, but only with people from 2000I have many years ago, and the good dream of living a good life has nothing to do.When the concern of personal political interests and the so -called financial market confidence overwhelming the care of people's life safety, this lost procedure justice will inevitably usher in their own collapse.

As the words that have been popular for a long time, any problem eventually is an institutional problem.In the face of the new crown virus epidemic, different governance capabilities and plan preferences in various countries are determined by different political-economic-social structures of various countries.Of course, these structures have extremely significant differences, but if people love life, they hope to save more people from the new crown virus as much as possible.Work hard.

Facing the new crown epidemic, people need to think about the relationship between individuals and collectives in specific scenarios.Any stubborn insistence on Pareto is optimal. In order to prevent the epidemic from refusing to adjust the individualism that is free and absolutely self -centered, in order to prevent the epidemic, it is a whole with human society as a whole.Essence

In the face of the new crown epidemic, people need to think about the subjective initiative of the people under the boundary, how to make full use of the sovereign state and effective global governance mechanism.For example, the leader of the WHO expert group pointed out in China that so far, the new crown virus has no targeted special effects and no vaccine, but China does play the role of non -technical means and effectively control the epidemic.This is the embodiment of the dialectical relationship between people and technology.If you just stand on both hands and lie down elegantly, passively waiting for the breakthrough of special medicine and vaccine, life is a direct price.

Facing the new crown epidemic, people need to think about how to implement the common mission of human destiny community in the practice of global transformation in a new period of globalization.Putting a Western proverb, globalization is dead and long live global.Traditionally, the globalization of the Western implementation with the guidance concept and the practical template of neo -liberalism and the so -called Washington Consensus, and the global governance based on this has indeed declined; howeverThe epidemic of the new crown virus requires more high -quality globalization, more high -quality global governance, and more healthy, benign, and equal global governance new order.

Faced with the common threat of the new crown virus, humans on the earth are a community of destiny. No one can be out of the matter. Everyone can make their own contribution to fighting the new crown virus.In the end, the grand goal of eliminating virus threats is inseparable from the common efforts of everyone.

The Chinese campaign against the new crown virus has gradually seen the dawn of staged victory through hard efforts; in the battle of human beings to fight the new crown virus, it has just been launched globally; China and all like -minded countries must pay common efforts for this purpose.Because of its own advantages, China will become the arsenal of human beings to fight against the new crown campaign. Together with all countries, in order to defeat the threat of viruses, build a safer, healthy and beautiful Earth homeland that belongs to the community of human destiny, and strives to move forward.