Wang Chenyu

As the world's second largest economy, China has become increasingly international, but has not been related to a permanent residence system.Recently, the Ministry of Justice of China announced the draft of the foreigners' permanent residence regulations. For a while, it caused fierce discussions on the Internet, and almost showed an objections, which was very unreasonable to discuss the policies announced by the Chinese government.

Why are the people's opinions on the permanent residence regulations so great?Some people think this reflects the nationalism and racial discrimination in the bones of the Chinese.It is not difficult to find out that the public's discussions are not difficult to find that most people do not have much objection to the policy of permanent residence, but there are serious doubts about some terms of the regulations.

The conditions for obtaining permanent residence qualifications in the terms must be relatively broad and not rigorous enough.For example, a doctoral degree has worked in China for three years, and the actual residence time is not less than one year. You can apply for permanent residence.Doctoral degree is not a high condition, and China itself is very loose to the enrollment of international students and granting degrees. The society generally has doubts about this condition.

Furthermore, people who make outstanding contributors to Chinese culture and sports can apply. Culture and sports are not the field of labor shortage in China. It is also doubtful that it is incorporated as a condition.

What's more, those who stipulate that other legitimate reasons can obtain permanent residence qualifications, and their broadness and vagueness undoubtedly cause social suspicion.In addition, regarding the time limit for permanent residence qualifications, it is stipulated that the domestic residence hours each year are not less than three months, but the application for special circumstances can be reduced, which is undoubtedly the time to some extent cancel the residence time limit for permanent residence qualifications.

In addition, the provisions of the clauses on the rights of permanent residents have stimulated the people's uneasiness.The clause stipulates that permanent residents can participate in the basic medical insurance of urban and rural residents and the basic endowment insurance for urban and rural residents, and enjoy social insurance treatment to buy self -use and self -residential commercial housing in China. This actually touches the nerves of many people.Due to China's large population base, relatively limited per capita resources, and insufficient social welfare system, the Chinese people's awareness and anxiety are very strong.

Many Chinese people are tirelessly pursuing their household registration, and film and television works related to housing have been popular for a long time, and they also reflect the uneven distribution of overall social resources from the side, bringing strong anxiety to the people.Explore foreigners' right to residence in this environment, and to some extent further deepen social anxiety.

In addition, the phenomenon of foreigners who have long criticized Chinese society for a long time are common. Domestic universities are generally very loose to enroll and graduate conditions for foreign students. Accommodation conditions are generally superior to domestic students.Scholarships, even Shandong University have issued policies, demanding that they have one -on -one heterosexual companions for foreign students, causing dislikes of the public.

In addition, there are some of the Chinese hospitals with green channels for foreigners. When the police station handles the case, the cases are preferred to handle the cases of foreigners.It is true that this is the extension of the Chinese government's long -term adherence to diplomatic policies in grassroots society, but these phenomena have even stimulated the people's own social anxiety and nationalist emotions.

Furthermore, the public's doubts are also related to the lack of confidence in the ability to govern illegal immigrants.In recent years, reports on some illegal immigrants have gradually increased, and the local government has poor control over this reason for various reasons.Some illegal immigration settlements appear with the acuteness of contradictions with local residents and the increase in crime rates, which deepen the people's resistance to the Permanent Residence Regulations.

Some people believe that the regulations will facilitate some people to transfer assets overseas.Because China does not recognize dual nationality, and has strict restrictions on citizenship and foreigners' residence rights, and has foreign exchange control, in recent years, it has been more commonly controlled by naked official phenomena.Some people are worried that once a foreigner's permanent residence system is implemented, it will provide convenience to some people to transfer assets overseas.

The introduction of the regulations is to meet the needs of China's increasing internationalization, but it needs a suitable social environment and public support.Relevant departments may have to do more work to dispel the doubts of the people.

The author is a doctor of medicine and a master's degree in law

Oxford University Visestyle Researcher