Based on Wuhan's sealing city on January 23, the people of China have been stagnant for more than a month, and production, life and economy are stagnant.However, recently, after the State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism has issued a guidance on scientific prevention and treatment of precision policies to do a good job in the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia, the country has been resumed and resumed in many places across the country.Related commercial, catering, bus services and tourist attractions, of course, there are some production areas.

Therefore, some cities, such as Beijing, Chengdu, Xiamen, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and other places, the morning and evening peaks have traffic jams again. The city seems to have restored the scene of the past, and the fireworks on earth are strong.Moreover, shopping malls and restaurants in many places across the country have also begun to operate to meet people's first needs MDASH; mdash; eating, drinking and delicious.

Now, it can make people feel the taste of life and taste.On the first day of business on February 21, 2020, many citizens went to buy it early, and a long line lined up at the door. The team lined up the next day (22nd) was longer than the day before.

Although Fang Zhongshan Hu Spicy Soup cannot be eaten in the store, it can only be packed and taken away, but more and more people go to buy it before hearing the news.Since the epidemic, no one on the street has formed a sharp contrast.

It is this comparison that makes netizens worry: For Fang Zhongshan, Zhong Nanshan was lost?I really drink Hu spicy soup with life!Is there such a desire?Can't understand!

Netizens' concerns can certainly be understood. Although 21 provinces across the country have achieved zero -increase new cases of diagnosis, this does not mean that the epidemic has an inflection point, and it cannot be controlled. On the contrary, the epidemic may have reversal and it may appear at any time.repeatedly.In addition, according to incomplete statistics, there are 12 clustering epidemics that have occurred after the resumption of work across the country. A total of 15 people have been diagnosed, 18 people are infected, and more than 514 people are isolated, including Chifeng Power Plant in Inner Mongolia, and Shanxi One Power Plant.

Therefore, at this moment, adhering to the behavior of cautious restraint and reducing contact with others is the effective way to prevent and control; it cannot be cheerful and desire for a moment, but misunderstand the epidemic control.

Moreover, there is a summary of the people now that the first batch of infected people were from the year, and the second batch of infected people were squeezing the hospital. The third batch of infected people were crowded in the supermarket, and the fourth batch of infected people were purchased blindly.If the epidemic dissemination occurs after the resumption of business and resumption of work now, will the fifth batch of infections be caused?

However, the resumption of production and recovery operations are also scientific basis, especially the basis of epidemiology.Opinions require the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Transport and other departments to implement the requirements of classification, partition, and hierarchical control, and take various measures to ensure that in the process of preventing and controlling the epidemic prevention and control, scientifically prevent and control, ensure resumption of production, maintain social stabilityEssence

The core of the opinion is that the county (city, district, flag) should be used as the unit, according to the comprehensive research and judgment of the population and the onset of the disease, scientifically divide the risk of epidemic, and clarify the prevention and control strategy of classified classification.In low -risk areas, external defense input strategies should be implemented to fully restore normal production and living order.In the region of central risks, the strategy of external prevention input and internal defense diffusion should be implemented, and normal production and living order should be restored in an orderly manner as soon as possible.In high -risk areas, internal prevention diffusion, external prevention output, strict control strategies, and strict management and control strategies should be implemented, and the order of production and living order should be gradually restored according to the epidemic situation.

Therefore, like Zhengzhou or other low -risk areas, comprehensive and orderly restoring normal production and living order is also a normal action that is both practical and scientific basis, and can meet people's normal life and maintain economic operation.What it should be seen is that no matter how serious the stoppage of production and suspension of production and the closure of SMEs, just from the first point of view of people’s life consumption and material needs, it is really true that people who have already been stunned for a month are really true.It's unbearable.

With the restoration of normal production and living order under this classification and classification strategy, how can people enjoy it and not go to those delicious restaurants and snack bars?Even Confucius likes the twilights. Spring service is well -developed, five or six people, six or seven children, bathing in Yi, dancing, and chanting. For modern people, spring is coming, and taste it.The snack is not too much, right?

However, in the spring of this epidemic, this problem has become a dilemma. It is not only a normal life consumption that people can't help but endanger the contradiction between people's health and life.It endangers conflict between society.

On the surface, this seems to be a problem that fish and bear's paw cannot be both. In fact, if the control and control should be properly controlled, it may also be available in fish and bear's paw.epidemic.The problem is that the mechanism of epidemiology, biology and pathology must be performed according to the epidemic disease, biology, and pathological mechanism of the crown disease.

The spread of crown diseases has now proved to be mainly spread by droplets and people's contact with people, and the spread of gas solution needs to be proven.Therefore, if wearing a mask, the distance between people can effectively block and spread.Because of this, Zhengzhou's Hu Spicy Soup Store is not allowed to eat, and can only be packed and taken away, which reduces the opportunity to expose and spread.Secondly, the store and the local medical control and the public security department are also instructing the crowd. The queue must have an interval of more than 1 meter. Those who do not wear a mask or body temperature must not line up to buy food and shopping. This is also an effective way to prevent virus transmission.

On the other hand, as long as the crowd is not closed and closed space, but on the open open -air street, the effective transmission concentration of the virus will be diluted and the foundation of the infection is lost.Therefore, localities should prevent and control the epidemic in accordance with their own situation.Moreover, this authority has been placed at the county (city, district, flag) level, so the prevention and control epidemic should be carried out according to local conditions, but also based on the epidemic and biological conditions of virus transmission. You can find a reasonable balance point.The business of restoring work and restoration and restoring clothing, food, housing and transportation, but also to prevent the expansion of the epidemic under the coordination and cooperation of disease control, administrative, safety and other departments.

Combining reality is to restore normal production and living order in the middle and low -risk areas as soon as possible. The organizational personnel will return in an orderly manner. While re -work, do a good job of safety prevention work, strictly implement the requirements of disinfection, ventilation, temperature measurement, etc., and reduce personnel to reduce personnel.Dependent density, reducing personnel gathering, strengthening the protection of personnel, eliminating hidden risks, and making the epidemic prevention and control and the advancement of corporate recovery.

Even if it is a high -risk area, while focusing on the prevention and control of the epidemic, it must ensure the operation of public utilities, the necessary people's lives, and the operation of other important national economy and people's livelihood enterprises.

The key is that the policies and measures of the prevention and control epidemic in various places cannot be cut one by one. It is necessary to formulate strategies and measures for epidemic control and control according to local conditions.For example, Ganzhou, Jiangxi is adopted, in order to ensure the spring plowing and the basic life of the masses, in addition to seedlings, seeds, fertilizers, agricultural machinery, pesticides and other agricultural supplies, as well as basic living materials such as daily fruits and vegetables, rice oil, meat and eggs, other categoriesThe variety is suspended in the market.Internet cafes, KTV and other leisure and entertainment venues are not allowed to open.If elsewhere are closed in workplace and space, you should be cautiously resumed, or just work online and cloud office.

Therefore, for Zhengzhou and other cities, if you want to resume the normal production and life order in an orderly and comprehensive order, open commercial, catering, bus services, etc., you should first scientifically evaluate and formulate plans to effectively block the spread to ensure the opening of the opening.After the safety.In this way, Fang may make people's fish and bear's paw.

(The author is a Beijing scholar)