Author: Zheng Zhonglan

Yang Jiechi, a member of the Political Bureau of China and a professional diplomat, visited Japan on the 28th and 29th, and talked in the official residence in the official residence in the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.Shinzo Abe also emphasized in the talks: The visit of the state of Xi is extremely important to the two countries. In order to achieve very good results, we must be careful.Corresponding to various international issues, the two countries should issue a message of responsibility.

Yang Jieyi responded to Xi Jinping at the same time: The visit to Japan has very important significance. Both parties will be confirmed and prepared.Before talking with Shinzo Abe, Yang Jiezheng first talks with the Japanese Foreign Minister Maomu Mimi Mi Mi Mi Mi, and continued to confirm that Xi Jinping will visit Japan in early April.

Regarding Yang Jiechi's interview, the Japanese side was roughly set in early January. However, in late January, the new type of coronary pneumonia broke out by Wuhan, China, causing China to fall into a state of confrontation.However, even so, China still settled Yang Jiechi to visit Japan to visit and talk about Xi Jinping's visit to Japan in mid -February.

Among them, Japan's pneumonia epidemic also released a lot of goodwill to China.Not only do you continue to donate a lot of materials to China, but also do not take comprehensive air offset directly, such as the United States, Britain or other countries, but only suspended the flights between Hubei and Zhejiang.

These measures have been greatly praised in the Chinese media. Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, even thanked the Japanese government and the people for their warmth at the press conference.

However, although the behavior of Japan is considered by China to send charcoal in the snow, it has aroused positive and negative evaluations in Japan.Most opponents believe that Japanese masks and sanitary products and other supplies have been searched for the search by Chinese buyers in the past month that it is difficult for Japan to make a mask now.

Many people also believe that in order to meet Xi Jinping, Abe should sacrifice the interests of the people first to exchange for the trust of the Chinese government.About 70 people gathered in front of the Prime Minister's residence on the 28th to protest loudly. In addition to the suspension of Xi Jinping's visit to Japan, Abe also quickly returned to focus on Japan's internal affairs.

A 70 -year -old protest at the scene told reporters that when he saw Abe Jins three to please the Chinese authorities, and regardless of the outbreak of the Japanese epidemic, he felt very heartbroken: if Abe still insisted that Xi Jinping was coming, then I thought the Abe regime was over.It's right.

The support of Abe's cabinet also continued to decline within this month, from 42.1%on February 17 (survey of joint communication agencies) to 36.0%(producing news survey) on the 23rd.Japan's excessive tolerance considerations for China and caused the Japanese epidemic to burn, which has become a general dissatisfaction.Abe's cabinet releases goodwill to China, but at this moment, public opinion in China is as dangerous as a cable.

At present, the pneumonia epidemic has continued to burn in Japan. According to the figures surveyed by the Asahi Shimbun in Japan, a total of 937 people were infected by the 28th (including 710 Diamond Princess Cators parked in Yokohama).Among them, Hokkaido Hokkaido has reached as many as 66 cases. The Japanese authorities have called on Hokkaido to reduce going out on the weekend on February 29 and March 1.

However, now China has also begun to control tourists from Japan and South Korea. For example, Beijing also stipulates that tourists returning from Japan and South Korea need to be isolated for 14 days.Yang Jiechi even said that the Chinese epidemic control has occurred in staged results and the overall situation is improving, and he has expressed active support and support for Japanese citizens' confrontation with new coronary viruses. I am afraid that many Japanese citizens can cry and laugh.

At present, China has temporarily suspended the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress, and Japan's Sankei Shimbun is estimated that if the domestic epidemic in China cannot be resolved to a certain extent at the end of March, Xi Jinping will be difficult to visit Japan.It is generally expected that the whole person will be postponed to late March, so there may be a chance to visit Japan, but if it is postponed in early April, the visit to Japan will inevitably be postponed.

Asahi Shimbun quoted the opinions of a senior official in the Japanese cabinet, and believed that it was difficult to visit Japan in April.If you want to be delayed, it will be autumn. If the Olympic Games is held as scheduled, how to ensure that the schedule of both parties will not be hindered, and it depends on how the two countries mediate.

Whether Xi Jinping visited Japan this time has also become a topic of repeated attacks on the Japanese party in Japan.Among them, whether Xi Jinping should be accepted by the Emperor of Japan is also the focus of the dispute between Congress. Some opponents are worried that the emperor will be used by the Chinese authorities.

However, at this stage, because Japan is an inviter, and in the past, when Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao visited Japan, they were regarded as a guest reception. In terms of pure diplomatic etiquette, Japan had no reason not to give Xi Jinping's visit to Japan.Last time Hu Jintao's visit to Japan had to return to 2008. Under the war of pneumonia and the Sino -US trade war, China was isolated to a certain extent, and Japan would inevitably need to avoid the difficulties of being isolated.

It is only that the short -term honeymoon between China and Japan is still the two countries under their own internal affairs and use temporary cooperation to resolve the internal disagreement in the past.Once Xi Jinping really visits Japan in the future, Japan may be fiercely confronted again on this issue. Abe to a certain extent, and to solve the domestic pneumonia epidemic at this stage before Xi Jinping's visit.Maybe Xi Jinping cannot visit Japan, and even the Abe regime will fall from steel cables.