Sing Tao Daily News Agency Mainland China has encountered a new crown pneumonia's impact. It was Taiwan that can show good faith and resolve the opportunity of opposition.Zhongxia.After this epidemic, the Taiwan society's refusal to rise, the people's perception of the people in Taiwan deteriorated, and the opposition between cross -strait relations has reached the point that they have never seen before.

At the end of last year, the new crown pneumonia broke out in Wuhan and gradually spread.The mainland officially fought on January 20th. The leaders of more than 100 countries around the world expressed condolences and support, and the neighboring Japan and South Korea showed a friendly attitude.Japan said that the power of the country was strong, and a large number of materials supported the same day on the same day.

Sprinkle salt on the wound to hurt the two sides of the strait

On the other hand, Tsai Ing -wen, who was born in Taiwan, was born in the same root, but Tsai Ing -wen, who was re -elected in the high vote of the vocal vote in the anti -China Paper, chose to clear the line, highlighting sovereignty, standing stand by, and aid to the mainland.In all fairness, the DPP authorities prohibit the export of masks, restricting cross -strait routes and calling for small three links. It is not allowed to enter the country and even Hong Kong and Macau people. These are understandable from the perspective of epidemic prevention, but the political operations of the green camp have been carried out in Beijing in Beijing.In the eyes, it was robbed by the fire and lebonging the epidemic.

Executive Dean Su Zhenchang blatantly shouted that the epidemic in Wuhan in China was miserable all over the world. The Legislative Dean You Xizheng threatened that pneumonia was very helpful for Taiwan's identity.Green media is gloating, and some claim to treat China as an epidemic area. Some television stations even blatantly play the global dazzling title of Chinese sick husbands in the TV screen.After the World Health Organization named the new crown pneumonia to COVID-19, the Taiwan authorities still insisted on calling it a new coronal virus.All these have made Beijing angry. The people of the mainland are chilling, deemed to sprinkle salt on the wound, and even think that true affection is in exchange for ruthlessness.

Together with the epidemic, the Taiwan authorities took the opportunity to seek diplomatic breakthroughs, strive to participate in the World Health Organization, and condemned the mainland to ignore the life and death of the people in Taiwan, obstructing Taiwan to participate in the WHO and the World Health Conference.In the eyes of the mainland, WHO is an international organization with national qualifications. Related activities must follow the principles of the first Central China. The Taiwan authorities know that they cannot do it. It is to stimulate the people's grievances and hatred.

Taiwanese businessmen have not returned home for a period

In the case of Wuhan Taiwan compatriots' charter returning to Taiwan, both sides of the strait were also arguing.On the 3rd of last month, one of the first batch of boarding people found that there was a confirmed person, which caused a rebound in public opinion on the island. Tsai Ing -wen later set the Yokohama model to evacuate, that is, Taiwan's self -propelled machine and exercised quarantine power.The mainland believes that this is an attempt to highlight the withdrawal of overseas Chinese, the government refuses to negotiate with the government. At present, thousands of businessmen still stay in Hubei and become hostages.

It must be acknowledged that Taiwan's precautionary measures are timely, coupled with the maturity of the public health system, and the epidemic prevention is successful. So far, there are less than 40 cases.A recent poll in Taiwan showed that Cai Yingwen's polls have risen significantly. After the epidemic storm, the Taiwanese people's identity has soared to 83.2 %, which is the highest peak of nearly 30 years.The long -term development of cross -strait relations is indeed a warning.

At the same time, during the epidemic, the relationship between Taiwan and the United States continued to heat up, especially the vice presidential election Lai Qingde visited the United States, and participated in the prayer breakfast meeting with President Trump, which also caused Beijing's anger.The PLA military aircraft warships have recently frequently traveled around Taiwan and across the Taiwan Strait Middle Line. The United States has also sent the machine ships to cross the Taiwan Strait for several consecutive days.

The virus is the common enemy of humans, and should face hand in hand!The epidemic is still continuing. We hope that Taiwan can show humanitarianism and release goodwill and care to the mainland. The two sides of the strait are looking for a compromise solution to allow Taiwanese businessmen who stay in Hubei to return to Taiwan as soon as possible to ease the tension atmosphere.