Ming Pao News Agency

The national epidemic of the new coronary virus eases. It is necessary to deal with the problem of resumed work and re -classes immediately, the economy must be recovered in the short term, and the possibility of responding to the resurrection of the virus roll in the long run. One of the methods is to prohibit buying and selling and edible wildlife.The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress adopts temporarily passed the decision -making manner instant implementation. It can be said that it is an interrupted approach, but it is easy to cause the disadvantages of arbitrarily hasty. When formal legislation, it should be introduced to more fully discuss and negotiate.The century -old plan.

The virus of the new type of pneumonia is the world. The world's medical experts have the source of the virus, how to diagnose, prescribe it, and even on the development of vaccines.Humans need a process of uniform understanding of the new virus, but there is a considerable view of this new type of pneumonia from the coronary virus carried by bats and spread to people through the middle host.

Chinese society is transforming

Large differences in various groups

At a meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on February 24, the draft of comprehensive banning illegal wildlife transactions, eliminating bad habits of wildlife in the wildlife, and effectively ensuring the health of the people's lives in the form of deciding to promulgate the implementation of immediately in the country.The decision has been included, and there are strict regulations for hunting, trading, transportation, transportation, restaurants and consumption customers, and will be banned and offenders are severely punished.In a short time, this decision has not been fully discussed in a short time. Because of the urgency, it is a major event related to the health of the people, and it cannot be delayed for a day.

In China's social structure, there are small nomadic nomadic, most of the farming and industry, and partially entered a knowledgeable society. The urbanization of the country has reached 60 %, and it has developed super cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen with a population of 20 million.The evolution of these two factors and gradually transitioning is a long process. It has a long process of food culture of the Chinese people. Between rural and large cities, between farmers and urban citizens, there are thousands of differences.Citizens will coexist for a long time.

However, the problem that human beings cannot solve are that it is impossible to know which wild animals carry and what viruses, how much impact on humans, and when to invade the human immune system, and it is even more unable to prevent when when it will be hunting, transportation and slaughtering, when will it be when it will be when it will be in the process of hunting, transportation and slaughtering.Viruses occur between animals and cross -infections between animals and humans.Since there is no effective management method, and the virus carried by wild animals will be varied at any time, and it is the only way to completely ban consumption. Although there are suspected to cut toes to avoid sandworms, they are between sacrificing edible wildlife and avoiding virus plague.The two harms are light, and can only take this more aggressive method.

The laws of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress also require the State Council to formulate a list and execution rules to comprehensively prohibit the non -consumption of wild animals. In fact, many wild animals that are eaten at present are artificially reproduced in the farm.Farmers change production and operation activities and give certain compensation.How to implement it is required to make detailed provisions through legislation according to the actual situation.

Excessive harsh laws

Can't help you for a long time

The decree must make it necessary and immediately, and it must be reasonable to let the people truly implement it.The SARS epidemic that occurred 17 years ago, bats and civets were considered the culprit and were strictly prohibited. However, in large cities, the vast rural areas were still banned. Hong Kong Customs also seized cases of smuggling wild animals from time to time.The scourge brought by the new type of pneumonia this time is greater than SARS. People have a deeper understanding. For more widely prohibited edible wild animals, they will achieve greater consensus.Nonetheless, taking a knife -cut approach can achieve a moment of effect, but it cannot be governed for a long time.

Shenzhen proposes a draft of the regulations on the entire edible wildlife, listing a whitelist, that is, except for the animals that can be edible on the list, everything else belongs to the blacklist.In the specifications, only 9 kinds of livestock poultry can be eaten in 9 kinds of livestock and poultry such as pigs, cows, sheep, deer, rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, and pigeons, and the rest are prohibited.Such a rigorous decree, I believe it is difficult to obtain consensus among citizens, because once the epidemic is over, people's harm to eating wild animals will quickly forget, and people will also take out foreign examples. Australians eat kangaroos, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, JapanPeople eat horses and Americans eat turkey. Why can't Chinese pigs eat it?

There is a large number of animal groups between wild animals and livestock and poultry. What should be able to stay in the whitening list. What should be included in the blacklist.Popularity, not to be over -enforced with bureaucrat's lazy politics, avoid trouble to cut a knife.

The policy goal of being forbidden to eat wildlife is to prevent the spread of the virus and ensure the health and safety of the people. If the bad habits of the people have become an obstacle to the law, they should be based on education. Through extensive and in -depth promotion, let the people know themHarm, they naturally not only do not oppose it, but also consciously obey instead of Yang Fengyin to steal the smuggling odor.For wild animals that truly endanger human health, laws that prohibit consumption should be implemented with the strictest means, and there must be regular supervision of ordinary agencies, but it cannot be fully blocked for gray areas that do not harm health because of overkill.

In the past, it was not the government's responsibility to strictly implement the ban on wild animals in large cities. It was the government's responsibility. People did not take it seriously. They were insufficient awareness of science. Today, we must severely crack down on edible wild animals without respecting science.