Source: Hong Kong 01 website

The coronary virus epidemic deteriorated in Japan, and the Japanese authorities' epidemic prevention policies seemed to be weak. Even the Minister of Life and Labor Kato Shengxin admitted that the epidemic spread in China. It is difficult to avoid.Among them, Japan's process of processing the princess of the diamond has attracted a lot of criticism, and many Hong Kong people on the ship also deeply feel that the Japanese arrangement is disappointing.

On Tuesday (18th) Kobe University infectious psychologist Iyada Kentaro released a short film on YouTube, pointing out that the princess of the Diamond Princess was chaotic, and the boat was like a COVID-19 manufacturing machine.Iwada's advice is particularly like Dr. Li Wenliang, who has sounded the whistle of the epidemic, so he is known as the whistle of Japan.Iwada's whistle not only did not attract the attention of the public's resistance, but was violently criticized by Japanese netizens and right wings. As a result, Iwada was destroyed on Thursday (20th), deleted the short film and apologized on Tweet.This situation is exactly the same as the Li Wenliang incident in China.

Taro Kentaro

Iwada Kentaro is an expert in infectious diseases. When SARS broke out in China and Hong Kong in 2003, he conducted research as Japanese experts in China. He also participated in the study of viruses such as Ipora, avian influenza, and pig flu. It can definitely be called experts.However, such an expert has not been invited to the Diamond Princess to participate in the quarantine work, and it is shocking to mix it by himself.If there are other experts in Japan who have long been conducted, but they did not invite him, then why the quarantine work on the Diamond Princess was so terrible, which was also unreasonable.

The greater problem reflected in the poor quarantine work is the experience after Iwada.The officials of the Ministry of Life and Labor on the boat pointed out that the quarantine work was not, but they were reprimanded and kicked off the ship.Hashimoto Yue, who is responsible for directing the quarantine work of Diamond Princess, also left a message on social media to refer to Iwatada as an expert, but uses this method (that is, impersonate the rescue team) to mix the vessels in quarantine.Make a message.What's even more terrible is that after Iwada released the film on the Internet, I was hit by the right wing and conservatives on the Internet on the Internet. On Thursday, Iwada estimated that it was unbearable to delete the short film on the Internet and made an apology statement.

Japan's true side

In terms of the whole matter, it can be seen that officials of the province of Shengsheng and the province do not respect the opinions of experts, and have a little high sense of independence and independence in the policies of the epidemic.What is even more terrible is that the power of conservative forces in Japan is even enough to destroy the whistle.Many Hong Kong people feel cold when they see the scene of Japan, and even constantly ask why Japan has become like this?In particular, in 2011, during the Great Earthquake in Northeast Japan, the Japanese people had an orderly impression that the disaster was in the hearts of many people.

Indeed, Japan's national quality is very high, especially in terms of order and discipline.But in the performance of the Japanese government, it is not difficult to see behind these good performances, and there are many problems in Japan.These are not new issues, so why Japan becomes a pseudo -proposition in this way.Because Japan was like this, but we didn't notice it.

The strong horizontal Japanese bureaucracy is a problem that has been left before modernization, and has not been eradicated.Japanese officials have great power and are rarely challenged. For a long time, the situation of adults has been formed.The behavior of dealing with the epidemic in the province and province is the performance of bureaucracy. It is not fresh at all.As for Iwada, it is also quite the result of Japan.The Japanese emphasize collective and discipline, and the behavior of Iwada's violations of the rules is an unacceptable thing in Japan itself.Moreover, the Japanese conservative rights are powerful, and public opinion machines will suppress these challenges of national and groupism.Iwada was eventually disclosed, which can be described as normal.

Is it a system problem?

Japan's examples reflect another problem that is worth thinking about mdash; mdash; is it an institutional issue in the outbreak of the epidemic?When the epidemic broke out in China, many foreign media interpreted immediately. Taking Li Wenliang as an example, the disadvantage of the Chinese system was explained. It was believed that as long as the problem occurred in a free and democratic country, it would not become a field.Both the pneumonia epidemic and the Li Wenliang incident reflect the problems of the Chinese system, which is unreasonable.China must reform, open more democratic monitoring and freedom of speech, otherwise the problem may not be fundamentally resolved.

However, is there no problem in other free and democratic places?The Japanese epidemic tells us that things are not so simple.Freedom and democracy is a concept. There will be various problems in specific implementation, and how to implement it is the problem of governance.Many people think that as long as there is freedom and democracy, it can solve the problem, but this is just a half -knowledge.Freedom and democracy is important, but how to implement the problem of governance is equally important.Japanese examples tell us that there are formal elections and freedom, but lack of breakthroughs in governance, the problem still exists, maybe it is just different forms.