Early under the table

Huang Shunjie

The recording door incident of Singapore's Minister of Trade and Industry Chen Zhensheng was recently reprinted by some Taiwanese media.Some Taiwanese friends teased that Singapore's politicians would dare to say that if they were in Taiwan, they would definitely be asked to apologize and step down.

Chen Zhensheng's conversation is indeed controversial.At the closed -door dialogue last Monday, Chen Zhensheng used the Singapore -style mixed language to explain the difficult considerations behind the government leader of the government.Some Singaporeans have a meal.

After the recording was exposed, Chen Zhensheng, who dared to be dare to dare to hide, did not hide, but did not avoid talking about the matter in Facebook.He wrote that he provided a frank analysis for the business leaders present on the same day, and shared the challenges, difficult choices, and how to weigh the government on the issue of epidemic prevention.This is because I regard them as an important member of the Singapore team and realize that they play the role of Singapore's continuous survival and success.

The style of the Singapore government leaders has always been blunt and straightforward, so Chen Zhensheng's conversation is not surprising.However, when Chen Zhensheng selectively tells the truth to a specific group, when small citizens have to know the leadership of the leader through the leak recording file, this actually shows that in this severe epidemic prevention, Chen Zhenmi confessed that he generally generally generally.Singaporeans should have a bad appetite to be honest, and it is difficult to swallow.

As the crown disease epidemic continues to ravage globally, panic also swept around.In the face of unknown intangible threats, people feel anxious and reasonable and reasonable; but once the panic is paralyzed, the truth is paralyzed, and the space for discussing the problem of speculation will be limited.This is the case in Singapore, and even more than the populist in Taiwan.

On February 11, the Taiwan government agency in charge of cross -strait affairs issued temporary measures to explain that based on family reunion, common life ethical needs, and humanitarian factors, some mainland spouses and their children who did not have the nationality of the Republic of China entered the country.This policy is actually in order to solve the DPP government from the implementation of land from Taiwan from February 6th.EssenceAccording to statistics, this group of people is actually not many.

However, as soon as the policy was announced, it was strongly rebounded by netizens, forcing the government to have to retreat. Numerous mainland loved ones were unable to take care of their parents in Taiwan. They set up threshold restrictions all the way, but they still couldn't pour public opinion.As a result, less than a day, Chen Shizhong, Minister of Sanitary Welfare, who was commanded by the policy, was confiscated on the grounds that the priority of epidemic prevention preferred the preferred Chinese.Chen Shizhong, who was named the hero of the anti -epidemic, said at the press conference: At the beginning, we could choose the nationality. We have chosen the nationality of the nationality without choosing the nationality of Taiwan.Over time, all the previous humanitarian considerations evaporated.

Of course, in addition to considering the fear and anxiety of the people about the epidemic, the reason why the above policies rush to turn are actually mixed with the negative perception of the Taiwanese people in mainland China.Some comments believe that under the effect of these emotions, any preferred statement of epidemic prevention is bound to obtain the supreme and unable to challenge the legitimacy.The severe infamy of the diseased damage.

Indeed, afterwards, the current president Ma Ying -jeou, the former New Taipei Mayor Zhu Lilun, and even the mainland civil rights movement of the mainland civil rights movement who often defended the DPP to the Democratic Progressive Party entered the muddy water.The two mainstream public opinion waves of epidemic prevention and anti -China are crushing.

In fact, when Taiwan preferentially rejected the enlistment of Lu Pingzi women in preventing epidemic prevention and Chinese people prioritized, the DPP authorities opened the portal for foreigners with the same level of epidemic prevention.According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a foreigner with a foreign residence permit, if you have entered the country or live in the Lu, Hong Kong and Macao region in the past 14 days, are allowed to return to Taiwan, but the only condition is to cooperate with the Central Popular Epidemic Command Center instructions after entering the country.Essence

It can be seen that in this collective fear and anti -medium atmosphere, people have difficulty making rational judgments based on the facts.The above -mentioned policy differences are nothing more than the embodiment of the ruling authorities.

For the victory of the presidential election campaign and the maintenance of the regime, the DPP has continuously created anti -China political mobilization discussions in the past, and in the end it has indeed received a considerable degree of support in Taiwan society.Unexpectedly, this anti -Chinese fire, now it has burned it on myself, which can be described as self -fruit.When President Tsai Ing -wen, who was under the aura of 8.17 million votes, was also unable to take over the pressure of some netizens, she wins the benign interaction of cross -strait, which is probably a good luck.