Author: Chen Bo

On January 16, when the second batch of experts from the National Health and Health Commission rushed to Wuhan to investigate, everyone gradually became alert to Wuhan's new crown pneumonia, which seemed to be calm before.My lover once asked anxiously: Is it true that SARS is going to make a comeback?I have not experienced SARS in 2003 (I am studying abroad in 2003) or comforted her with no care: how is it possible?SARS's tuition fees cannot be paid in vain, and the country and localities must have a timely response mechanism. Besides, the disaster data data of the epidemic disaster after SARS can no longer be concealed.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceUntil the 20th, Academician Zhong Nanshan disclosed that the new crown pneumonia can be passed on at CCTV, and existing medical staff was infected. We finally realized that the problem was serious and terrible!

Before studying abroad, my undergraduate and master's degree was completed at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan.I returned to my alma mater three years ago, and the students of that year were honored to become a professor of economics today.I have not only taught the young elites in the ivory tower, but also invited to host many economic development research projects of the Wuhan and Hubei government.Wuhan is undoubtedly my second hometown.

Because my home was in Shanghai, I was fortunate that I did not face the brutal abuse of the new crown pneumonia, but the information from various channels made me feel creepy and sad.Once the bustling Wuhan became a little bit of killing overnight, the New Year, which should have been full of blessings, full of information.We are in horror, and we can't help grief.Why failed to respond in time in the critical period of the government's rise?Why did not propose and implement it in time?Why is Wuhan, which is a benchmark for cities in the central part, has not been satisfactory in the organization since the outbreak of the epidemic. The service function of the community after the city is almost paralyzed?Everyone is questioning, we need to figure out the crux of these problems.As a scholar who works in Wuhan and participates in policy consulting, I have given some superficial views for everyone to discuss.

The first problem is the focus of the current reflection.If Wuhan responds in a timely manner at the beginning of the epidemic, it will not cause the current crash.However, from the information that can be obtained at present, the Wuhan Municipal Government and even the Hubei Provincial Government do not seem to conceal it intentionally. This is proven from the first batch of expert groups of the National Health and Health Commission in late December.To say that the alarm from the two -tier hospital is not paid to the first -line hospital, and Dr. Li Wenliang, who has already said in an interview, also said that he was called by the Health Commission to ask questions at 3 am on New Year's Day because the Health and Health Commission was still in the early morning of the day.It is not clear that pneumonia is in a meeting.But why faced with the increasingly surging condition, the public did not receive the potential warning nor the illness data update in the first half of the first half of the month?From the first edition diagnostic standards of the expert group, to the delayed inspection and diagnosis report, and then the assertion of the people who are not passed on and limited people, I am afraid that in terms of professional and system, the main responsibility shouldIntersectionTo understand that they are not only scholars, but also represent the authority of the central government. Their judgments are not simple expert opinions, but also the basis for decision -making!Here I don't want to speculate the personal reasons for the experts of the Health and Health Commission to make mistakes, but the stability and stability and information block from the first -tier hospital affirmation will affect their judgment and then affect the entire decision.In fact, in the face of potential epidemics, there should be proper fear from the government to the people, not blindly optimistic.Therefore, we need to review the information system of the Health Commission, so that the information from the first -tier hospitals can be reflected in a timely and effectively. In addition, when treating potential infectious diseases, experts should clearly form opinions based on the principle of caution and fear.Factors outside.By the way, everyone was angry at the moment when Wuhan was accused of why Wuhan decided to seal the city on January 23, but the author felt that this was the meaning of Zhuge Liang afterwards.You know, even when SARS is the most serious, we have not sealed a city!Therefore, Wuhan decided to seal the city as soon as possible after having the autonomy of resistance, and in terms of response, it played an important role in the spread of the epidemic to the whole country.You can check that even the experts from the Health Committee around January 22 do not think that this new crown pneumonia will be more serious than SARS!

If the experts suggest that too conservative and optimism, we have lost our gold opportunities for early epidemic defense, and the retardation and implementation of the depletion of treatment measures is the main reason why the epidemic has deteriorated unprecedentedly at present.Why did Wuhan not treat it in time?Objectively speaking, even Academician Zhong Nanshan acknowledged that he did not realize that the virus was strong, and the government of Wuhan and even Hubei was even more impossible to understand the importance of doing everything after the city.In addition, Wuhan is also facing many helpless constraints.First of all, before February, all relevant medical staff in Wuhan plus only 11,000 medical teams supported by nationwide, and they had no effort to deal with patients who had been treated.Secondly, Wuhan's medical equipment at that time had been exhausted, similar to that of medical staff in Wuhan 7 hospitals and other hospitals could only treat patients without the conditions without basic epidemic prevention equipment.Third, the establishment of the infectious ward has high sanitation and safety standards, such as isolation and confinement, the purification of the ventilation system and the purification of the sewer, and it is not possible to increase the treatment of the ward by recruiting ordinary buildings.For example, the Diamond Cruise, which is currently moorching in Nagoya, Japan, has caused more than 200 people to be infected, and the main reason for large -scale infections may be the central air conditioner of the cruise ship!Therefore, the problem of not being treated in time is not mainly in the government, but that we lack the strategic reserve of medical epidemic prevention, but also lack the supply elasticity of medical staff when facing emergency public health incidents.Therefore, we should establish a good system of anti -epidemic prevention materials: the state should establish strategic epidemic prevention materials reserves in various provinces, and 10 times the consumption of a single -day maximum epidemic prevention equipment when core cities have no major epidemic.In this way, even if a central city suddenly broke out of the epidemic, the province's reserves can ensure the consumption of several days. With this precious time, the province's epidemic prevention reserve supplies can be delivered in time, and the relevant production capacity of the country has also increased the time.In addition, similar to the preparatory military service system, medical staff who are not infectious also have the basic training of infectious disease prevention and control, so that sufficient medical forces can be supplemented in time when the major epidemic broke out.

Then, if the main responsibility of the two major problems in the early period of the early epidemic and after the outbreak period is not in time, the main responsibility of the two major issues is not in the Wuhan government, then the inefficient implementation of the various response measures for epidemic prevention after the city will be sealed.It is a major responsibility for governments at all levels of Wuhan.Everyone can learn from the various information channels that the citizens' encounters after Wuhan Fengcheng, especially many communities cannot provide any help for patients to help patients.Wuhan with community as an isolated management unit requires the community to provide timely and effective services in a timely manner.However, my country's communities, especially inland areas, basically can only provide daily basic services and management. They have not received training for disaster prevention and epidemic, and lack of volunteer recruitment and management systems in special periods, leading to sinking sinking, leading to sinking sinking, leading to sinking sinking It is difficult to start the epidemic prevention mission to the community, and even to some extent, it has aggravated the impact of the epidemic to Wuhan!The municipal and district governments in Wuhan have not prepared for the isolation of the city in the deployment management of rescue, medical care, and living materials, and the vertical and horizontal coordination between various departments. As a result, the implementation of anti -epidemic measures is low, and citizens have complained.For a long time in Chengping, Wuhan, and even the whole country, from top to bottom of the (public health) crisis management basically do not know!We should carefully study and promote Japan's crisis management experience, and formulate clear crisis grading response and management measures and mechanisms, especially paying attention to the crisis prevention and control training of community staff and volunteers.In addition, the system construction of community volunteers must be strengthened to prepare enough reserve forces for the crisis.

The deceased is long, and the living is the same.In order to no longer repeat the same mistakes, the tragic lessons of thousands of deceaseds must not forget, and the pain is not yet settled.

(The author is a professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Dean of the Optics Valley Free Trade Research Institute)