Author: Shen Yan

Although the return to work is gradually advancing, in order to prevent and control the needs of the epidemic, China is still deserted regardless of urban and rural areas, no matter the street villages in the north and the south; on the other hand, the Central Political Bureau meeting emphasizes that the economic and social goals of this year are emphasized, highlighting the stability of the economy, and the stability of the economy, and the stability of the economy.Employment is equally important as preventing and control.However, it is not easy to find a balance between the resumption of work and the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Because compared to the urgent statement of the central government's economy and employment, for the local government, the current prevention and control epidemic is a top priority to assess its achievements.The extent delays the process of rework and re -post.In terms of helping enterprises over the epidemic crisis policy, China needs a package of inclusive taxes such as the rescue policy.

The urgent priority is to solve the contradiction between the current proliferation measures for preventing and controlling the epidemic and the flow of labor. ... We also hope to minimize the loss of economic and people's livelihood as much as possible.EssenceCai Yan, deputy dean of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview with the media recently.

He pointed out that on the one hand, the flow of production factor is the core of market economic activities; on the other hand, the key to preventing and controlling the epidemic is to control the effectiveness of the spread of virus. It is hoped that the epidemic will reach the inflection point as soon as possible to reduce the loss of life.Rules.

He believes that due to the extension of migrant workers' return to the city, insufficient construction of enterprises, and decreased new growth operating entities, the new employment is significantly reduced and the unemployment is increased. The employees of small and medium -sized enterprises have a low job rate, the order form is irregular, and the rent of the plant equipment.The cost of raw material costs, wages, and social security payment is weak, and the impact is the first.

However, the epidemic will not weaken China's potential growth capacity, and these impacts are not long -term.What we want to fight for is to limit the unfavorable impact in the first quarter and not pass to the second quarter as much as possible to avoid the impact of the annual period.Cai Yan said.

The Central Political Bureau meeting held last week emphasized that this year is the year of comprehensively building a well -off society and the 13th Five -Year Plan.Governments at all levels must strive to minimize the impact of the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, maintain stable economic operation and harmonious society, and strive to achieve various goals and tasks determined by the Party Central Committee.

A survey by Reuters on economic analysts shows that due to the hit by the new crown virus epidemic, the growth rate of China's economy has fallen to 4.5%this quarter, which will create the slowest since the financial crisis;The short -term, the fastest will rebound in the second quarter, and the quarterly growth rate will rise to 5.7%.

Repeated work and re -post urgency increase

The National Health and Health Commission announced on Monday that as of 24:00 on February 16th, 2,048 newly confirmed cases were added in mainland China, 105 new death cases were added, and 1,563 suspected cases were added.The number of new cases across the country increased slightly from the previous day, but the number of new diagnosis of new diagnosis in other provinces outside Hubei Province has declined for 13 consecutive days.

From the perspective of data, the prevention and control of the Chinese epidemic is obvious, but it can be inferred that the inflection point of the epidemic has obviously more professional judgment.However, for only 10 months left this year, it is obviously a realistic need for workers in production factors as soon as possible to return to work as soon as possible.

Ms. Zhang, who sank from the agency to the community, frankly stated that the community requested all foreign personnel to be isolated for 14 days, but now after the isolation is completed, the person who isolated will issue a relevant certificate to return to the work unit, but it is all kinds of all kindsIt is best to fill in various forms, and it is best to trap people at home and don't run around, so that everyone has no responsibility.

She mentioned that many communities in the city are fully closed management and are not allowed to enter and exit at all.The daily task is in addition to the people who are looking at the community to not let out, but also to deal with various micro -service private visits.As for whether enterprises can start to affect employment, it is not a question they care about.This may also tell the distance between grassroots work and macro policy goals under the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Mr. Wang, who returned to the New Year's Eve in Rural Homes in Hebei a year ago, asked the unit to resume work at the end of the month. Due to the closed management of the village, he also required isolation for 14 days. Now he dare not return to Beijing and worry about the community where Beijing lives.I didn't dare to leave my hometown, because once I left, I couldn't enter the village anymore, then it became a tramp.

This also highlights how the local governments have changed their ability to adjust relevant control measures in a timely manner under the premise of the most of the epidemic prevention and control.The latest China Economic Reviews released by China Gold Macro said that the rhythm of resumptions is still slow, demand index continues to weaken, and policies continue to emphasize expansion of domestic demand.

The Central Political Bureau meeting pointed out that in key areas of non -epidemic prevention and control, it is necessary to take the implementation of precise and precise prevention and control as the starting point, and coordinate the prevention and control of epidemics and the restoration of economic and social order.In accordance with the principles of scientific prevention and precision policies, the county is used as a unit to determine the risk levels of different counties, and formulate differentiated prevention and control strategies.To seek truth from facts, we must make a good job of prevention and control, and to correct the bias and extreme practices in a timely manner, and do not simplify the simplification and stop, and minimize the impact of the prevention and control of the epidemic on the production and life of the masses.

Liu Xiaoming, deputy minister of the Ministry of Transport, said at a press conference held at the prevention and control of the Spring Festival Resistance on Saturday on Saturday that in the future, it is mainly for the return of migrant workers and students to return to school.EssenceIt is expected that the passenger flow before the end of February is mainly based on the return of migrant workers. The number of passengers returned by migrant workers is about 300 million. So far, about 80 million people have returned. By the end of FebruaryAbout 100 million people.

The Jiangsu Provincial Government News Office released news on Monday morning. As of February 16, industrial enterprises above designated size in Jiangsu have resumed 29,230, and the re -work surface reached 65%, which was 15 percentage points higher than the national average.The medium is at the forefront, especially the number of industrial enterprises above designated size accounted for approximately 17%of the country, ranking first in the country.

To deal with the epidemic policy, it is more sunny

In addition to the contradiction between balanced and resumption of work and the prevention and control of the epidemic, China has also introduced many measures such as tax reduction and social security, including tax cuts and social security.It is just that these policies are more targeted at specific industries, but the impact of emergencies is all -round, and the impact is involved in all industries. Therefore, these staged and temporary policy discounts need sunny photos.

Cai Yan believes that due to the impact of the epidemic on the macroeconomic, in terms of nature, it is the impact on both sides of supply and demand; from time to time, it is in the short -term effect of the quarterly plan;Drom.Therefore, it is still necessary to insist on not engaged in the strong stimulation of large water irrigation, and at the same time, macro policies must also make positive and more accurate responses.

He also suggested that monetary policy strengthened the adjustment of counter -cyclical adjustment, financial institutions increased their support, and accurately helped small and medium -sized enterprises to solve financing difficulties.Continue to implement tax cuts and fees and reduction policies, and specially increased policy efforts to reduce the burden on small and medium -sized enterprises, and finance should make special bailout arrangements.Investment in engineering construction such as expanding and accelerating infrastructure, on the basis of adhering to the shortcomings and optimization structures, special attention should be paid to the role of investment to promote the recovery of small and medium -sized enterprises and the effect of expanding employment.

The Ministry of Commerce of China issued a document on Monday to promote 19 measures to accelerate foreign investment enterprises to accelerate foreign investment enterprises, including increasing credit support, reducing related taxes and fees.It is required to promote the implementation of large foreign projects in accordance with the actual situation of the region, implement a good foreign investment law and supporting regulations, optimize the foreign investment environment, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign capital.

What is needed now is to solve the problem, not to stimulate the policy.For large -scale water release, large -scale investment, and stimulating economic growth, it will deviate from the goal of resolving difficulties and cannot solve the current problem.Wang Xiaolu, deputy director of the Institute of National Economic Research Institute of the China Reform Foundation, wrote that now to put the goals such as the inherent growth of security in his head, and focus on the strength: solve the greatest difficulties facing the people and enterprises in emergency situations, helpThey reduce difficulties and overwhelmed.

He pointed out that regardless of fiscal policyIt is still monetary policy, and none of them can adopt simple water release, stimulus, and expand policies. It is necessary to targetedly alleviate the problems faced by ordinary people and enterprises.Rescue is the first.

Local governments understand the problems faced by enterprises. They need to bear more responsibilities and be more pragmatic.Policies should be more loose, giving local governments greater freedom to solve problems according to local conditions.If it is not pragmatic and inaction, it should be held accountable, but the evaluation of the people should be the first standard.Wang Xiaolu said.