01 Viewpoint

Japan has recently added more new types of pneumonia. Even though the princess of the isolated diamond has been removed, 59 have been confirmed on Sunday (16th), which is slightly more slightly more than Hong Kong adjacent to the Mainland.Even more worrying is that many of the diagnostics are infected in Japan, and their distribution is also found from the northernmost Hokkaido to the southernmost Okinawa Prefecture.With the expansion of the Japanese epidemic, even the WTO's Japanese infectious disease expert Koto Nako also said that the world is most worried about Japan.In terms of new types of pneumonia, Japan's performance is disappointing. What problems can Hong Kong people go from it?

Last Saturday (15th), the Minister of Labor Labor, Kato Kato, admitted that it was difficult to see the infection of some domestic diagnostic people at the press conference. The epidemic had changed in Japan, and it was difficult to avoid the spread in China.The Japanese government said it would recruit expert meetings to discuss countermeasures.It has been more than a month since the outbreak of China. Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and other areas have long improved their epidemics. Many countries have temporarily rejected the Chinese entry to China.However, there seems to be few countermeasures adopted by the Japanese government. Even if it has been in the community to spread, it has been unavoidable. It was so hurriedly held an expert meeting to discuss the countermeasures, which was worrying that the Japanese epidemic could not help but worry about the Japanese epidemic.

Deep -seated problems reflected in the expansion of the Japanese epidemic

The Japanese government responded slowly when responding to the epidemic, and Japanese government officials were accused of bureaucracy and conservatively.But the Japanese epidemic is difficult to control, in fact, there are many different factors.There are many comparison opinions that have accused Japan of not being fully closed in China in the early days, causing the epidemic to spread to China.From the perspective of pure public health, the practice of comprehensive islands must be the best way to cut off the source of disease, and then society will inevitably pay a huge price for this.The study of WHO has also pointed out that it is suspicious of the results of the passengers from a certain country. Therefore, when the outbreak of the epidemic broke out, it is not recommended that countries be completely closed for any country.Japan and China also have a lot of business in business.First of all, Japan receives a large number of Chinese passengers each year, and the tourism industry is one of the biggest motivation to promote the domestic consumption economy in Japan (the number of books is about 5%, and it does not include a large number of diets and retail data categorized to him).Although Fengguan can meet the wishes of some rightists, more citizens who use tourism as the source of income will may be lost.Moreover, the enterprises between China and Japan are highly related, and it is difficult to avoid personnel, and it is not a light saying.

It is not even more light. In addition to the problem of closing the problem, the system and culture of Japanese society also largely promote the spread of epidemic.The Japanese attach great importance to work and have a strong social consensus that is not troublesome to others.Moreover, the official employees of Japanese general companies are expelled after being expelled. The general experience of new jobs is not recognized in the past, so many office workers who have a certain amount of capital are afraid of being lazy and dare not ask for sick leave because they are afraid of being lazy.The employees know that they are still at work, and even some are not wearing a mask.These problems themselves have caused serious labor rights and interests in Japan. When the outbreak of pneumonia exploded, it became an accomplice.

Recently, a 20 -year -old man in Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo was indeed a new type of pneumonia. He shared his illness and medical treatment on the Internet before diagnosis.In the discussion area, 5CH issued a text name Ilyikum 50, saying that he had had a fever since the 2nd of this month, but because his class was low, he did not dare to ask for sick leave from the company.He suspected that he was infected with new types of pneumonia to seek medical treatment. However, the doctor said that the senior management of the hospital was worried that if the hospital would be quarantined if the hospital was confirmed, he had been unwilling to test for him, only when the general pneumonia was treated.Due to the more serious illness, he was more serious, and he asked the doctor to test it for himself. It was finally officially confirmed on the 13th. It has been 12 days away.This example is temporarily individual incident, but the employees they reflect are unwilling to ask for leave, and the issues such as the upper body of the company are common problems. The incident is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

Reflection of the system

Objectively, the Japanese government's response to the epidemic is unbearable, and it may not be enough than the Mainland and Hong Kong.Some famous public figures on the Internet have rarely criticized the Japanese government even worse than the Hong Kong government.In addition to Japan's rare advanced developed countries, its social stability and national quality have also been highly affirmed by the world. It is especially appreciated by many Hong Kong people.Therefore, the epidemic of new pneumonia spreads in Japan. In addition to worrying about whether the sacred place of travel is safe, Hong Kong people have a lot of reflection.

We are accustomed to summarizing different social issues into simple binary opposites, such as whether there are Western democratic elections, totalitarian or free society.In some issues, different political systems do have different impacts on society, but in many issues, other structural factors are more important and cannot be ignored.There are both democratic elections and various freedoms in Japan. The national quality is praised, and even known as the world's lowest risk country, why does it seem to be good to deal with the epidemic?It is not difficult to find that there are many factors affecting epidemic prevention, and Japan also has a series of deep problems that are not the same as Hong Kong.Some problems are unique to Japan, and some are caused by an objective environment, but no matter who dug it, it is a very complicated social structural problem.These deep -seated problems are not just to change a person, or small repairs and small supplements are sufficient to solve, and it takes a lot of political and social motivation to improve.

The epidemic highlights some deep problems buried at the root of the society. We should take this opportunity to reflect on how to change this deep problem, not headache doctors, foot pain.