Sing Tao Daily News

In order to reduce the chance of spreading the new crown pneumonia in the community, the Hong Kong Medical Management Bureau announced earlier that it decided to use eighteen designated clinics to make a preliminary diagnosis for minor fever patients.It should be noted that there are many demonstrators in black in the parade. Some people wave their political flags and scream slogans, and block the roads to block traffic, causing individual neighborhood dissatisfaction, and once a mouthful.In addition, some clinics were damaged by gasoline bombs.Hong Kong is currently being disrupted. These political intentions will only weaken the anti -epidemic defense line and deepen the crisis of the great explosion.

Neighbors Avoiding Emotions Lack of Science

It is true that the establishment of the designated clinic of new crown pneumonia can easily cause neighbors (Nimby) of residents in some areas.After all, although the designated clinic has the function of epidemic prevention, it has a benefit to all residents in the district, but because it is located nearby, some residents will be excessively sensitive to their potential risks, psychologically conflicts, and even refuse to resist.However, this emotion often lacks scientific basis.

The public must know that the designated clinic only provides treatment and virus tests for slight fever and citizens who have symptoms of respiratory tract infections to find out suspected cases and deal with them early.Secondly, the new crown pneumonia is mainly transmitted through droplets and intimate contact. Unless the infected person does not wear a mask, he has a cough or sneezing in more than one meter away, or it has been exposed to items with adhesive viruses.Only to have the opportunity to be infected.

The designated clinic has a certain distance from the residential house. It is not necessary to threaten the health of nearby residents. There is no need to worry too much.As long as residents increase their awareness of hygiene, reduce the number of times, wear masks when going out, wash their hands frequently, and do not rub their eyes and touch their faces, they can effectively avoid their infection with the virus.

In addition, the establishment of a designated clinic will effectively separate the suspicion of general consultation and new crown pneumonia infection, and reduce the opportunity to accidentally infection of ordinary citizens. Even the residents of the designated clinic can benefit from it.If everyone is holding the neighbor's mentality in my backyard, it will only weaken the overall resistance of the society, which makes it difficult for Hong Kong to control the diffusion of the virus. In the end, it will increase the risk of the outbreak of the community.

Destroy the clinic weakening the epidemic prevention force

What makes people feel distressed is that some politicians and radical demonstrators have strongly opposed the establishment of designated clinics in order to continue the anti -repair action operations and use the uneasy emotions of some citizens; at the same time, some clinics and public hospitals have been damaged by violence.These actions not only illegally, but also seriously affect the normal operation of the public medical system in Hong Kong. The health and safety of all Hong Kong people must be completely curbed.

In response to some public hospitals and designated clinics have been recently affected by gasoline bombs, combustion, and malicious violence, Fan Hongling, chairman of the Hospital Authority, condemned in the webmaster and criticized such malicious destruction behaviors.Operation is also affected.He emphasized that now it is a critical moment of resistance, and there is no split capital in Hong Kong, and there is no disturbance to delay the space of the fighter.

Hong Kong's fight against epidemic resistance is victory or defeat, depending on whether it can fight the whole people. If someone deliberately creates internal disputes and destroys the anti -epidemic defense line, the victory will be greatly reduced and the disaster will follow.Fan Hongling's words are indeed worth pondering.