Wangbao Society Review

The mainland military has been around the Taiwan for two consecutive days, and across the strait midline many times. On the 11th, it was even close to the Taiwan Linghai.Relations and military strategies have an unusual atmosphere.Although the Taiwan Strait has not deteriorated to the point of war, if you do n’t think about and deal with cross -strait relations, you will not see the incompetence of the two sides in conflict between the two sides.

After President Tsai Ing -wen was elected for re -election, the basic structure of interaction was not seriously impacted. The mainland's policy on Taiwan's policy still maintained the original tone, and the opportunity for improvement of cross -strait improvement relations still existed.However, after the Lunar New Year, the new coronary virus in the mainland caused pneumonia's epidemic outbreak, and many political operations in Taiwan's epidemic prevention and quarantine operations caused the public departments of both sides to scream, so that the cross -strait situation was even more dangerous.

Strictly speaking, since the president of the Chief Executive prohibited the exit of the mask, the cause of friction on both sides of the strait was buried. Later, the mask policy was repeatedly corrected, causing the public to buy it.The policy announcement is that the government's head of the government is gloating to the mainland epidemic, but it has aroused the anger of mainland netizens.

Subsequently, because the special plane was arranged to transport Taiwan compatriots to Taiwan, the two sides insisted on each other and made each other, so that the original goodwill and beautiful things were completely adjusted.After the charter returned to Taiwan, because there was a person who did not match the identity and carried the diagnosis patient, the two sides of the strait kept talking about the public evidence through the media through the media, refuting the other party's letter to open the river, confusing the audiovisual and smearing.

Such a bad interaction is not only to make the public unable to understand why such a dispute between Luosheng's door -style type, let alone why the dispute is because of this.The government has to open strict conditions related to epidemic prevention, and is willing to return to the people who live in the mainland to return to Taiwan, which will make the entire coordination process completely fall into a deadlock and unsolved; and cross -strait relations are even worse.

For Taiwanese people flowing in the epidemic area, if the government has self -confidence in its own medical epidemic prevention system, in fact, it should be up to the liability of the waist rods and the courage.Leave difficult, let alone play the people as a ball, and refuse to arrange for medical services to not allow them to enter.

Cross -border transmission of epidemic diseases is a common non -traditional security threat that human society must cooperate with each other, selfless coordination and efforts to deal with it.The people who are transported out of the epidemic area are also reducing the load of diagnosis and treatment of the disease treatment of the country's medical system.Originally, the two sides of the strait were able to obtain a good opportunity for a positive interaction, but in the end, it became a subject of cross -strait contesting to each other. It is difficult for government policy authorities to blame.

If the two sides of the strait do not want to go back to the Cold War confrontation architecture, and look forward to the stable development of the relationship between the two parties, do not talk quickly, let alone publish unrealistic information to mislead the people, let alone be happy when facing the epidemic test on the mainland.Even in the mainland to create division and conflict.

In the process of handling the aforementioned incident, the positions of different government agencies have different positions. Many of them originally expressed their kindness to the other party thanked the speech, and they were often covered by the sound of politics.This discussion will only make the other party more doubtful, so that it is even more unable to trust the real purpose of the position expressed by the Taiwanese side.

The most worrying thing is that radical Taiwan independence launched a social movement in the name of medical staff and refused to return to Taiwan to return to Taiwan to avoid the epidemic. Such cutting positions and cold attitudes will cause the mainland Taiwanese compatriots and lose their heart efforts to Taiwan.From the perspective of cross -strait relations strategic competition, it is definitely weakening to weaken themselves and help competitors' stupid behavior, but no ruling team has responded correctly.What is the attitude of the government's abandonment of mainland Taiwanese businessmen in danger, but strives to return the funds of Taiwanese businessmen. What attitude is this?

The interaction between the two sides of the strait has reached the dangerous crossroads. We can't help doubt that if we choose to continue to sell mango to strengthen the ruling confidence, and even use reverse osmosis and dispel the enthusiastic running to coordinateThe high -level government has eaten the scale of the scales, and decided to abandon the accumulated results of interacting with the mainland in the past 40 years, re -put the cold war against the attitude, and make it a new normal for interaction between the two sides of the strait?

We must seriously ask the government if we are really determined to prepare for the war?After the election of President Tsai, I accepted an interview with the BBC and pointed out that the war on both sides of the strait cannot be ruled out at any time. If the government is really ready to enter the preparation state, how can I hope that some people are willing to invest in Taiwan, and the economy will be depressed. This is Taiwan. This is Taiwan. This is Taiwan. This is Taiwan. This is Taiwan. This is Taiwan. This is Taiwan.Is the public be happy?