Sing Tao Daily News Agency The Hong Kong Hospital Authority ’s employees launched medical strikes earlier. The operation lasted for five days. The people of the public hospital ward were lacking, which seriously affected the operation of medical services, causing some patients to not get appropriate management.In this regard, the organization and participants that initiate strike must not only bear moral responsibility, but also have legal responsibilities.A patient at Prince of Wells died during the strike. The family believed that he was discharged by the strike that he had discharged him. If he was considering a legal channel, he would be investigated.Come.

This action has caused all kinds of evil results to lead the rights and interests of patients, and it is reasonable for them to bear legal responsibility.In addition to the affected patients, the Hospital Authority should also actively consider taking action.

The law is reasonable to claim the law

The patient's family issued a statement in social media that his loved ones were treated in the Hospital at the time, but encountered medical strikes. The action made the ward inadequate manpower, so that the relatives did not get appropriate care after the operation was completed.Dead.The family members are very distressed, and they will ask for the cause of the cause of the cause, and vowed to investigate to the end.

Family members make this allegations, not emotional reactions, but have certain basis.Anyone who provides services does not do its full responsibility, and the relevant personnel do not do well, and damage themselves, and have the right to propose legal complaints and ask the court to preside over justice.For example, the strike of airline personnel has caused heavy losses for guests, and the victims can prosecute civil prosecutions and recover compensation.

In addition to civil investigations, the family members of patients who are dissatisfied with strike medical care may also be required to convene the cause of the cause of the cause.The cause court will not review the recovery of the patient's family members, but will summon the relevant people including the strike medical care, etc. The organization that initiated the action must also face the trial.

According to this newspaper, Prince Wales Hospital has decided to follow the case to follow up with the reasons.In other words, the court also agreed to the influence of the judge strike by the court.

The Institute of Health Management should be punished for scare

However, for ordinary citizens, the lawsuit is expensive, and it is not easy to investigate the strike medical care.The chairman of the New Democratic Party Ye Liu Shuyi recently said that the party's legal team will provide legal consulting services to citizens affected by strikes and study civil claims to the union initiated by the initiative.When such support is actually in the same time, it can not only assist the family members of the patients, but also condense other victims, form a greater force, put pressure on the union that drives the strike, let them know that they will take industrial actions, regardless of the patient's life and death regardless of the patient's life and death.It is necessary to pay a major price.

Strikes not only need to cope with civil claims, but also may have to face the disciplinary sanctions of the Hospital Authority.When the employees of the Hospital Bureau were negotiated with the Hospital Authority earlier, they put forward the demands of calculating accounts after the autumn, but the other party had not agreed, showing that the bureau may not have shot, and the sword will be out of the sheath at any time.

To avoid medical care in the future, the strike is threatened, and the waves are continuously stimulated to impact medical services and harm patients. The Hospital Authority should actively consider taking disciplinary actions to apply sufficient scarcation.Similarly, the affected patients and their families make civil claims, which can also make medical care considerations more concerns and think twice when they think again.