Hong Kong 01 Weekly

Author: Chen Yilin

After seventeen years of SARS, Hong Kong ushered in another infectious disease.The epidemic of new coronary virus pneumonia (new coronal virus) continues to spread. In addition to highlighting the threat of human and animal infectious diseases again, the incident is difficult to find on the market.Governance, social and economic crisis has become a demon mirror for government governance capabilities.This is not the first time, nor is it the last time that the society recognizes the raging of infectious diseases, digestion and drawing experience in the past, which is an indispensable lesson.

Since the diagnosis of the first patient in Wuhan on December 1, there have been confirmed cases in addition to the mainland.As of the morning of February 9, the new crown virus has been diagnosed with 37,98 cases in the mainland, and 811 deaths have been killed. Among them, there are 27,100 in Hubei Province. Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, and even Europe and the United States have found confirmed cases.The number of diagnosis in various places has continued to increase, and Hong Kong has shown signs of community infection recently.Faced with the epidemic, the estimation of epidemiological experts is not optimistic. Liang Zhuowei, the dean of the University of Hong Kong Medical College, was interviewed by the radio last week that Wuhan was closed on the 23rd last month., To reach the peak of about three to four weeks.The rapid and large -scale transmission of the virus made the public fear. The number of diagnosis in the world surpassed the SARS period in just more than two months. Hong Kong also reproduced the scene of wearing masks for the whole people 17 years ago and even crazy purchasing masks and daily necessities.

On the 12th of last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially named the new coronary virus as the 2019 new coronary virus (2019-NCOV).Later, a new type of coronary virus that can be infected with humans appeared again.If the time is turned back for half a month, I believe most people have never thought that many unknown pneumonia in Wuhan will evolve into a more serious crisis than SARS in 2003.In November 2002, the SARS virus appeared in Foshan, Guangdong, and spread on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. At that time, SARS not only endangered public health and the public's lives.Chinese infectious disease expert Zhong Nanshan proposed the treatment of SARS methods, becoming the first contributor to domestic against SARS.After the epidemic, he and the researchers wrote a compliance with the practice of fighting SARS practice and the new humanistic spirit. In 2005, it was published in the first phase of Guangdong Social Sciences. Among them, in addition to fighting SARS, the public needs to review their own thinking and behavior through the epidemic,The relationship between nature and humanity, emergency mechanism, government decision -making, etc. These are not only a lesson left by epidemics, but also an opportunity for reflection by it.With ancient times as the prison, we won't make mistakes again, so have we lessons?

How to coexist with nature?

The essence of the epidemic stems from nature, whether it is the first Ipora virus in 1976, the 2013 H7N9 avian influenza or the new crown virus.Medical technologies are thousands of miles a day. When more and more incurable diseases are cured, new types of infectious diseases continue to erupt.What are the problems with human interaction with nature?

At the beginning of the emergence of the new coronal virus, all circles were worried about whether SARS was reproduced. After testing by researchers, it was found that the new coronary virus of the new coronary virus was 87%similar to the baton virus in 2019.79%similarity.Animal virus generally does not appear in the human body, but when the environment changes and the population is becoming dense, the virus will continue to mutate for survival.Taking SARS as an example, the source of the source is a bat, which passed to the middle host fruit civet, and finally passed on the human body. When the virus mutations, the viral protein combined with the human body's upper respiratory cell receptor, the person was infected.Researchers at the Laboratory Laboratory of the Institute of New Corporation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have successfully separated the first bat SARS -like virus from the sample. The results of the scientific journals in November 2013 are naturally. Why does the virus of wild animals appear in human society?At that time, the researchers pointed out that because of the habit of the game and the habit of eating, the virus was passed from bat to fruit, causing the epidemic.

However, Zhong Nanshan pointed out in the article that the civet is not the culprit of the SARS virus, but the victim of the unhealthy diet of human beings.He proposed that the relationship between human survival environment and health is actually the relationship between ecological balance. The cause of the cause of the disease shows that the occurrence of any epidemic disease is more or less related to the environment.SARS is impossible to popularize large -scale; because human conquest naturally presents global, fast and unprecedented destructive characteristics, it has caused nature to issue a warning to human beings.Treat nature.

Coincidentally, after 17 years, Gao Fu, director of the China Disease Prevention and Control Center, said at the press conference of the China State Council News Office on the 21st last month that the new crown virus originated from wild animals sold in Wuhan South Seafood market in Wuhan.Possibility.In 2003, the atypical pneumonia virus originated from Guangdong's odors. In 2019, the new coronary virus in 2019 also suspects that it originated from Wuhan's odors. Wildlife is abandoned.The threat of the disease to humans is also obviously related to human bad diet.In the early days of Wuhan, photos of mainlanders eating bats and drinking tadpoles were spread on social platforms. The people of the mainland love food.Cause the next tragedy.

The people's awareness of health protection is insufficient, and many backward hygiene habits and lifestyles are yet to be amended. In addition, when two large public health accidents are caused by wild animals, they are blocked from the source and the sound of cracking down on flaws.Although China has the regulatory supervision of the game and sale of the game, and there are also wildlife protection laws, the problem of illegal operations in domestic spectacles markets is seriously serious, and supervision and law enforcement are not effective.And close the spectacle market, but the spectacle market later resurrected.

Yuan Guoyong, a lecture professor at the Department of Micro Biology, Hong Kong University, said in an interview with the Washington Post at the end of January that the virus with wild animals as the host was very easy to change. From animals to humans, and then evolved into infectious diseases with human abilityFood or food culture has always been difficult, but the lesson that major epidemics brings us is that we must respect the habitat of life, ecosystems and wild animals.His words reflect that although it is difficult to change, supervision still has to do it, it is the most important thing to go to self -discipline from his law.

In the era of sudden infectious disease, epidemic prevention is better than resistance

In fact, since 1940, more than 600 emerging infectious diseases have occurred around the world, more than 60 % of the sources of diseases are animals, such as the Bobra virus of the fruit bat, the HIV virus of the monkey, and the H1N1 virus of the bird, the coronary virus, the coronary virus, the coronary virus,The A bird flu virus is a common infectious disease in human and animals. In the last century, at least 10 infectious diseases spread from animals to humans. Even if health protection monitoring continued to increase, new diseases still appeared. Even European and American medical developed countries continued to appear.It's hard to be spared.

In addition, with the development of political and economic and social development, transportation is even more high -speed, and the population flow is even more high -speed, and people's living models and behaviors are becoming increasingly changing. These have the opportunity to promote the spread of infectious diseases.SARS spreads to all over the world within less than half a year; among the new crown viruses, some experts have pointed out that Wuhan is densely populated and has an animal market, which makes local citizens more likely to develop diseases, and the population flow has increased due to the Spring Festival.In 2004, the three universities of Hong Kong, Pei Weishi, Guan Yi, and Yuan Guoyong published a paper on natural medicine in medical journals, and also pointed out that tourism is one of the reasons for the spread of the epidemic.Under the context of diseases and social development, it is not difficult to predict: new infectious diseases are rising again and again.Prerequisites, if you invade, are the biggest problem.

OnceFinding new viruses, early isolation and decisive decisions are to deal with the attitude of infectious diseases.On December 1 last year, the first patient with unknown pneumonia in Wuhan was confirmed until the 8th; the local government only publicly notified 27 cases on the 21st, referring to the stable condition and controlling.The group reminded friends to pay attention to the epidemic, so it became a rumor to be interviewed by the police. The media also abandoned the supervision function because of political pressure and did not report related news.Until December 31, the first announcement of the first announcement wrote: 27 cases have been found, 7 of which are serious, and the remaining cases have been stable and controllable.The pneumonia caused by the Wuhan Municipal Health and Health Commission in early January of this year, there were many states that there were no one to pass on the pneumonia.The safety of the people's lives and health in the highest position, resolutely curbing the spread of the epidemic, and the diagnosis of numbers has risen completely. This will inevitably be suspected that whether the chief is loyal to everything.History is always amazing. At that time, SARS also concealed the disease because he did not dare to shake social stability and the economy. Many media did not tire of the next thing to say many times. The outbreak of the epidemic seemed to be avoided.

It is undeniable that the reality is that at the beginning of the outbreak of the new infectious disease, a person lacks awareness of it. Patients may die before the pathogen analysis, and therefore fails to confirm the diagnosis. In this new crown virusIt is not obvious. For example, the main symptoms of pneumonia diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia infected by the new coronary virus infection (trial fifth edition), which are officially published in the mainland.Patients make it more difficult to prevent epidemic prevention.But because of this, the government is always vigilant and establish a sound social emergency mechanism, and even regional and international cooperation mechanisms become particularly important to deal with sudden natural disasters and crises.Each inefficient response is not only a loss, but also a greater crisis of bone -cards. It is the last line of defense of the remedy.The current resistance to epidemic is important. Finding the source of the disease and controlling the epidemic is not an overnight. After the epidemic, does a city reflect on social development and cause policy formulation?Even with the rapid social development, globalization, and increasing population flow, it has a plan?When everyone in Hong Kong is frightened, this may reflect the government's response techniques. Since the battle in 2003, there are still many bad habits and lacks, and it has also exposed Hong Kong's weaknesses at the level of medical resources allocation and transmission information for many years.

If wearing a mask is a correct attitude to deal with the medical crisis, the Hong Kong mask has been difficult to find recently, and even front -line medical care is no exception.The government first announced that the purchase mask failed, and then the low -use price had a bidding mask. When asked why the mask produced by the Correctional Services Department was distributed to the citizens. Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e responded that it would cause market competition. As a result, a large number of citizens reached all night.The streets lined up on the streets to buy a mask, and some netizens even proposed to set up local masks production lines.Until last Thursday (February 6), the government allocated 30,000 masks to medical associations and resold to members.Nowadays, both the public and home sanitary products are in short supply. Although the society should not buy blindly. At the same time, the government is still trapped in the free market at this moment.

Treatment of diseases must be believed in science, but science may not be able to provide accurate detailed answers on each public health and epidemic prevention policy. Each measure must be considered politically, legal and feasible.And in front of the citizens, not only the epidemic, but also the special zone government that has not been trusted for many years, how to restore the citizens' confidence in the government's leading resistance to the government?French writer Albert Camus wrote in an plague: They thought they had a way to deal with anything, which means that they thought that natural disasters could not happen.I hope that Kamu's ignorance will not be our government officials.