Ming Pao News Agency

The mainland's epidemic continued, and the Hong Kong government announced that it had blocked multiple gates such as Luo Lake. The frontline medical unions were dissatisfied with the authorities and did not fully close the barrier.Hong Kong society tears, and the citizens do not trust the government. Anyone involving the mainland will have almost contradictions, and the dispute in Fengguan has once again highlighted this situation.There is no perfect epidemic prevention in the world. The most important thing is to continue to respond to the development of the epidemic and continue to adjust the strategy.Hong Kong's current strategy is mainly blocked, trying to minimize the flow of people in Lu and Hong Kong as a major direction. There is no major objection to all parties. The biggest difference is that they should do a few times.Epidemic, avoid randomness.The government has the responsibility to strengthen support for frontline medical care, and it should also let the outside world understand that what preparations for the authorities have to respond to the different developments that may occur in the epidemic.Medical care should also adhere to their posts to avoid affecting the interests of patients.

There are controversy in the city's closure

Different epidemic prevention of communication

According to new government measures, Luohu, Luomazhou, Huanggang, and Hong Kong and Macao Wharfs were closed at midnight, and only the airports, Shenzhen Bay, and Hong Kong -Zhuhai -Macao Bridge were retained.The Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue said that the government agrees to compress the cross -border flow, which is consistent with the medical goals. The new measure is to increase the compression.Speaking of why it is not fully closed, she said that Hong Kong has close connections with the mainland. There are 100,000 people in Hong Kong cross -border daily. Many of them are due to life needs.Cross -border port.

Whether or not is comprehensive or not, it has become a dual -opposed zero -harmonious political wrestling in Hong Kong.The employee line of the Hospital Management Bureau asked the government to fully close the customs. Yesterday, the first stage of strike was launched. The union stated that more than 2,500 people participated.The government emphasized that the new measures have nothing to do with the initiative of some employees of the Hospital Authority.The authorities decide whether there are political reasons behind this decision, which has various suspicions. However, with the current Hong Kong atmosphere, I believe that the government is also very clear. Except for the full closure, any tightening of entry measures will be regarded by the strike supporters as unqualified as unqualified as the strike supporters as unqualified as unqualified as strikes.Essence

The frontline medical care is on the front line of epidemic prevention, and there is pressure and anxiety. The authorities have the responsibility to prioritize the priority of medical care equipment. At the same time, it is more frank with the front line medical care.Even if they can't do it, the two parties should seek mutual understanding and try to find common ground while depositing differences. There is no need to regard each other as Kou Qiu. Some exciting emotions can be free.The Basic Law guarantees the right to strike in Hong Kong people. However, medical strikes not only affect the patients, but also strengthen the pressure of public medical systems and disrupt epidemic prevention deployment. The practice is not desirable.

Looking back at the SARS epidemic in 2003, the Hong Kong Government's anti -epidemic prevention performance has also caused a lot of criticism. However, at a critical moment, everyone knows that they must solidify and consistent with the internal consumption of the struggle.Xiong Zhitian, former director of the Internet of New Territories Hospital, who had anti -epidemic, pointed out that there was only one enemy in Hong Kong that year, which is the SARS virus. In addition to the new coronary virus, the enemy has extremely distrust of the government, which has caused all the government measures to receive the government's measures.Questioning, even if there is really reason, it becomes no.In the face of ANC, in the face of the threat of new viruses, Hong Kong should regain the spirit of unity and resistance.Xiong Zhitian said that taking good care of patients is a medical responsibility, and should not penetrate political factors. It is called for all the time to discuss the discussion of the right and wrong after the disassessment to the epidemic.

After the World Wei announced that the new coronary virus was a global health emergency, many countries tightened their entry measures against mainland China.In the epidemic area, it is difficult for officials to monitor and make it easier for epidemic to spread.After the incident, there were many political conspiracy theories on the Internet, questioning the Chinese government's pressure on the WHO. Some people even initiated online petitions to ask WHD to resign and Yunyun.WHO is sometimes accused of excessive response, and sometimes accused of being too slow. However, the WHO stands consistently for restricting tourism prevention of tourism.In 2014, West Africa's Ebola epidemic was an emergency in the world. It also opposed the closure of closing the epidemic prevention. There was no backstage in West African countries. It is difficult to imagine that the decision of WTO is related to politics.

Of course, WHO's claims are just suggestions. You cannot order the world, and there are the right to choose to do.Although there are scientific research on foreign countries spreading AIDS and pig flu, they have questioned the effectiveness of the prevention of the epidemic prevention in full. However, once the epidemic is encountered, the most intuitive response of many people in many places is to be closed.Passing to the mainland is a dose of heavy medicine, which will inevitably affect many Hong Kong people who need time -time travel because of life. They need to consider.Decide.

Improve the transparency of epidemic prevention

The government must plan a full plan

The prevention of the epidemic prevention is not the only one. Where the boundary is divided, it depends on the development of the epidemic and the reality. It also depends on resources.Chen Jialiang, the dean of the Chinese University of Medical College, talked about the experience of not wearing a mask to patronize the supermarket in the column. It brought out a very important information, which is the most ideal to have sufficient protection. However, the actual situation may not be satisfactory.Do your best to do a good job of personal hygiene.Regardless of whether the people wear masks or fully closed the level, they are all measures. However, based on practical restrictions and balance of society, they may not be able to do it, but it does not mean that the epidemic prevention front collapses.What the current government needs is to let the public know that there is a full -scale epidemic prevention plan. When the epidemic develops, it will consider what measures will be taken.Xiong Zhitian mentioned that the authorities can consider formulating some objective standards, such as the suspension of locals to Hong Kong when the Guangdong case arrives at a certain level.With such treatment methods, it helps to improve the transparency of the government's decision -making, and avoid external suspicion that the authorities are considering the issue of closing the problem because of political factors.