With the development of the new coronary virus epidemic and more information disclosure, the anger of Chinese netizens has originally pointed to Wuhan and Hubei officials, and began to shift to members of the National Centers for Disease Control and control, and may even burn to Academician Zhongnan Mountain.The word shaking the pot has also begun to appear on the Internet at a high frequency, which seems to be a popular.

Compared to some people's shaking pot, Zhong Nanshan was just burning this time.On January 28, he accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency when the epidemic was the most severe, saying that the epidemic would reach the peak in about one or 10 days, and it would not increase significantly.

When talking about this paragraph, there are nearly 2,000 new confirmed cases daily in China, and the total number of cases in just one month exceeds SARS.However, Zhong Nanshan said that the epidemic was about to see the top Wuhan who could pass the level. Such a big school was relocated that many netizens were determined that they were shouting for the official faith.Some people are dissatisfied with this, saying that his name is about to destroy one.

Zhong Nanshan has always been regarded by netizens as the hero of defeating Shats.After the outbreak, he was 84 years old as the leader of the National Health and Health Commission's high -level expert group.Obviously this is a danger.At least two weeks after the establishment of the expert group, he rushed to Wuhan on January 18.

After that, he went to Beijing on the 19th and attended the National Television Conference on the 20th. He disclosed the epidemic that night, saying that the virus must have passed on.This clearly overthrow the authorities before the authorities.Netizens dare to tell him the truth and face the relevant authorities.

However, some netizens ignored that Zhong Nanshan was also within the system. He was the leader of high -level experts organized by the National Health and Health Commission.To some extent, he represents the authorities.

Of course, the expert group mainly provides a basis for decision -making for the highest authorities, and is the right to recommend.The highest authorities invited an 84 -year -old man to be a team leader in a dangerous way to reflect their anxiety.Obviously, they are more anxious to hear the conclusion of the expert group than anyone.Therefore, it is said that Zhong Nanshan is a hero, but it is more like a gold on the face of the authorities instead of fighting.

In addition, some netizens have enthusiastically held Zhong Nanshan, because he said that he was rumored, making everyone mistakenly thought it was a disappointment.Because this conclusion is terrible.The disappointment was scattered from Jin Yong's novel Yi Tian Tu Long Ji.Compared with Xingxin Pills, disappointment can cause people to lose rationality, panic, or temporary sexuality.

After Zhongnan Shan affirmed the heir, Caixin.com interviewed a Hong Kong expert Guan Yi. He said that the epidemic was out of control, and the scale of infection was at least ten times the jump of Shas. He also said that he was scared to escape from Wuhan.These words are undoubtedly a strong force.

This disappointment ordered Guan Yi's reputation, and was even regarded by netizens as the same hero as Zhong Nanshan.Because in their opinion, the people in Zhong Nanshan said that they said that the nature was the same as Guan Yi's out of control.And Wang Guangfa, an anti -controlling expert, was scolded by netizens.

yes!In the epidemic period of the outbreak of people's hearts and panic, if you are a businessman, you will be keenly discovered.But the disappointment can greatly cater to the public's panic, and the sales will be good.The cover of Wang Guangfa's front car is that he insisted on selling anti -controllable relocation pills.

But this time, Zhong Nanshan actually sold Xinxin Pill, and said that Wuhan would definitely pass the level.But such remarks praise him in front of the netizen who praise him as a hero, it is very difficult to pass.They want Zhong Nanshan, who hit the face authority, selling Zhong Nanshan, who was lost.

But Zhong Nanshan is a scientist, a doctor, not a businessman.What he said now, even if he would be scolded by netizens, he would still say that because he had a scientific attitude, he had to say so.Unlike Guan Yi's saying ten times, there is no basis at all, it is just like the masterpiece of prophecy.Except for the panic of netizens, you can't see a scientific attitude and the responsibility of scientists.

Zhong Nanshan has a responsibility.He is about to peak.I. This new type of coronary virus has not appeared in many super propaganda; 2. The government has adopted national prevention and control measures in a timely manner, such as canceling large -scale activities, reducing crowd gathering, and extending the Spring Festival holidays.Therefore, he judged that the epidemic would not have a nationwide outbreak like Shas.

In addition, pneumonia caused by the new coronary virus has a low mortality and severe probability rate, but the virus is more contagious. It mainly has a latency period, and it can be passed on without symptoms.Therefore, Zhong Nanshan believes that through the Spring Festival, 10 days to 14 days is a good quarantine observation period. The onset of the disease is treated in a timely manner in a local hospital.

In response to the characteristics of the virus, the author believes that whether it is China's urban measures or Singapore's restrictions, as long as it is carefully implemented, it will be effective.This is based on science reassurance.Even if some people are not welcome, insisting on being disappointed, as scientists, they should tell the situation realisticly.

(The author is a columnist, editor -in -chief of the website)