Ming Pao News Agency

The first new type of coronary virus pneumonia appeared in Hong Kong. There were 18 cumulative cumulative cases. The latest 3 cases were believed to be local infection cases.With local infection cases in Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Singapore and other places, some cases of cases are not clear. The risks of new pneumonia into the world are also increasing.One heart and epidemic prevention and disease, do a good job of personal hygiene.Looking at the world, many people are uneasy or even afraid of the epidemic. Among them, there are too many unknown objective parts of the new virus, and there are many psychological factors playing a role.In the face of the WTO's true and false information, the public must be alert to the virus and avoid panic to prevent the spread of discrimination and spread.

Portal Death Case

Panic emotion to guide

Different from SARS, there are invisible patients in this epidemic. Some international experts believe that it is possible to develop into Global Epidemic according to mathematical models.Looking at the latest development yesterday, this possibility obviously cannot be underestimated.In Thailand with a cumulative 25 cases, the illness and control department said yesterday that a Korean woman returned to China after visiting Thailand to confirm it. It is believed that the virus may be spread in Thailand.As for Singapore with a total of 24 cases, the authorities have also announced that two local people who have not been to China have recently been confirmed. They are colleagues and work in a shop specializing in tourist business.

On the side of Hong Kong, the first death case was also reported yesterday. The deceased was a local. At the age of 39, he suffered from diabetes. He was a long -term patient. He had been in Wuhan before he became ill. He died of heart failure.In addition, the authorities also diagnosed three new cases. The three were not recorded in the outside world. No obvious pathogen was found. The Center for Health Protection was concerned that there may be invisible transmission in the local area.

According to expert analysis, if the elders and patients with long -term illness are infected with new viruses and their condition is relatively severe, this death case confirms this observation. Local expert Xu Shuchang also emphasized that there is a case of death in Hong Kong, which does not reflect the increase in the risk of death.The mortality rate of pneumonia is currently maintained at 2%to 3%, which is much lower than SARS.Of course, the citizens must be alert to the threat of stealth communication, pay attention to personal hygiene to wash their hands, and also avoid panic.The new virus is mainly transmitted through droplets and contact, and it is not air transmission. Xu Shichang pointed out that many cases in Hong Kong are closely exposed to infections in their families. No virus can be easily passed on in the community.Citizens should keep calm to avoid randomness.

The epidemic affects the panic of the society, with both objective parts and psychological parts.There are too many unknown elements in the new virus. The source of infection, host, and transmission are still yet to be understood. In addition, there may not be obvious signs after the infection. At this stage, there are no special medicines. The objective factors of these epidemics are inevitable.It is more complicated.

More than 10 years ago, a book of infectious diseases in Duke University Cultural Research Scholar Prisoncilla Wald was deemed to be an authoritative work on the relationship between epidemic discussions and panic.She pointed out that this epidemic occurred in the age of social media and mobile phone information. The epidemic information surrounded everyone in all directions, which produced the panic effect of the end of the day.The latest epidemic report also describes that with this epidemic, it is a Massive Infodemic. The over -information spread on the Internet and the Internet has spread. Among them, there are facts and rumors.

People are in this state for a long time, and they are easily confused. In the current social atmosphere of Hong Kong, the problem is even more serious.The government has lost its authority, and the citizens do not believe in the government, and some people deliberately spread their rumors, resulting in more unstable people's hearts.In order to stabilize people's hearts, the government should shoulder the role of leadership. Experts and public opinion should also allow facts and scientific floating places to assist in creating a rational and calm social atmosphere, so that citizens have the bottom of their hearts.

History has proven that fear often discriminates side by side with prejudice. From the first time in Europe in the 15th century, syphilis broke out for the first time. It came hundreds of years later.In the West, some more critical reports and comments have recently discussed racial discrimination and prejudice that are discussed in the epidemic. Except for Chinese people, other Asian yellow people have been discriminated against.Wald's work pointed out that whenever the outbreak of the epidemic arouses social panic, there are always some routine models. Many reports, discussions and discussions on epidemic conditions are often affected by popular culture, science fiction, or even zombie movie stories., Not to resolve the crisis; some imaginations of people's epidemics are more likely to increase salary for the prejudice and ethnic discrimination that already exist in society.

Anti -disease in the upper and lower hearts

Avoid hysteria

This type of implicit and discrimination exposition danger is that the threat of the epidemic itself is true.The column comment pointed out that the situation where this is not uncommon in American history to help prevent the spread of the epidemic and make prejudice and discrimination discrimination. In the 1980sFear.Harvey Rubin, an expert at the University of Pennsylvini, talks about the panic response caused by the new virus, and even speak any excuses to support their existing prejudice and paranoia.Hong Kong society should also be vigilant about this unhealthy phenomenon.

The new virus is aggressive, and the risk of the community's outbreak cannot be underestimated. Now what Hong Kong needs is not panic or accusing each other, but unity and consistent heart to prevent epidemic prevention.The government needs to adjust its strategies due to the time system and strengthen support for medical care. Medical care should also stop strikes, adhere to their posts, and forget to serve the public's original intention.At the same time, society must be calm and calm to avoid the psychological state of collective hysteria.