01 Viewpoint

At midnight on February 1, one minute after the Brexit was officially Brexit, the Maldives, located in the Indian Ocean, announced that it was re -joined the Commonwealth.Subsequently, Patricia Scotland, the Secretary -General of the Commonwealth, not only publicized that the Maldives would re -become the 54th member states, but also called the country's reform process in line with the values and principles of the Commonwealth.The current President Mohamed Solih, in terms of human rights disputes, led the country to withdraw from the former Federal President Abdulla Yameen, but returning to the Commonwealth is far from values. There are also economics and save the country to save the country.Incentives, Maldives popped in in just four years.

Maldives was separated from British independence in 1965 and joined the Commonwealth in 1982.Even though the country ended the dictatorship of more than 30 years in 2008, and the first democratic election was held.After Yamin became the presidential period in 2013, the difference between the country and the Commonwealth gradually expanded.When the Commonwealth threatened sanctions with the lack of substantial progress in the rule of law and democracy in 2016, Yaming pioneered and withdrawn from the Commonwealth.

Yaming and Salich

Yaming once said that it was treated unfair and unfair by the Commonwealth.Perhaps the charges of the Commonwealth are incomplete and accurate, but the Maldives under the governance of Yaming do have a tram of human rights.After the assassination of the insurance in 2015, Yaming immediately issued an emergency order, but the order eventually became a trick to clear the alien and suspended the function of judicial organs and parliament.In addition to arresting the opponents of the opposition, Yaming also detained the two judges in the Supreme Court to overthrow the case that requested the release and review of nine political leaders in the original judgment.As the former Higherman of the United Nations, Zeid Raad Al Hussein, a senior commissioner of human rights affairs, pointed out that even in an emergency, Yaming must respect the basic requirements of fair trials.This believes that it is one of the reasons why the Commonwealth can't see.

Yaming's emergency state may have expanded administrative power, but he was defeated in the subsequent elections, and Mrs. Maldives expressed her voting.After holding the pro -Indian position, Salich defeated Ah Ming with a support of 58.4%after rebuilding democracy and seeking justice in 2018. The Maldives also had an inflection point in political and economic policies.Politically, Salich said to help those who suffer abuse and unfair treatment seek justice, release political prisoners, and commit to investigating strange death and missing cases and disclose the results of the investigation.The pro -Chinese policy, the diplomatic policy of India's priority, even released a number of political prisoners after the election, as a goodwill to re -apply to join the Commonwealth.

Maldives' funding gap

On the surface, both Salich and Schi Peiya explained the reasons for returning to the Commonwealth with democracy and human rights, but the cause of economic causes should not be ignored or even more important.In the next decades, the Maldives may be overwhelmed by the rising seawater. In the middle of last month, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ABDulla Shahid announced the establishment of a climate change fund.However, Shashids said that the funding gap used to protect the coast is still as high as 8.8 billion US dollars.When facing the country, the Maldives need to revise and rebuild the relationship with the international community in order to raise funds from foreign countries.Furthermore, in addition to the development assistance of the Commonwealth ownership, Britain has stated that after Brexit, it has stated that he hopes to establish a similar economic partner treaty (EPA) trade agreement with the Commonwealth countries.This is also the economic market that enables Maldives to open up to 2.4 billion people in the Commonwealth, and disperse its economic structure that focuses on the tourism industry.

In the previous year's inaugural speech, Salich has also stated that the Belt and Road Initiative of China has caused Maldives to debt high and bring huge losses to the treasury.Although this kind of political posture of first soldiers and then courtesy, it can also be seen in Malaysia Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, which may not cause the relationship between the two countries to break down, but as the small island country sandwiched between the great powers, it takes the left and right sources as the main foreign policy leaderTune can help balance and hedge interests.When the Maldives gradually became a dark venue between China and India, Salich revised the path of the predecessors and re -joined the Commonwealth as the third road, not only can avoid being dragged into the embarrassing situation of the border selection station in the future, but also it can also be used to be dragged into the edge stations, but also it can also be.The development of the economy with the help of the three is an example of small country and big diplomacy.