Author: Chen Yixin

Following the successful persuasion of German Chancellor Merkel and China Huawei 5G, US President Trump tried to lobby French President Macron and British Prime Minister Johnson and Huawei.Johnson may recently announce the British policy to Huawei. As for Macron, it will wait and see the progress of the law in the United States.In order to promote the cutting of Germany, France, Britain, and Huawei, Trump has obviously made a mixed solution and did not hesitate to pay a huge price.

Germany was the earliest country to yield to the United States. Merkel had previously argued that Germany had enough ability to ensure that Germany's network security was ensured, and they were convinced that Huawei did not arrange any backdoor software in Germany or to hack German secret software.However, the US intelligence agency told Germany that this means that China's ability to get confidentialism may be stronger and more terrible than expected.

In addition to the aforementioned reasons, the United States has also mastered three tools that are sufficient to make Germany compromise.First, the United States, on the grounds that Germany is an important ally of NATO, pointed out that if Germany does not cooperate, the cooperation between the United States and Germany in NATO will be seriously affected.

Secondly, under the active fight for Berlin, Germany finally joined the five -eye alliance that was only the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Year in March 2019. In addition to the France and Japan that joined the same.Search, intelligence sharing and analysis work.The United States threatened Germany that if Germany continued to cooperate with Huawei, the United States only listed Germany as the object of intelligence.

Third, the United States has the most complete intelligence of the world's anti -terrorism.Because Germany has been severely attacked in the past few years, the United States has threatened Germany as a model.

For France, the United States uses another set of methods.In 2019, Macron ordered a digital tax on scientific and technological giants such as Google, Apple, Amazon, and other scientific and technological giants in the United States. Trump immediately sacrificed clause 301 clauses, and it was colorful to pay high tariffs on French alcohol, cosmetics and cheese with a total value of 2.4 billion US dollars.EssenceMacron said on the 20th that after he had made a great discussion with Trump, the two countries had decided to temporarily expose their troops in digital tax disputes in the next year and continue to negotiate with digital taxes and other economic and trade issues to avoid the two countries from the two countries.Falling into a tariff battle.

Recently, under the pressure of the United States, France joined Germany and Britain to condemn Iran to destroy the six -party nuclear military agreement, that is, the cooperation between the United States, Germany, France, and Britain has gradually surpassed the field of economic and trade and technology, and expanded to security issues.

Britain and the United States have always been two countries with special relationships.A spokesman for the British Prime Minister's Office said on the 25th that Johnson had a detailed discussion with Trump's series of issues such as strategic security and telecommunications network security before announcing Britain's policy on Huawei.U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo will visit London on the 29th before Brexit at the end of Brexit to discuss with Johnson and Foreign Minister Labu on expanding and deepening trade cooperation between the United States and Britain.It can be judged that Johnson will announce the British policy to Huawei after the 29th.

Although the US Vice President Pence in October last October, it was guaranteed that the United States had no intention of deciring with mainland China, but the United States promoted Germany, France, Britain, and Huawei to cut, showing that the United States seemed to have decided to strive for the first -class high -tech countries and Huawei in the mainland of the mainland in high -tech countries and the mainland Huawei in the mainland.Development, forming an anti -China League, which is accurate with mainland China in the high -tech field.

(The author is a lecture professor at the Department of Political Science of China Cultural University)