Author: Zhuo Yaxiong

Two days ago, after the Japanese Foreign Minister Mao Mumin passed away 1 million masks in Wuhan to deal with the dangerous epidemic of pneumonia, he decided to send 1,000 medical manpower to the scene; Mao Mu said at the ceremony: Before the disease, there was no skin color and race.Although there are different levels of interpretation in the future, there is no skin color before the disease, and race has been recognized as a classic.

In Taiwan, which is connected to the blood of the mainland, the new crown virus has been confirmed 4 weeks after, and the Cai government's response is becoming more and more extreme.It is foreseeable that the two sides will fall into a more unpleasant state due to the SARS of Wuhan.

In 2003, SARS broke out in Taiwan, which was the hardest hit area of 73 deaths. At the same time, the SARS birthplace was nearly 350. At the moment, Taiwan did not blame the mainland how to outbreak this big trouble.How can the epidemic come from? How should I end? Experts on both sides of the strait watched the scene together, and even visited the patients in the isolation ward.

The SARS of the mainland broke out in early March of the year, and the flags were gone in early July, but then cross -strait experts still cooperated to discuss the mystery of SARS.Therefore, it cannot be visited, but it is common for more than half a day with the video of the venue.At that time, Abian was president, but he would not use the people's life and health as a bargaining chip.Su Yiren, director of the Disease Contribution of the Department of Health, also led a delegation to Kuala Lumpur to attend the WHO seminar.This is the first time WHO has officially invited Chinese government representatives to participate. In the conference, my country will share anti -SARS experience to share, not only to gain respect, but also to promote a number of international cooperation.

Looking at the response of this wave of new crown virus in Taiwan, the efforts of public health and epidemic prevention have nothing to say, but the public health community is almost fighting alone.Expect the mainland to have WHOs to come up with the instant epidemic information?Of course, the problem is that it is not realistic when it is received. Besides, WHO has recently been vaccinated due to hooking vaccine merchants. So far, I do n’t know how to get out.

The improvement of Taiwan's public health and epidemic prevention capabilities may exceed the imagination of the Health Commission of all levels of the mainland.With the sky, Guanda said that it is almost inevitable.Do not understand that the mainland official claims that the epidemic has confirmed that no new cases will affect our epidemic prevention judgment before January 19?

The biggest change in this time the new crown virus continental epidemic prevention is no longer instructed to do things in Fengda officials, but to deal with the facts that the people understand;No change.Looking at the response of Taiwan's new crown virus at all levels, it is either as a wall view or the intention of exploring the upper -level chiefs.

The reason that the people hanging on the mouth were hungry, and the man of being drowned was overthrown. How can Su Zhenchang's discussion be explained with his descendants?On the one hand, Wen Liang is frugal, and on the other hand, I will think of it after eating left. Is this common?It is estimated that there is any plan to send 1 million masks and send 1,000 medical personnel to the scene, but do you need miscellaneous thoughts to save people like fighting fire?

The touching donations are unclear, and Alibaba Ma Yun donates Wuhan several hundreds of millions of dollars. Zukeber's 5 million US dollars donated losses. The artist Lin Ruiyang couple nearly 100 million Taiwan coins hellip; not more money and less money.It is also dazzling.Before looking at the disease of the Japanese Foreign Minister, there is no skin tone or race. Taiwanese politicians, please think about it.

(The author is senior media person)