On the evening of the 22nd, the British Parliament officially abandoned his opposition to the Prime Minister's Johnson Brexit Act. The United Kingdom finally ended the Brexit bitter brigade that delayed more than three years after the referendum.(Agence France -Presse)

Social Theory January 28, 2020

On the evening of the 22nd, the British Parliament officially abandoned the opposition to the Prime Minister's Johnson Brexit Act. The British finally delayed the Brexit bitter brigade of more than three years after the referendum.On the 31st, I left the European Union with 27 member states and entered the 11 -month -old Brexit transition period from February 1.

The European Parliament Constitutional Committee passed the Brexit agreement on the 23rd and suggested that the European Parliament approve this agreement.The European Parliament will hold debates on January 29, including EU citizens 'rights and interests in the UK, British citizens' rights and interests in Europe, British financial status, Northern Ireland border, overall impact of Brexit, Brexit legal procedures, future European and British relations.

More than three years ago, the Brexit referendum that caused British politics to be paralyzed was finally like the end of the marathon. The Brexit agreement passed the first level in the European Parliament, but the crisis has not yet ended. Britain is stepping on a new starting line.In the last, during the end of the Brexit transition period that ended on January 1, 2021, the details of the breakup with the EU will be negotiated with the EU to reach a consensus and signing agreement for future trade and security issues.

Earlier analysts warned that negotiations around Britain and the European Union's future trade relations may be more difficult and complicated than Brexit procedures.The European Union extended the Brexit period three times in total. The purpose is to avoid the British without a negative Brexit chaos. It is expected that the European Union also hopes to disassemble the gang through an agreement with the United Kingdom.The EU economy occupies a significant position.

The Brexit Act proved that Prime Minister Johnson's early election last December was the correct decision. He foresee that British voters do not want to see continuous political disputes and lead to serious social division.The political party led by Johnson has 80 seats in the next House, occupying a majority of party status. MPs of the House of Commons can only give up their objections and accept the Brexit Act that the House has passed on January 9th.The political deadlock of Lun and Torres May stepped down.

Johnson said that Britain can finally throw the resentment and division of the past few years, and go forward united.Over the years, the Brexit has not been decided to drag the British economy. Now it has crossed the end of Brexit, at least get rid of the uncertain factors affecting economic development, but it has also entered another difficult trade negotiation period.The Chairman of the European Commission, Feng Delin, warned in a speech at the London School of Political Economics and Economics. After the Brexit, the European -British relations negotiations will not be smooth sailing, and there will definitely be relatively difficult negotiations, because both parties will think and work for their well -being.

Although the first female European committee chairman in the European history did not specifically point out which aspects will become obstacles in negotiations, the Britain after Brexit must be prepared to face an unfair competition environment and be with other EU members with other EU members.The country conducts free trade negotiations and establishes and maintains a wide range of partnerships to strive for the right to enter the world's largest single market.

Although Britain can continue to stay in a single market, customsumor alliances, allow personnel to flow freely, and will still be subject to the constraints of various current regulations of the European Union, because there is no longer a representative in the EU institution, the United Kingdom has lost speechAnd vote.

Brexit EU chief negotiator Barnier has clearly stated that all aspects of the new partnerships cannot be expected to reach an agreement. Next, it depends on what the two sides can talk about within 11 months.The only thing worthwhile is that the US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin told reporters when he attended the World Economic Forum held in Davos last Thursday that after Britain's departure from the European Union, the British and the United States reached a trade agreement was urgent.Essence

The free trade negotiations were launched after about one month of Brexit. If the British and the European Union still failed to talk about conditions before the end of the transition period at the end of 2020, the final ending may be that Britain had no agreement on Brexit.And if the two sides make the worst choices, that is, extend the Brexit transition period, and run another marathon, this cannot be the result of the British and the European Union willing.According to the agreement, the United Kingdom can require extended Brexit transition periods for one to two years, but it must be requested to the European Union on July 1 this year. Johnson has insisted that it will not be extended.

After arduous negotiations this year, if you can break up with the EU peacefully, the United Kingdom can put down all bonds for various policy reforms. At present, the immigration policy will be changed significantly; for the European Union, Brexit will be one of the Brexit.Remembering the alarm must change some policies and conduct internal reforms in order to cope with the increasingly complex global political and economic situation.