Sing Tao Daily News Agency The new coronary virus has spread from Wuhan to domestic and foreign. The epidemic in Hong Kong has become increasingly serious. Although the patients who have been diagnosed so far have maintained eight places, the suspected cases that must be reported have increased to 69.The person will increase by multiple, and the situation is tight.What is even more worrying is that the Spring Festival holiday is over, and a large number of citizens who travel to the mainland will return to Hong Kong one after another, and the army of work must start. The opportunity for each other in public transportation and workplace has increased.It should be trying to make appropriate arrangements, including allowing work at home, extending holidays, and trying to reduce the risk of proliferation proliferation.

It is easy to miss the net after returning to Hong Kong after the Citizen's Day

One of the major features of the new virus new virus this time is that the speed of communication is extremely fast. Liang Zhuowei, the dean of the University of Hong Kong Medical College, inferred that there are about 25,000 people in Wuhan at present.It will double every six days, and it will take three or four months to reach the top.It can be seen that in the future, Hong Kong will be a high -risk period for virus diffusion. In addition to trying to block viruses from entering the mainland, the authorities must also prevent accelerated spread in the community and cause a large number of citizens to be infected.

Starting from Monday morning on Monday, the government has undergone local closures. Hubei residents and mainlanders who have stayed in the area within 14 days cannot enter the country, but Hong Kong citizens are not limited to this.Evaluation, if there is no symptoms, you can return to Hong Kong.As for citizens who return to Hong Kong from other provinces and cities, they must make a health declaration and exploration.

During the Spring Festival, a number of citizens went north to travel north or visit relatives. Today is the last day of the holiday. A large number of citizens will return to Hong Kong to prepare to work tomorrow. If only the above measures are taken, the infected person may have the opportunity to miss the net.Therefore, the person responsible for the control should take the initiative to ask the citizens who have been reported to have been to Hubei. If so, the health test should be more rigorous, leaving detailed information about their past whereabouts to prepare for further tracking.

Assist the flow of people at home when work at home

A large number of citizens will work on holidays this Wednesday. MTR and other public transportation will inevitably reply to crowds. Especially during the peak hours of commuting, close contact will make the virus easier to spread. The authorities must be vigilant about this.New World Group said yesterday that in order to reduce community communication and facilitate employees to take care of their children, they will allow employees to go to work flexibly and choose to work at home.This is a good arrangement. Other companies should refer to it, try to allow employees to avoid the ranks of the rework army, and reduce the risk of mutual infection.

Government and public institutions are the largest employers in Hong Kong. They can consider that employees of employees stay at home or work in time to guide the flow of people during the peak.If possible, some departments and units are even elastic extended holidays to reduce the number of people to work.In fact, the mainland has implemented this very measure. The State Council decided yesterday to extend the Spring Festival holiday for three days, and only to work until February 3.The Hong Kong government and public and private institutions should also resolve some of them, which will help reduce the risk of virus eruption in the community.

Earlier, the government had decided to extend the holidays in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, and colleges and universities also arranged the same arrangements. If you can go to work flexibly after leave, it is good for the majority of migrant workers and society.Unpredictable.