The US Ambassador to South Korea Harry Middot; Harry Harris Jr. (Harry Harris Jr.) has been in good relationship with South Korea and the South Korea.

According to the South Korean Central Daily, two incidents of illegal invasion of the Ambassador to the Ambassador to South Korea ’s citizens have occurred.Especially in October last year, more than 20 members of the South Korean University Student Progress Alliance invaded the US ambassador to South Korea, causing serious concerns of the US State Department.On January 10th, another Seoul Action Organization held a press conference outside the wall of the US Ambassador's residence to discuss Ambassador Harris.

South Korea and North Korea reported that the slogan of the demonstrators recently was to drive away the Harry Middot; Harris, who was sitting behind the wall and putting on the governor.The description of the Governor's posture here is very meaningful, indicating that many Korean people have regarded the US ambassador as the Korean Peninsula as a Japanese colonial era to master the Governor of Japan.This hat is not unparalleled for Uncle Sam, who has always mastered the destiny at home and abroad since the Korean War, is not appropriate, but it is used on the personal customization of Ambassador Harris.

This is because Ambassador Harris was born in Yokosuka, Japan. His father was a US soldier in Japan and his mother was Japanese. Therefore, Harris later became the first American Japanese who had been promoted to the Navy.As a Japanese ambassador to South Korea, according to the British BBC, Harris caused a large number of personal reasons for the dislike of a large number of Korean people. After his retirement from the Navy, his upper lip was left in the previous century.Almost all Japanese governors and colonial officials in the era of North Korea.

Here you may explain the ins and outs of this beard.Before World War II, the Japanese bearded was generally called Rendan beard because the advertisers of Japanese pharmaceutical Rendan who dumped at home and abroad had such a beard.Rendan was created by Chinese medicine when he enlisted in Taiwan after the Sino -Japanese War of the Sino -Japanese War and was enlisted in Taiwan. It is known as preventing all diseases.

Later, through the climax of Japanese militarism, he entered overseas, especially China and Nanyang.Rendan advertisements with Rendan's beard also appeared in Asia.According to a survey of modern scholars, on the eve of the Japanese invasion of China, a large number of Rindan advertisements appeared, becoming a secret note of the road signs of the Japanese army later.

As for the exact origin of Rendan's beard, there are different claims.One is the tradition of Japanese samurai, and more credible is that after the Meiji Restoration of Japan, it is unsatisfactory to imitate the product of the West. It is popular in the upper society, especially Japanese soldiers.

In recent years, the Japanese army -like beacon in the anti -Japanese drama popular in mainland China has been ugly.The standard Rendan beard covers the entire upper lip and present an eight -shaped type.Due to the international strength of Japan at that time, many Chinese who had experienced Japan also imitated, such as Sun Yat -sen, Chiang Kai -shek, Lu Xun and others.After the outbreak of the Anti -Japanese War, many Chinese soldiers resolutely shaved such a beard out of the anti -Japanese enemy.

For the Korean people, the Japanese colonial era, from the governor, the colonial officials at all levels of large and small colonial officials at all levels, and the experience of opposing the Korean people is a historical memory that cannot be erased.As a Japanese -descent Harris, he never raised a beard, but after retiring as the ambassador to Korea, he deliberately raised Rendan beard that the Japanese colonial officials in South Korea that year, which will naturally cause a strong response from Korean society, which will cause the poster to show up.The metaphor of the Governor's posture.

There are also important international political climate here.For example, I pointed out that during the negotiations of the Special Agreement (SMA) of the South Korean and American defense expenses, the Trump administration's lion opened a large number of annual fees that South Korea's annual fees that the US garrison had increased by more than five times, causing a strong rebound in South Korea.According to the South Korean Central Daily, the sixth round of negotiations held in Washington in mid -January still endlessly ended.

At the same time, South Korean President Moon Jae -in just published a new concept of South Korea -DPRK cooperation at a press conference, which immediately caused Harris to issue objections, saying that South Korea's plan to discuss with the United States must be discussed with the United States.Such high -pressure and intervention have strengthened the image of the governor of the colonial era of the American ambassador in the eyes of the Korean people.The profound historical complex is an important cultural characteristics of East Asia, including South Korea, and the US State Department, which hires a large number of Asian experts, will not be unfamiliar.However, the Trump administration, which relies on populism, is particularly disliked by elites from deep countries. The State Council is the hardest hit area of the White House.

Regardless of the historical emotions of the Korean people, the Trump administration dispatched a Japanese descent with Rindan beard as the ambassador to South Korea. He also pointed at Korean politics highly.It is reported that Beijing secretly hopes that Trump will win re -election this year, and it seems that it is not groundless.

(The author is engaged in scientific research in North America)