The new crown virus is undoubtedly the most nervous event in the past more than a month.This kind of pneumonia caused by the new coronary virus is found in Wuhan and most of the patients are called new coronary virus from Wuhan or to Wuhan.

The reason why people are nervous is because the new coronal virus is similar to SAS (atypical pneumonia, SARS) in 2003: it is caused by coronary virus.This article also reflects on the deep reasons behind it by observing the response strategy of Wuhan.

In 2003, Shas had affected dozens of countries. There were 5,327 patients in Chinese patients and 349 deaths; Singapore also had 206 infections and 34 people died.People's concerns are that if the new crown virus has the same lethality as Shas, and there is also no symptomatic drug, will it once again cause large -scale infection and bring disaster to China, neighboring countries and even the world?

In comprehensive news, people are inevitably full of doubts about the prevention and control of the new coronary virus.Since the first patient was diagnosed on December 8th, since January 7th, the primary primary was Coronary virus, and the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Wuhan Health Commission reported on January 14 that there was no evidence to show people.People who pass on the 19th finally barely said that they do not rule out the possibility of people, but the risk of continuing people is low, and it can be prevented and controlled.

It wasn't until the 20th of the Centralists to Wuhan that the respiratory disease expert Zhong Nanshan publicly stated that there are two cases of people in Guangdong, and the disease has just begun, and it is also at a climbing stage.Infection new coronal virus.The caliber changes and changes, and those who pay attention to the new crown virus must not taste when they see this information.

In terms of the number of infections, in the report before January 18, all new cases were 0 to 4, and as of the early morning of the 18th, the total number of cases was 45.The number of suspected cases in Hong Kong was more new than Wuhan.Many people find it incredible. Why is there no pressure in the source of the infectious disease. People in Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Japan and other places thousands of miles away have continued to explode cases?

Even after the second death case appeared on January 16, Wuhan's official statement on the 19th was still pretending to be easy, telling the world that the infectious power was not strong.As a result, the more paradoxical figures appeared. In the early morning of the 20th, the Wuhan Health Commission pointed out that a huge increase in the 18th and 19th, which increased by 59 and 77, respectively.Although there was an official explanation afterwards, it was because the emergence of the new detection kit allows people to test and diagnose in a short time, but people's questions still exist.

The first is why the official is always implying society: the disease is not terrible?From the beginning, it was said that there would be no people to pass on, to the limited people, and to the possibility of people who did not rule out people. Later, it was only for the first time that Zhong Nanshan made it clear that people would be passed on.If you can tell the world from the beginning that people will not rule out people, will the epidemic be better controlled in the early days?

Secondly, is Wuhan officially concealed the missed information?What is its motivation?When did 15 medical staff infected by the same patient happened?When did the two people in Guangdong discovered?Why did you not start testing the passenger until the 14th?Since you do n’t know about virus pathological and communication channels, how does the official conclude that the risk of risk is low?

The third question is whether the government takes into account the risk of the international community before deciding whether to disclose certain information?My observation is that whether it is WHO or the health department of Singapore, it is closely following the communiqué of Wuhan Health and Health Commission, and response measures are based on the information officially announced by Wuhan.If there is a leak in Wuhan, will Singapore and neighboring countries be artificially expanded?

Compared with the 2003 Shas, it is not difficult to find that Chinese officials are almost consistent with the strategy of responding to the new crown virus, that is, to control the epidemic by blocking messages.In the early days of Shas, due to the concealment of the government and hospitals, even to deceive the investigation commissioner sent by WHO to install the patient into an ambulance, or to transfer the patients to the hospitals that did not treat Shas.Dr. Jiang Yanyong was not exposed until the foreign media interviewed Dr. Jiang Yanyong.Because of the early concealment, a large number of patients and medical staff lacked protection awareness, and cases of cross -infection in patients and medical staff were very common.

Today, 17 years later, the situation is still the same.The photos circulating on the Internet show that many suspected patients come to seek medical treatment without a mask.In the final analysis, this is the consequences of the official hints that the public is not infected and the risk is low. It is difficult for patients and medical staff to form a sense of protection.If the official has been blocked and adopted a concealment strategy for WHO and its country, all countries will face great risks again.

Wuhan officially highlighted the government's two huge governance issues when notifying the epidemic.First, the information of public managers and citizens is asymmetric.The government was worried that the epidemic caused social panic and instability, so it was concealed as much as possible.As everyone knows, modern society is quite tough, and the real epidemic information does bring fear. However, it is this sense of fear that forces people to raise awareness of protection and take the initiative to delay or even eliminate virus infection.

Second, the information between the central government and the local government is asymmetric.In the context of the superior leadership of the lower -level personnel, the local governments are facing the pressure of huge stability and stability assessment.When the local government encounters a major epidemic or social problems, the local leaders first consider how to not be held accountable by superiors.When reporting information to the superiors, officials often choose to report to good news, and to prevent all other networks or media reports as much as possible to avoid letting superiors understand the local crisis.This approach greatly increases the cost of responding to crisis, and often brings risks to local people and even other countries.

(The author is a researcher at the Academy of Social Sciences of Singapore)

The article only represents personal point of view