China Times News Agency

Let the people stay away from warfire and settlement.Before the 1980s, the Civil War on the Communist Party of China caused the cross -strait separation, and the Taiwan Strait was shrouded in the shadow of the war.Fortunately, the two far -sighted politicians of Jiang Jingguo and Deng Xiaoping have created a miracle for the social and economic development of Chinese people on both sides of the strait. The method is very simple, that is, low -key pragmatism, hometown, and focus on development.

After democratization and direct election of the president, Taiwan has used strengthening self -identity to strive for votes to become political correct. Taiwan -faction politicians even provoke the mainland and create cross -strait opposition.As a result, Li Denghui triggered the crisis of the Taiwan Strait. Chen Shui -bian forced the mainland to formulate anti -division national laws. President Tsai Ing -wen's cross -strait route had changed from cold and peaceful and cold confrontation to tough confrontation. How to evolve in the future is worrying.Among the four elected presidents, Ma Ying -jeou established the two -strait peace institutional structure based on Mr. Jiang Jingguo as a thought, but President Ma suffered the most unbearable abuse of Taiwan.The path was swallowed by the anti -Chinese population of the sun flower overnight.

The DPP's anti -Chinese cards have tried it repeatedly. This election Cai Yingwen has set a record of 8.17 million votes. Frankly speaking, it is very hurt to cross -strait relations.Judging from the review of the opposition party after this election, the Zhongzhong became political correct, and the pro -China became a notorious shame. In the future, any future in Taiwan advocates cross -strait peaceful cooperation and integration of unified unification will gradually marginalize and foam.Worrying scene!

In 1979, the mainland told Taiwan's compatriots' hope for the hope of the Taiwan authorities and hoped to be in Taiwan compatriots, and they continued at the then eight o'clock and Hu Liu o'clock.In 2019, the five articles of Xi will not mention the hope of the hope in the Taiwan authorities for the first time, and only retain the statement that hopes in Taiwan compatriots. This is the major changes in the mainland's policy on Taiwan.However, once Taiwan independence has become the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan, Taiwan's internal advocates that peaceful and unified political forces will be suppressed and excluded. Will the mainland hope that the compatriots in Taiwan will be hoped?Obviously, when the mainland no longer hopes to promote the peaceful and unified process in Taiwan, it is the beginning of the countdown of martial arts.

What is Wu Tong?This is actually a rough concept that speaks and is benevolent.After all, the Chinese have bid farewell to the civil war for 70 years, and the form of the world war has also changed dramatically. Whether it is a military fans who want to grab the beach landing, beheaded attacks or fierce lane war, or the so -called Peiping model and Nanjing model thrown by mainland scholars, it is likely to leave from leaving.The actual situation is far apart, in fact, it is a talked about troops with a very angry paper.However, it is certain that once the military conflicts erupted on both sides of the strait, there must be a bleeding and death, the mainland economy will definitely retreat, and the Taiwan social structure must be completely collapsed.Don't talk.

In recent years, the China Times and Wangbao under the huge political pressure of anti -Chinese population inside Taiwan have advocated cross -strait relations roadmap with integration, peace and unity, and spirituality.On the one hand, it continues to remind Taiwanese society to face the reality of the rise of the mainland and its institutional advantages, and call on the people of Taiwan to participate in the process of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to oppose inciting the hostile emotions on both sides of the strait;With public opinion, effectively control the extreme remarks such as internal public opinion revenge and Wu Tong, and treat the political system and lifestyle that Taiwanese compatriots and their choices are used to treat them.

It is not only a means, but also the difference between logic and mentality.In fact, in terms of the current national strategy, comprehensive strength, and international environment of mainland China, Wu Tong seems to be just short pain, but the actual cost is so large that it has a large interruption and even destroying the national rejuvenation.Therefore, cross -strait relations will not really take the steps of martial arts in the short term.However, the conquest mentality behind Wu Tong is the greatest enemy of peace and unity.This conquest mentality also naturally produces spontaneous dislike and resistance in Taiwan society, which in turn forms a more serious vicious circle.Tsai Ing -wen's tough wording when he was interviewed by BBC reflected this.