Ming Pao News Agency

Wuhan's new -type coronary virus has spread, confirming that people can be passed on, and a total of 218 confirmed cases in the country have risen to 218. The Chinese President ... and the State Council Prime Minister Li Keqiang opened a cavity to strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic.The new virus gene map was announced a week ago, and various places have begun to use fast testing methods to check. Although it is one of the significant reasons for national cases in the past three days, there are various signs.At the source, some of the new diagnosis may only occur in the near future, which makes people pay attention to whether the virus spreads in the community, and the second wave of outbreak occurs.With the confirmation cases in Beijing and Shenzhen, there are suspected cases in many provinces. It is necessary for the central government to strengthen the intervention to ensure that local governments and relevant departments are stretched to be popular, and they should also strengthen their epidemic prevention and reporting.Hong Kong discovered a diagnosis case and prepared for cope.

Cases in Shenzhen

Hong Kong must strengthen the control

Wuhan New Year's Eve reported the pneumonia epidemic, which has been 3 weeks to date, and three people have died so far.Yesterday, the leader of the National Health and Health Commission's expert group confirmed that the neo -virus could be passed on. So far, 14 medical staff are known to be infected.Wuhan added 59 and 77 cases on Saturdays and Sundays, respectively, namely 136 cases in two days, and accumulated to 198 related cases.In addition, there have been confirmed cases in Beijing and Shenzhen. As for Shanghai, Sichuan, Yunnan, Shandong, and Guangxi, there are also suspected cases, and the epidemic has spread.Hong Kong and Wuhan have frequent exchanges, and there is only one river from Shenzhen. The virus is now approaching the house. The Hong Kong government must closely pay attention to the situation and strengthen the control of each port. If necessary, the scope of monitoring should be expanded.

Yesterday, CCTV News was mentioned. ... An important instructions on the epidemic of new coronary virus pneumonia are required to be required to put people's lives first, formulate a peri -secret plan, take practical measures, and resolutely curb the epidemic spreading momentum.; Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council also instructed to do its best to prevent and control, implement early discovery, early reports, early isolation, early treatment and centralized treatment measures.Xi and Li Kai's instructions issued instructions that the central government believed that the threat of the epidemic was expanding, and it was necessary to strengthen the resistance of resistance and prevent the worsening of the epidemic.

The mainland diagnosis of diagnosis has doubled within a few days. Some Hong Kong virus experts mentioned that one of the reasons was that the mainland broke the new virus gene map earlier.The son found more cases, and the WHO also said that strengthening the recruitment and testing of people with respiratory diseases is the cause of the rise in diagnosis numbers.However, it is worth noting that in the early days of Wuhan, a certain diagnosis case was recorded. The onset date was between December 8 and January 220, 2020. In contrast, the latest statement of the Wuhan authorities was a new diagnosis.The time before the 13th of this month, it means that some cases appeared new.

The toxicity of the new virus seems to be as strong as SARS, but this may also add difficulty to prevent the spread of epidemic.Some people were infected with viruses. Due to the failure of the first symptoms, they had not been alert to seek medical treatment in the early morning. They became invisible patients in the community and increased the risk of spreading viruses.According to the overseas diagnosis reported by Japan, Thailand, and South Korea, patients have not been to South China Seafood City, showing that there are more than one source of communication.The Global Infectious Disease Analysis Center of the Empires of London, based on the number of overseas diagnosis, the number of passenger numbers in Wuhan Airport, and the virus incubation period, use existing calculation models to speculate that the number of new virus infection in Wuhan in the Wuhan City is more than 1,700.Although the calculation cannot be accurate, the actual number of actual infected viruses may indeed be far more than the number of known people.

There are still many questions about the epidemic in Wuhan's new coronary virus. For example, it is not clear that the source of animals, the pathway and the latent period, etc., Xu Shichang, a Hong Kong virus expert, wrote a medical journal for medical and medical journals, and also mentioned that clinical data is quite lacking.One day failed to grasp the relevant information accurately, the effort will be more effective when epidemic prevention and resistance.In 2003, the SARS epidemic, mainland officials concealed cases and made people criticize; this time the epidemic situation, whether the mainland authorities handle properly, are naturally the focus of all parties.

So far, WTO has expressed satisfaction with the progress of the mainland's explanation of the epidemic. Jeremy Farrar, an expert in British infectious disease, also mentioned that after SARS, the mainland has greatly reformed the epidemic prevention mechanism., Tracking such a new type of virus is actually quite difficult.I do n’t know, of course, it does not mean to conceal it, but the mainland authorities have obviously lack of disadvantages to respond to this epidemic situation and information transparency.The latest statement about the medical infection of the virus in the Nanshan is obviously different from the previous statement of the Wuhan authorities.The latest discovery may also involve interference of other factors, which needs to be explained more information about the authorities.

New virus spread critical period

Central intervention in coordinating resistance

Guan Yi, an expert in infectious diseases in Hong Kong University, mentioned that the first case of the SARS epidemic was in the middle of November 2002, and the first super disseminator appeared at the end of January of the following year.SARS must pay close attention.At present, the first priority is to prevent super communications. At present, it is a critical period. Hong Kong must improve the prevention. The mainland must also strengthen the monitoring of cases and strengthen the outbreak of the epidemic.In order to strengthen the prevention and control work of the SARS epidemic, the central government was coordinated by the deputy prime minister Wu Yi to make a coordinated response to ensure that the measures were ordered to be popular and implemented in various places.If the new virus epidemic deteriorates, the central government should consider imitating the practices of the year and strengthen intervention.