Author: Du Zhenhua

Source: Zhongshi Electronics News

The presidential election finally ended. South Korea ’s Yu, who was scrolling in Taiwan’ s political territory, was unable to recreate history under the trapped internal and external interactions, leaving deep regrets for Korean fans.President Tsai Ing -wen has been helpful in the international situation, coupled with the successful situation of cultivating young people's anti -Chinese emotions for many years, even if the governing performance has not failed, it is still successful.This is democratic politics. Everyone accepts the results of the election. No matter what the future, we must do it.

However, while the public accepts the DPP, the economic cost that must be paid is huge: First of all, Beijing will certainly not be satisfied with such a result. In the future, it may be more tightened to Luke to Taiwan to deal with Taiwan to deal with Taiwan.Independent public opinion.In addition, the attempt of continuing to join the regional trade agreement to continue the cup of Taiwan has made Taiwan unable to make breakthroughs in international trade. The export trade momentum will shrink more in shape, resulting in more difficult economic growth.Third, it will continue to hollow out the internal talents of Taiwan with further measures to benefit Taiwan, so that more residents in Taiwan will gradually use mainland China as the main stronghold to weaken Taiwan's economic strength.In the end, it should be further blocked in Taiwan's international space, including continuing to dig away from my country's diplomatic relations, and further reduces the number of diplomatic relations, and even approaches zero.

However, the people of Taiwan's economic relations do not seem to pay much attention to these cross -strait economic relations; however, the economic problems within Taiwan itself are likely to continue to deteriorate under the Governance of the Tsai government.First of all, the polarization of industrial development.That is to say, the high -tech electronics industry continues to grow rapidly, but other industries have stagnated, because the information industry will not be affected by the lack of regional trade agreements and can continue to export to foreign countries.Agreement and unable to stagnate development in international competition.The consequences are the more serious bipoothing, and the industrial trade is more concentrated in the communications industry, but the Cai government does not think that the regional trade agreement is not needed, and it also leads to the power of non -high -tech electronics industry internationally internationally.

In fact, this is a very negative development of Taiwan, because in the future, 7 or 80 % of manufacturing workers who are not high -tech electronics will discover that their economy is getting worse and the low -level service industry that lacks the government's special care will not be weak.Development, in the case of unable to continue supporting Taiwan, will definitely flip political, and the policy will come again to form Taiwan's Latin Americanization -Taiwan's status internationally will be hesitant.

In order to avoid this vicious circle, the Tsai government needs to refer to the economic policy of South Korea ’s Yu people, betting more resources to the living industries faced by ordinary people, such as wholesale, retail, catering, logistics, night markets, massage, hairdressing and hairdressing, etc.Small and medium -sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry allow them to be more concerned about the government as the government, and promotes to attract more consumption vision with international standards. Even if the economy is weak rapidly, it can at least develop more balanced development.Overcoming the curse that does not suffer from widow, it will not create more social problems due to deterioration of income.

In any case, congratulations to President Cai's re -election, but the hard -working economy in the future should be more intelligent to overcome in order to not be assigned by voters.

(The author is an associate professor in the National Development Institute of National Taiwan University)