Ming Pao News Agency

The Hong Kong government announced the fiscal budget next month, and the society has a voice that requires all people to send money. Some political parties advocate 10,000 yuan for everyone.Hong Kong's economy is not optimistic, and it does not mean that the whole people's money is to save the city.The influence of anti -repair storms on economy, people's livelihood and employment is obviously different in different industries. The all -in -people money is a one -size -fits -all water violent irrigation measure. It is not the right medicine. It will also cause the situation of fat and water to other people's fields to weaken the stimulating economic effect.The complaints of anti -repair storms, and the deep -seated contradictions involved behind it, are unlikely to be resolved through money.The government should make good use of the trillion yuan reserves, accurately poverty alleviation and rescue, and handle deep -level contradictions, rather than welcoming the civilian to set up fireworks to burn money; now it costs 70 billion yuan to pay money, and it is not a wise manner.

The rescue of the people must be accurate

Big water fierce irrigation non -good recipes

In the recession of Hong Kong's economy, the government is expected to shrink 1.3%of the local GDP (GDP) in 2019, which is the first time in 10 years to record negative growth in the year.Although China and the United States are expected to officially sign the first phase of trade agreement next week, Brexit is also expected to be implemented at the end of this month. The unclear factors have decreased. However, the economic prospects of Hong Kong in the next year are still difficult to be optimistic.In terms of external aspects, the Sino -US trade conflict is still about the global economy. The specific implementation of the first phase of the agreement, as well as a more complex second -stage trade negotiation, and the branches at any time; internally, Hong Kong is still suffering from lower intensity violence.There are not rain and sky in retail and diet industries. Whether it will have a wave of graduation after the Spring Festival, which will cause unemployment to deteriorate and need to pay close attention.

Hong Kong's tax base is narrow, and the government rely on land sales revenue. Once the economy is trapped, the entrance of the warehouse must be seriously affected.Chen Maobo, the director of the Finance Department, has previously noted that this fiscal year will record deficits. It is the first time in 15 years. Looking forward to the next year, due to the decrease in government revenue, social service expenditures cannot be reduced. It is expected that deficits will also appear in the next fiscal year.

The economic cycle always has ups and downs. Even if the government's revenue and expenditure has been red for two consecutive years, it does not mean a structural deficit; the Basic Law stipulates that the SAR government must be quantified, and it is not equal to the short -term deficit.According to the authorities estimates, it is expected that the deficit will not be more than 80 billion yuan in this fiscal year, which is still lower than the GDP of 3%. From the perspective of international standards, it is acceptable.Hong Kong does not have monetary policy tools to stimulate the economy, and can only use fiscal policy tools to cope with the economic counter -cycle.Facing the economic backwind, Hong Kong has accumulated tens of trillions of fiscal reserves in the past few years. Now it is indeed when it is good for good use. A moderate deficit budget is necessary, but it does not mean that it can spend money.The economic benefits of the whole people have low economic benefits and small political effectiveness, which will only exacerbate wealth and redness. It is a decreasing strategy. The government should not consider it.

Since the anti -repair storm, many politicians have called on all people to send money or consumer coupons.The preparation of the fiscal budget is in full swing, and it is even more and more required to send money to support the people's grievances.Some people advocate that adult citizens will send 10,000 yuan, and some people think that the government is not important.

Theoretically, all people's money can stimulate the consumer market, but the cost of cost is not a wise.Many citizens have a pocket of 10,000 yuan. The first thing I want to do is travel to Hong Kong, spend money in other places, or buy new mobile phones, so that Apple and other multinational companies have more accounts; even if they send consumption consumptionCoupons cannot ensure a significant stimulating effect on local consumer city roads.In 2009, the Taiwanese government had sent consumer coupons to the whole people. However, after the incident, research proved that it was not effective for revitalizing the market. Many Taiwanese did not consume additional consumption.Many of the money is stored from time to time.

Every year, the fiscal budget is favored, and there are always people who are dissatisfied with many people here and less.Everyone who sent money on the surface can ensure that everyone has never lost its place. However, the truly and reasonable public fiscal policy should be depending on the needs of different classes and industries.All the money for the whole people will be allowed to flow to others in other people's fields. It is better to launch more industry revitalization measures and more accurate support for poverty alleviation support for the people.At present, the most dissatisfied with the government in society is not a grass -roots citizen who lives in life, but citizens and young people with the background of the middle class.The government will pay 10,000 yuan, which will not change their views, and it will only be exchanged for the question of spending money to buy people's hearts.

Make good use of financial reserves

Resolve deep contradictions

Hong Kong society has deep -seated contradictions and entanglement, from land and houses to the disparity between the rich and the poor. It is necessary to invest huge investment. The government should make good use of reserves and dismantle these problems.Recently, Chen Maobo said that in the face of the economic counter -cycle, the government will not reduce infrastructure and public service expenditures, and will also actively increase economic support for employment. However, it is also mentioned that international rating agencies are paying close attention to the situation in Hong Kong. The government needs to ensure stability in finance.Everyone pays 10,000 yuan, involving expenses as high as 60 billion to 70 billion yuan at any time. Together with the original government expenditure estimation, Cai Chi exceeds 100 billion yuan at any time.In order to prepare for the election, political parties and politicians are of course willing to generous taxpayer's call for money. However, the authorities must look at the long -term interests of Hong Kong and say no of populist pressure.