During my first trip to Chongqing last January, I took out a Chinese historical city I was carrying and purchased many years ago on the plane to re -understand the history of Chongqing.At that time, a question suddenly came with my heart: Chongqing, why is it called Chongqing?

Fortunately, this book answered my doubts.It turned out that Chongqing had a history of more than 2000 years. In ancient times, it was called Jiangzhou, Bazhou, Chuzhou, Yuzhou, and Gongzhou; referred to as Ba, Chongqing;There are many names since ancient times.

As for the name of Chongqing, it began in the Southern Song Dynasty and has been in 830 years.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhao Yan, the third son of Song Xiaosong, first served as King Gongzhou in his own place, and later inherited the throne under the Zongzong Zen position and became Song Guangzong.To this end, Gongzhou was upgraded to the Chongqing Mansion in the 16th year of Song Xiaozong Chunxi (1189), and took the meaning of double festivals.

Some people also explained that when Emperor Guangzong was in the throne, Emperor Taishang and Emperor Taishang were here.The double celebration that means beautiful, left a deep impression in my mind.

Before the formal place to Chongqing, the most common thing I did in Singapore was to ask relatives, friends and colleagues around me: Do you know why Chongqing is called lsquo; Chongqing rsquo;But the receiving reply was either shrugging or a blank face.

Therefore, I decided to take the name of this early column as a dual festive. I hope that the next writing will help Singaporean readers better and more to know Chongqing, not just thinking that it is a place for beauty and spicy hot pot.

In mid -April last year, I went to Chongqing to start my first overseas work.So far, in this city that does not ask the east, south, south, and only on the uphill and downhill, work and life for nearly eight months. It is said that it is not long and short.During the period, I experienced 43 degrees Celsius in the hot summer, and the bone cold winter of 6 degrees. The temperature was high and low in the season, and the weather changed to face.

Chongqing is definitely a distinctive and individual city.Whether it is landscape landforms, special buildings, or night views, it is a must, and the city of influencers is deserved.In my opinion, Chongqing still shows a double festive weather to this day.

One of the festivals is that Chongqing has stabilized in politics in recent years. At the same time, it is actively developing economic transformation, making the old industrial city transform into a smart city.The local economy continued to improve in the second half of last year, and the upward trend of GDP growth was further consolidated.

Driven by the China -Singapore (Chongqing) strategic interconnection demonstration project, and the latest announcement of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle, the newly announced Chengdu -Chongqing region, Chongqing has become part of China's fourth pole in China.At the same time, Chongqing, as the China -Singapore Chongqing Project Operation Center, is also a connection point for the Belt and Road and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. It is expected that the pace of integration with globalization will continue to accelerate.

The two of the festivals are the local people's hearts that have highlighted from two incidents in the past eight months.

Chongqing's traffic congestion is world -renowned. In the first half of last year, it was the first in the Chinese blockbuster list in China.As a result, during the 11th Golden Week last year, Chongqing officially sent mobile phone text messages to the public, and called for them to travel to the peaks and leave more space to foreign tourists who poured into Chongqing.

At that time, the people of Chongqing were unexpected at the time and responded to the official pet tourists. They stayed at home spontaneously during the holidays, showing the evidence of going out online, showing the overall situation, and winning the praise of Chinese netizens:Chongqing is really the most pet tourist city in the country. You can make a city for you. Such humanized cities are only Chongqing.

Then it was a fire that occurred on New Year's Day this year.After the fire in a residential house in California Garden in Yubei District, the fire was extended from the second balcony to the top of the top floor to the top 30 balcony to burn the evening of Chongqing. Fortunately, no casualties were caused.

On -site videos showed that when the fire occurred, the fire truck to the fire was blocked by the isolated pile and parked car.Dozens of people then shouted the slogan, and they lift up a white car with a blocking road, giving the fire truck.After the video, it was reposted a lot on the Chinese network, and the spontaneity of the people was generally affirmed.

On the basis of stable economy and the hearts of the people, I believe Chongqing will be able to develop longer development in the future.

As for my personal dual festive?In addition to being able to do what I love in Chongqing, MDASH; mdash; get to know and observe China at a close range, and also look forward to sharing what I have seen and heard with you during the period of staying in Chongqing.