Ming Pao News Agency

There are 27 cases of unknown pneumonia in Wuhan, which evokes the SARS memories of many Hong Kong people. The officials and the people are alert and adopt a reasonable synergy alert.Control the work.The SARS epidemic distance is nearly 17 years, and there have been many changes in the development of science and technology in mainland China, Hong Kong and even science and technology.Experts from Hong Kong infectious diseases said that the prevention and control mechanism of infectious diseases in the mainland and Hong Kong has improved in the past 10 years.This time, the prevention and control performance of the mainland will have an important impact on establishing external confidence and trust. The mainland authorities should explain the epidemic situation faster and more transparent to prevent rumors. Today, social media prevails, and fake news is faster than virus spread. The public must also be alert to rumors.Speak, avoid over -reaction of cup bow snake shadow.

Wuhan burst into pneumonia

Probble SARS Memory

On December 30, the Wuhan Municipal Health and Health Committee issued an emergency notice that mentioned that a local seafood market found unknown cause of pneumonia, and instructed the relevant medical institutions to immediately check whether there were suspicious cases.Will it be a SARS with a high fatal rate and can be passed on.The next morning, the expert group of the National Health and Health Commission arrived in Wuhan to start verification. The Wuhan Health Committee reported on the same day that the preliminary test showed that the case was viral pneumonia. It was known that there were 27 diseases. Among themEssenceAuthorities have stated that the pathogen and infection are being investigated, and the seafood market involved has been closed and cleaned.

In 2003, the SARS epidemic plunged Hong Kong, causing 299 people to die, and the deep mark was branded in society.The case of pneumonia that appeared in Wuhan this time has no evidence for the time being showed by the coronary virus similar to SARS. However, the specific pathogen, infection pathway, and whether they can pass on to others are yet to be found.Although Hong Kong has not found unknown causes related to Wuhan so far, many Hong Kong people still have the shadow of SARS deep in the hearts of Hong Kong people. Hong Kong and Wuhan have frequent transportation. Hong Kong people are uneasy about pneumonia.Pay close attention to the latest situation and strengthen epidemic prevention work.

In terms of peace, the reaction of the Hong Kong government in the past few days is quite rapid. After the new crown virus news was confirmed on New Year's Eve, the Hong Kong government held an expert meeting on the same day to decide to strengthen the prevention and control strategy.Suspicious cases must be treated with institutional treatment.Yesterday, the government announced that the monitoring figures were announced every day, and it also helped to respond to social attention.But having said that, Wuhan, which broke the case this time, is the focus. The Hong Kong government must communicate closely with the mainland authorities to ensure that the notification is timely to accurately grasp the latest epidemic.

There are local officials in the mainland of SARS to conceal the epidemic, which is an important reason for the outbreak of the epidemic.With a painful lesson of SARS, the mainland has made a lot of efforts in the past 10 years in terms of epidemic prevention. In addition to investing a lot of resources to improve the medical system, many regulations have also been launched to strengthen the supervision of epidemic prevention and anti -epidemic.Ten years of personnel new personnel, Yuan Guoyong, professor of infectious disease lectures at the University of Hong Kong Medical College, said that the current infectious disease prevention and control mechanism in mainland China and Hong Kong has been greatly improved compared with 2003.Guan Yi, another University of Hong Kong, also pointed out that Wuhan's medical technology is developed, and the risk of unknown pneumonia explosion is relatively low.Essence

Mainland should improve transparency

Excessive reaction of rumors

Looking back at the lessons of more than 10 years, in 2009, the pig flow felt the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) a few years ago, and the mainland authorities handle human fatal disease.The raging shows that in rural areas, the situation of concealment of the leakage of the epidemic still exists.There is still a bad impression in the outside world. In order to soothe the hearts of the mainland, in order to soothe the hearts, the mainland officials often have a light description of the epidemic, or even the news of the external blockade. This time in Wuhan, if the mainland authorities are properly handled, it will help the outside world to build confidence in confidence.The mainland has not yet held a press conference on the epidemic, and only rely on official media to issue news.Mainland authorities should improve transparency, and more frequently explain the epidemic and update information in order to open up Chenggong.

Today, the epidemic prevention capacity of Hong Kong and the mainland is undoubtedly stronger than 17 years ago. However, it must be pointed out that there is no social media in the world in 2003, and the spread of rumors is far slower than now;Ability may be stronger than the virus. From time to time, the online rumors are filled with institutional people's hearts. The authorities need to actively rumors. In addition to paying attention to the epidemic, the public must also be sober to avoid too easy to believe that some half -real and half -fake news and over -react.

For example, recently social media has widely circulated Hong Kong Post's suspension of Wuhan's special express delivery service, which seems to be related to the explosion of Wuhan. However, when Hong Kong Post announced on the grounds of aviation transportation arrangements, there was no news on the mainland when the relevant decision was announced on Ping An Night;If the authorities really stop the service because of the explosion, there is no reason to stop the express delivery.The development of the epidemic in Wuhan needs to pay close attention. At the same time, all walks of life in Hong Kong should also remember the lessons of excessive pig influenza reactions at that time. The work of epidemic prevention needs to see the trend of the epidemic and ensure the proportion of reasonable integration.contacts.