Sing Tao Daily News Agency China and Russia and Iran held a joint military exercise code -named maritime seat belt in the Oman Bay and the Indian Ocean. Although claiming the tension of the current area, there is still an objective effect of color to the United States.China's performance is relatively low -key and restrained, avoiding being too opposite to the United States.

In the former President Obama, the United States signed an agreement with China, Britain, France, Russia, Germany and Iran to relax the sanctions to induce Iran not to develop nuclear weapons for the time being.After coming to power, the agreement was unilaterally exited, and sanctions against Iran were strengthened, and the Iranian economy was created.

In May and June of this year, several merchant ships such as transport tankers occurred in this area, and there were no drones attacking Saudi Arabia oil refining facilities.Shooting, according to Western media reports, Trump has approved the US military to attack Iran's revenge. The fighter has been launched, and the warship has been in place. At the last moment, he decided to cancel the attack.

This time, the military exercise waters Aman Bay, connecting the Holmus Strait, 30 % of the world's oil must be exported from the Middle East to various places through this strait.Essence

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The situation of the Persian Bay is tight, and all countries must maintain their own merchant ship's safety and interests. In the United States, the United States had previously targeted Iran to protect the allies of the Holmz Strait.They sent warships to escort, and Japan also decided to take the opportunity to move the Self -Defense Force to escort this area for the first time. China ’s strengthening military arrangements in this area are the general trend.

China and Russia have always been an important force to assist Iran to break through US sanctions.For the first time since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, it shows that in addition to the friendship between diplomacy and economy and trade, the three countries have also become closely military.In the back, the nuclear -powered aircraft carrier Trumon was immediately monitored in the nearby waters.

China, Russia, and Iraqi avoid excessively stimulating over the United States and other countries in Persia.When the Iranian military announced the news two days before the exercise, describing the exercise aimed at promoting international trade security in strategic areas; the Russian ambassador to Iranian ambassadors practiced to crack down on terrorism and pirate activities;Xining, a new type of destroyer traveled near the area near the area, participated in the exercise.

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In fact, the United States also conducted a large -scale joint military exercise called IMX19 last month in the United States. China is one of the 50 participating countries.Last month, China also carried out a three -week -old blue sword MDash with Iran's Saudi Arabia; the first joint exercise of the first naval special forces in 2019 shows that China does not intend to help any party in the Persian Gulf dispute to maintain a balance of interests.

A month ago, China and Russia also held a maritime exercise with South Africa for the first time. The United States seemed to be restless for these military cooperation. Not long ago, the US National Defense Authorization case that the United States passed the 2020 fiscal annual defense was used as the largest military threat of the United States.Russia has become second and includes a number of provisions that support Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xinjiang.The Chinese Ministry of Defense spokesman returned high -profile a few days ago, saying that the United States' criticism of the Chinese military as a thief was called a thief, describing the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea should be called a navigation hegemony.Two injuries.China still insists on fighting the United States without breaking the strategy. Whether the relationship between the two sides will break the situation depends on how strong the United States' Cold War thinking and my consciousness of only my respect.