Ming Pao News Agency

Anti -repair storm caused Hong Kong's administrative legislative relationship to the freezing point. Democrats comprehensively competed the government in the Legislative Council, and the Internal Affairs Committee was paralyzed.The university's funding has strong opinions.At present, Hong Kong is severely torn and the political confrontation is sharp. It is expected that the government and different camps can cooperate in the parliament.Wild force field.Hong Kong has fallen into a state of stagnation in many aspects. It will be in the lowest operating state for a long time. It will accelerate Hong Kong's dry and dry. Members should not forget to be the early minds of the people.Essence

Fan Democratic Party Tongjie Different

The stalemate will continue

The anti -repair storm is endless, the people are dissatisfied with the government's emotions, the streets are full of smoke, and the parliament is full of gunpowder.Pan -people has a strong posture to the government. The most commonly appeared picture at the meeting is to formulate the disgusting words of the Pan -people's factions.Since the re -resumption of the Legislative Council in October, it has been in the lowest operating state.Earlier this year, the government's application for salary increase appropriation application. Due to the salary increase involved in the police, democratic factions strongly opposed it and demanded spin -off.It was drawn from the labor team and said that more time was needed to explain. People in politics believed that things were related to the performance of universities in the anti -repair storm in some institutional members.Even if there is no controversial measures, such as the government's 20 billion yuan bailout appropriations, such as the government in August, it will not be approved by the Finance Committee until the beginning of this month.

The Legislative Council amended the rules of the discussion two years ago to restrict Labo. However, reality proves that there are always many methods to hinder the operation of parliament.In the past two months, after nine special meetings of the Legislative Council's Internal Affairs Committee, Zheng and Deputy Chairman have not yet been elected.The establishment of the institutionalists hopes to win the internal and associated vice chairman, and more than 20 democratic schools will mobilize all the election chairman to challenge Li Huiqiong, the chairman of the DAB of the DPP.The two camps are constantly tugging, and each has its own calculations.The Pan -people decided to use the Legislative Council as a fighting platform, and believes that the current people's conditions do not pay much attention to whether the Legislative Council is paralyzed;Elections are not very anxious about the ending of the inner meeting.When will the inside be selected and the vice chairman can only be selected and the vice chairman can only look at the sky.

The main functions of the internal meeting, including determining whether to review the establishment committee of some bills, is an important stepstone in legislative procedures, which will seriously affect the bill review work.The government said that the interior suspension caused a number of bills to fail to submit it to the bill committee for consideration, or to submit the Legislative Council to restore the second reading debate.In addition, more than 10 government plans to submit the Legislative Council's bill, including improving the safety of the building, the statutory maternity leave from 10 weeks to 14 weeks, etc., which is also affected.If these bills cannot be reviewed and approved before the end of the Legislative Council in July next year, the relevant bills will be invalid, and the new Legislative Council will come from scratch.

Since the anti -repair storm, politics has become the main theme of the society. It has not seen that many people are concerned about people's livelihood issues.Taking the extension of the legal salary leave as an example, there is no controversy with the relevant measures. The bill is passed as soon as possible, and the mother can benefit early.According to the authorities arranged, if the bill can be passed in this session period, it is expected to be fully implemented in 2021. If it fails to pass it in time, I don't know how long it will take to implement it.Another example is a vacant tax.Insufficient house supply in Hong Kong, vacant taxes for first -hand buildings can help prevent accumulation, which is a good thing for interested owners.The vacant tax was proposed at the beginning of last year that it will not be able to implement it for two years, and it will still not be implemented.

The Legislative Council is of course a place to express political stance and demands. However, this is not the only role function of the Legislative Council. Many economic and people's livelihood affairs are related to the overall social welfare.Some people may think that such as extending legal maternity leave and other measures, even if it is launching a few years later, it is not related, but for many women who plan to give birth, it is very important to extend legal maternity leave.Some people's livelihood measures often seem to be too conspicuous alone, and delaying the launch of it does not seem to make people call pain. However, improving people's livelihood depends on the accumulation of little bit and step by step.

Avoid stagnation of dry yin in Hong Kong

Government and political parties have responsibilities

Since the anti -repair storm, Hong Kong has fallen into stagnation in many aspects of the stagnation. From the deep -seated contradictions such as land and houses, to cancel the practical work such as hedging strong gold, and even simple, such as extending statutory maternity leave, it seems difficult to do.The processing is continuously dragging. In the long run, Hong Kong will gradually work, and the government and different parties have the responsibility to avoid stir -fry.Members should not forget the original intention of the people, avoid generalization of everything, and let some measures that should not be controversial and allocated as soon as possible as soon as possible. As for the government, they should also interpret goodwill and try to communicate with different parties.Zhi or Mi Peak publicly shouted.