Lin Zhanting [email protected]

Beijing Special Commissioner

Although US President Trump is facing an impeachment crisis, many Chinese scholars predict that Trump's re -election next year is very high, which is beneficial to China.Some scholars also suggested that China should give Trump some sweetness in trade negotiations to help him re -election.

Game in China and the United States: Will there be an inflection point?At the forum, Professor Qiao Liang, a professor at the Chinese National Defense University, pointed out that if the Democratic Party of the United States will not get a harder trick during the impeachment process, Trump is likely to be re -elected next year, which will be beneficial to China.

He said: Trump is definitely not a good person to China, but he is also a bad person for the United States.He is not good for the United States to be good to China. We would rather be elected.Qiao Liang also suggested that China should give Trump some sweets in trade negotiations to help him re -election.

Zhang Shuhua, director of the Institute of Political Science of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, admits that I still prefer Trump in my heart.The reason is that he is true, better than the old -fashioned democratic party member.

Trump's re -election allows Sino -US trade negotiations to be continuous

Some Chinese public opinion believes that compared to a new Democratic President with uncertainty, Trump's re -election allows Sino -US trade negotiations to be continuous and play a stable role in the next development of Sino -US relations.

However, He Weiwen, the economic and business counselor of the former Chinese and New York Consulate General, is also vigilant on the forum. Whether it is the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, we will desperately suppress China in the process of fighting for the presidential seat. We should not hold fantasy.

Qiao Liang further reminded that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have torn the United States. Such tear will also affect China. When China cannot rule out the Americans cannot fight in their own, they need to transfer contradictions.

China and the United States announced on the 13th of this month to reach the first stage of trade agreement. Wei Jianguo, the vice chairman of the China International Economic Exchange Center, was optimistic that Sino -US relations in the next two to three years were like haze, local rain, and gradually refreshing.He believes that the United States is looking for a way to work with the Chinese system. No matter what purpose and judgment comes from, language is from confrontation to dialogue.