Author: Zhang Deng and

Since the start of the US -China trade war, the most hot topic in the world is the new cold war.Generally, the popular opinion also believes that if the new Cold War is true, the main reason is that emerging power such as China and Russia challenge the status quo and order.This challenge is not limited to the rise of economic rise and S-400 air-raid missiles, and the aircraft carrier in Shandong, but also infiltrate Western society, mislead international public opinion, and affect democratic elections because China and Russia have distributed fake news.Therefore, the New Cold War will be the unity of the free democratic camp with similar ideas to fight against the authoritarian camp.

Progressive clubs in various countries used to laugh at the nostalgia of growth and order in the cold war era. I did not expect that the nostalgia of the local re -engraved Cold War today is more attractive in the free camp in the above imagination.It is said that it is a local repetition, because if there is a new cold war, China, Russia and other countries will no longer be iron plates, and they will not be stupid enough to use alliances to replace companionships to provoke encirclement; more importantly, Trump and Johnson's leaders willReplace Truman, Kennedy.As a result, the free international order elements that emerged during the Cold War, such as emphasizing the diversified democratic politics, and the expansion of free trade with the diversification of individualism and political diversification, and will be absent from the New Cold War.

The EU East expansion is a masterpiece of free international order in the direction of Russia after the end of the Cold War. Bohai and Eastern European countries are a new front line for freedom.However, under the Middle East War, refugee crisis, economic recession, and the United States, the European Union is incomparable to disintegrate.The forces of anti -integration, anti -diversification, and anti -free trade have risen from East and Western European locations. Instead, this is Russia's penetration or China -Eastern Europe 16+1 plan to disrupt.Steve Bannon) promotes cross -Atlantic rights cooperation, which is more powerful.In addition to Johnson's winning election, Brexit has made Brexit, and the Scottish National Party, which has anti -Brexit, will set off Britain in Scotland.Poland's ruling law and the Justice Party's pretext of anti -communist cleaning judges also made the Polish Supreme Court warning that Poland would also be separated from the European Union.The EU, a model of free international order, is crumbling, and NATO, which is favored by the United States, will not serve diversified and free trade.

Russia and China have penetrated European rumors. The democratic version and defense pillar of the United States in the New Cold War in Asia have been confirmed that a company has infiltrated Europe with fake news and zombie websites.Studies in the EU Disinfo Lab, located in the Belgian professional Organization of the EU Disinfo Lab, found that at least there are nearly 260 fake news websites across 65 countries, and some disguised them from Russia.The common point of public opinion is that when reprinting the US and Russian news on the fake newspaper website, Anjie criticized Pakistan's audio and video and news.These news networks use the long -closed European media names to increase their credibility, and even send journalist activities in this name, which may be much clever than that China and Russia have accused the National Democratic Fund.

However, because of the strategic need to help India to help India to block China, although the US and European liberal media have also reported the Indian citizen law who has caused more death and injury than Hong Kong, the People's Party, which has a strong nationalist color, still sympathize with more sympathy.EssenceA few days ago, the Supreme Court of India ruled that the Land of the Papul Mosque, which was demolished by the 16th -century Mengwu Empire, which was demolished by Hinduists, was placed under the Hindu Organization.Visit.The school claims that this move is to maintain national dignity. There is no speech and Islam, which has caused major local controversy and criticism of the National University of the National University.However, it is believed that this will be like New Delhi abolished the struggle caused by the two systems and two systems of Kashmir, and it will soon fade out of the news.

Prime Minister Johnson in the United Kingdom defeated Labor Party, which claims to have aggressive reforms such as rich people's taxes, part of the state -ownedization, and industrial democracy in the public.The two senators of the Democratic Party leader and Sanders have similar radical reform claims. It seems that the governor and the members of the members of the 2018 years will defeat Trump, who is seeking re -election in 2020Now I am afraid that I am worried about the influence of the continuity of the English and the United States.

In this process that may strengthen the new cold war of the East and West, it seems that the so -called Chinese and Russian power strength is useless.The biggest motivation for the conservativeness of the United States and Europe is from the local area, which will have three major impacts: the pursuit of the innocence of its own society, the non -free democracy that is not concerned about the rise of the world, and the adventure conflict and super transactions that may be supreme.

No matter what, if these trends are realized, the new Cold War will be very different from the Cold War.Freedom international order is probably just the sound of sound, and its spirit will exit.

(The author is a professor at the Department of Political Science, the National Taiwan University)