Lan Yunzhou Report

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Ya'an not only hopes not to choose a border station between China and the United States, but also hopes that large countries such as China and the United States will participate in the regional affairs.With the changes in the regional situation in the past few decades, the soft power and foreign policies projected in the region must also be considered into consideration.

Dr. Huang Yonghong, the Minister of Defense, who visited California, USA on the afternoon of the 7th (Singapore time on the morning of the 8th) at the 7th Ridan Defense Forum on the 7th of the West Coast Time in the United States.The image of external projection depends not only on the ambitions of the country, but also to the environment and opponents.

In the 1960s, the de -colonization movement was taken as an example. Many newly established countries were anxious to participate in the global economic system that could not participate during the colonial rule. The soft power projected by the United States at that time played an important role.

Huang Yonghong said: President Kennedy promised in his inaugural speech that after a form of colonial rule disappeared, he replaced it with another more cruel tyranny.That discussion captured the spirit of the times at the time.

The international trade standards formulated by the United States and Western allies at that time have successfully enhanced the global economy. Nowadays, Asia's Daan has also developed to 640 million people with a population of US $ 2800 billion (about S $ 38 billion).In this sense, this foreign policy in the United States has achieved great achievements.

The United States cannot handle relations with China in the past

However, the time environment has changed, and the United States cannot fully deal with the relationship with China in the 1960s and 1970s.Huang Yonghong took the performance of various economies from the 1980s to the beginning of the century as an example. It refers to the poor economy of the United States and the European Union, and the economy of Asia relied on China's economy.

If from the perspective of the Asianan country, it can be said that they want to fight for all the best interests, and their economic engines are also driven by the United States, China and the European Union.China is currently in almost all Asianan countries, as well as the largest trading partner in Australia and New Zealand, HelloP; hellip; what strategies to adopt core or foreign policies in the United States, whether it is soft power or foreign policy.Essence

The cooperation relationship between the United States and regional countries and the degree of participation of regional affairs have changed in recent years.Huang Yonghong pointed out that the United States not only did not seem vague, but instead strengthened the attention of the region.Whether it is the number of warships sent to the region, enhance the specifications of the Indian Pacific Command, or military agreements with the region, the United States regards this area as an important combat zone.

However, in terms of economic and trade cooperation and value system, the United States has shown uncertainty.

Huang Yonghong participated in one of the forums entitled to cooperate with allies and partners to promote the US defense dialogue. Other speakers include Swedish Minister of Defense Peter Hultqvist, and two US Deputy Minister of Defense, the US Department of Defense,John Rood and Michele Flournoy.

When it comes to the importance of the United States to participate in the regional affairs, Huang Yonghong traced the reasons for Singapore to sign a memorandum of understanding the memorandum of understanding of defense cooperation with the United States in 1990 in 1990.Li Guangyao pointed out at the time that the participation of the United States' participation in East Asian affairs will help the international law and regional order of the regional region. Without the existence of the United States as an economic and military power, Asia will not be able to realize the vision of peace to improve people's well -being in cooperation and competition.

When Huang Yonghong further explained the common place of Xinmei, he also said that the two countries have established a solid and mutually beneficial defense relationship because of the concept of openness, the belief of free trade and the rule of law, and the determination to deal with transnational challenges.