Source: Hong Kong 01

Hong Kong Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e attended the National Constitution Day Symposium on Wednesday (4th), and once again stated that it was necessary to improve the relevant systems and mechanisms implemented by the SAR Constitution and Basic Law according to the requirements of LSquo; one country, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems, two systems.There is no doubt that one country, two systems are the most critical and most concepts of Hong Kong politics.The central government recently stated frequently that Hong Kong's implementation of one country, two systems, and two systems must be improved.After half a year of social turmoil, people who believe that no matter what kind of political stance, they will acknowledge that one country and two are the diseases.Those who support demonstrations believe that the central government is interfering in Hong Kong affairs, and one country, two systems, and two systems are survived; those who oppose demonstrations believe that one country, two systems, and the Hong Kong government are unable to manage, and some even require one country and one system.Unfortunately, although everyone has been hanging on one country, two systems, obviously has not regarded it as a systematic concept. People with different political stances take their own needs and distort them at will.For Hong Kong politics, the next major task is probably the specific connotation of clarifying the concept of one country, two systems.

For the fundamental understanding of one country, two systems, Hong Kong 01 has always emphasized that it must not only talk about two systems, not to say one country.President of 2017 ... When attending the new government inauguration in Hong Kong, it was stated that Hong Kong must grasp the relationship between one country and the two systems, lsquo; one country rsquo;It is Ben, Benkori can be glorious.In terms of level, Hong Kong is a special administrative division that belongs to the central government, and is directly responsible to the central government. It is impossible to completely interfere with each other.China has the sovereignty of Hong Kong and has also derived the lectures of comprehensive governance. It should not be regarded as a rejection with the high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong. In fact, Hong Kong's prerequisite to have a high degree of autonomy is to be authorized. Who granted this power?Obviously it can only be the central government.In terms of constitutional system, the Basic Law of Hong Kong is a national legal document derived from the Chinese Constitution. In terms of the constitutional order, the basic law cannot be placed on the same way with the Chinese constitution, let alone overwhelm it.

Moreover, one country and the two systems are not just who are the problem, but also the problem of compatibility.Only one country principle is respected, can the two system be implemented smoothly.Some people describe this split -type interpretation of one country, two systems as the independent Hong Kong idea.The so -called independent Hong Kong is not the pursuit of Hong Kong's independence of Hong Kong, but the pursuit of Hong Kong as a political entity and completely interfere with the Chinese government. This kind of desperate discussion is ridiculous.Regardless of whether it is a pan -people or formulation, many Hong Kong people used to understand this independent Hong Kong thought when they understood the one country, two systems.However, this is obviously not the original intention of the design of one country, two systems, or the mainstream understanding of Hong Kong when the return of Hong Kong.In the past two systems, the existence of the two systems did not have a huge conflict with a country, so it was nothing to do with each other from the central government, and to Hong Kong, and even rarely discussed the importance of a country;Become a conflict between the two systems and one country, put the interests of Hong Kong on the opposite of the national interests, and even rose up the idea of Hong Kong's independence.

We must recognize that the independence of Hong Kong or not talking about one country is not the way out of Hong Kong, and there is no possibility of existence.On the other hand, Hong Kong shoulders the huge mission of practicing one country, two systems, and hoping to cancel the SAR. The implementation of one country and one system does not meet the interests of Hong Kong and the country.Only the correct implementation of one country, two systems is the way to Hong Kong.

One country, two systems are not unchanged

When it comes to one country, two systems, there are the above inevitable parts, but there are actually flexible parts.It is not an unchanged system, and there is actually a lot of room for play.In fact, there are two sets of Mdash in one country and two systems in one country at the moment; MDASH; Hong Kong's two systems, two systems and two systems and two systems in Macau. The name and spirit are the same, but the connotation is not exactly the same.Depending on the actual situation.In this understanding, Jianji will have a statement of one country, two systems.

The one -country and two systems in Macau have obvious success in respect for the country's national consciousness, but this depends on its unique colonial experience, political culture, and socio -economic structure. Therefore, the central government has also adjusted it when designing the Macau and two systems in Macau.For example, the Macau Basic Law Drafting Commission was established later than Hong Kong, and the composition of the Macau Basic Law also largely refer to the Basic Law of Hong Kong, but the two are not exactly the same.In the Macau Basic Law, no Article 45 of the Hong Kong Basic Law mentioned that the Chief Executive was eventually selected by a widely representative nomination committee after nominated by democratic procedures. This is considering the situation of Macau.No dissatisfaction.

However, as the 01 point of view pointed out that the successful experience of one country and two systems in Macau cannot be copied to Hong Kong, and Hong Kong must have one country, two systems suitable for Hong Kong.For example, the Macau is the Basic Law of Article 23 of the Basic Law, although the 2003 Hong Kong's opposition wave was delayed, Macau launched legislative work in 2008, and successfully legislated in the following year without much obstacles.Conversely, after Hong Kong experienced the 2003 June 1 parade, 23 articles were considered the restricted area and have not restarted legislative procedures for many years.To re -legislate, the government must spend more time here to interpret and create reasonable discussion space. The legislative details must not only consider how to ensure national security, but also take into account the reasonable concerns of Hong Kong society.Therefore, even if Hong Kong is a legislation, its connotation and process cannot be simply solved like Macau.

Taking the general election as an example, the method of general selection of the Hong Kong Chief Executive must be formulated in accordance with the Basic Law and the State's framework, which is part of the constitutional ethics.For example, the extensive representative nomination committee existed in the Basic Law, and the requirements of the Nomination Committee for Hard Bank of the Nomination Committee were violating the Basic Law.However, the space within the framework can actually be played. Although the 8.31 decision designated the composition of the nomination committee, in fact, in fact, according to the actual situation of the Hong Kong government, in accordance with the extensive representative principles, the central government strives to be the nomination committee as the nomination committee.The number and composition methods are revised to make it better connect with the political consensus with Hong Kong society.

What's more, the central government hopes to use one country, two systems as a unified Taiwan plan, and one country and two systems implemented in Taiwan.For example, Taiwan has now implemented a system of general election presidents. If there is one country, two systems in Taiwan, it is impossible to change its system, including the cancellation of the administrative Chief Executive of Taiwan.Considering that one country, two systems are a long -term system, Hong Kong people should understand that correctly and comprehensively understanding the connotation and relationship between the country and the two systems can be opened, and it is also a pragmatic way for Hong Kong to develop.